from typing import List
from self_defined_modules.robot_class import Cube_obstacle, Joint_point
from math import pi
import random
import numpy.linalg as lg
from self_defined_modules.ur5_collision_check import ur5_collision_check
class RRT():
def __init__(self, start:Joint_point,goal:Joint_point, cube_obstacle:Cube_obstacle, joint_limit_angle:List[Joint_point], num_iterations:int, plan_area = [Joint_point([-pi]*6), Joint_point([pi]*6)]) -> None:
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.cube_obstacle = cube_obstacle
self.joint_limit_angle = joint_limit_angle
self.plan_area = plan_area
#Set the step length
self.step_length = 5*pi/180
#Set the possibility of set the goal as new joint point
self.set_goal = 0.1
#Store the joint_point
self.joint_point_list = [self.start]
#Set the number of iterations
self.num_iterations = num_iterations
def generate_new_joint_point(self) -> Joint_point:
theta1 = random.uniform(self.plan_area[0].theta[0], self.plan_area[1].theta[0])
theta2 = random.uniform(self.plan_area[0].theta[1], self.plan_area[1].theta[1])
theta3 = random.uniform(self.plan_area[0].theta[2], self.plan_area[1].theta[2])
theta4 = random.uniform(self.plan_area[0].theta[3], self.plan_area[1].theta[3])
theta5 = random.uniform(self.plan_area[0].theta[4], self.plan_area[1].theta[4])
theta6 = 0
return Joint_point([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6])
def get_the_nearest_joint_point(self, new_random_joint_point:Joint_point) -> int:
Get the nearest joint point in self.joint_point_list
d = list()
for joint_point in self.joint_point_list:
return d.index(min(d))
def expand_new_joint_point(self, nearest_joint_point:Joint_point, new_random_joint_point:Joint_point) ->Joint_point:
new_point = self.step_length*((new_random_joint_point.vector-nearest_joint_point.vector)+(self.goal.vector-nearest_joint_point.vector))+nearest_joint_point.vector
return Joint_point(new_point.tolist())
def collision_check(self, new_joint_point:Joint_point) -> bool:
return ur5_collision_check(new_joint_point, self.cube_obstacle)
def get_farest_joint_point_from_start(self) -> Joint_point:
d = list()
for joint_point in self.joint_point_list:
return self.joint_point_list[d.index(max(d))]
def check_joint_point_exceed_limit(self, joint_point:Joint_point) -> bool:
Check the joint_point whether exceed the joint limit angle
exceed_limit = False
for i in range(len(joint_point.theta)):
if joint_point.theta[i] < self.joint_limit_angle[0].theta[i] or joint_point.theta[i] > self.joint_limit_angle[1].theta[i]:
exceed_limit = True
return exceed_limit
def path_planning(self) -> List[Joint_point]:
count = 0 #Record the number of iterations
while count < self.num_iterations:
#Generate a new_radom_joint_point
if random.random() > self.set_goal:
new_random_joint_point = self.generate_new_joint_point()
new_random_joint_point = self.goal
#Get the nearest joint_point in self.joint_point_list
index = self.get_the_nearest_joint_point(new_random_joint_point)
#Expand the tree
nearest_joint_point = self.joint_point_list[index]
new_joint_point = self.expand_new_joint_point(nearest_joint_point, new_random_joint_point)
#Collision check
if self.collision_check(new_joint_point) or self.check_joint_point_exceed_limit(new_joint_point):
#Add the new joint_point into self.joint_point_list
new_joint_point.signal = index
count = count + 1
path = [self.get_farest_joint_point_from_start()]
index = path[-1].signal
while self.joint_point_list[index].signal is not None:
joint_point = self.joint_point_list[index]
index = joint_point.signal
return path
from typing import List
from self_defined_modules.robot_class import Cube_obstacle, Point, Joint_point
from ur_kinematics.foward_kinematics import FK
from self_defined_modules.get_distance import *
from math import pi, sqrt
from self_defined_modules.ur5_collision_check import ur5_collision_check
import numpy.linalg as lg
from APF_RRT.RRT_local_minimum import RRT
class APF_RRT():
Artificial Poential Field and RRT
def __init__(self, start:Joint_point, goal:Joint_point, cube_obstacle:Cube_obstacle, joint_limit_angle:List[Joint_point]) -> None:
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.cube_obstacle = cube_obstacle
self.joint_limit_angle = joint_limit_angle
#Get the goal end point in Cartesian space
T = FK(self.goal)
self.goal_point = Point([T[5][0,3], T[5][1,3], T[5][2,3]])
#Set the Katt and Krep
self.Katt_end = 0.5
self.Katt_joint = 0.1
self.Krep = 0.1
#Set the range of repulsive potential field
self.d0 = 0.3
#Set the step length
self.step_length = 2*pi/180
#Set a signal to record whether stuck in local minimum
self.stuck_in_local_minimum = False
def get_attractive_energy(self, joint_point:Joint_point) -> float:
Get the attractive energy in joint_point
if not self.stuck_in_local_minimum:
#Set the self.goal as the attractive joint_point
#Get the endlink position of theta
T = FK(joint_point)
endlink_point = Point([T[5][0,3], T[5][1,3], T[5][2,3]])
#Get the distance between endlink and goal
d = distance_point_to_point(endlink_point, self.goal_point)
#Return the attractive energy
return 0.5*self.Katt_end*(d**2)+0.5*self.Katt_joint*lg.norm(self.goal.vector-joint_point.vector)**2
#Set the self.new_goal as the attractive joint_point
#Get the endlink position of theta
T = FK(joint_point)
endlink_point = Point([T[5][0,3], T[5][1,3], T[5][2,3]])
#Get the distance between endlink and new_goal
d = distance_point_to_point(endlink_point, self.new_goal_point)
#Return the attractive energy
return 0.5*self.Katt_end*(d**2)+0.5*self.Katt_joint*lg.norm(self.new_goal.vector-joint_point.vector)**2
def get_repulsive_energy(self, joint_point:Joint_point) -> float:
Get the repulsive energy in joint_point
#Get the repulsive energy of each DH joints
Ui = list() #Stores the repulsive energy of each DH joints
T = FK(joint_point)
for A in T:
DH_joint_point = Point([A[0,3], A[1,3], A[2,3]])
d = distance_point_to_cube_obstacle(DH_joint_point, self.get_obstacle())
if d < self.d0:
return sum(Ui)
def get_obstacle(self) -> Cube_obstacle:
This is a interface to get the information of obstacle
return self.cube_obstacle
def deal_with_local_minimum(self, joint_point:Joint_point) -> None:
Method to deal with algorithms getting stuck in local minimum
Use RRT to generate a new joint_point as a attractive joint point
#Get a new attractive joint_point
rrt = RRT(start = joint_point, goal = self.goal, cube_obstacle = self.get_obstacle(), joint_limit_angle = self.joint_limit_angle, num_iterations = 100)
self.new_goal = rrt.path_planning()[-1]
#Get the new goal end point in Cartesian space
T = FK(self.new_goal)
self.new_goal_point = Point([T[5][0,3], T[5][1,3], T[5][2,3]])
#Change the self.stuck_in_local_minimum
self.stuck_in_local_minimum = True
print("I get the new goal : ",self.new_goal.vector)
def check_joint_point_exceed_limit(self, joint_point:Joint_point) -> bool:
Check the joint_point whether exceed the joint limit angle
exceed_limit = False
for i in range(len(joint_point.theta)):
if joint_point.theta[i] < self.joint_limit_angle[0].theta[i] or joint_point.theta[i] > self.joint_limit_angle[1].theta[i]:
exceed_limit = True
return exceed_limit
def path_planning(self) -> List[Joint_point]:
Start the path planning
#Initial theta
theta = self.start.theta
#Initial the path
path = [self.start]
while True:
Initial the U and theta_list
U : Stores the total potential energy of once search
joint_point_list : Stores the joint_point of once search
U = []
joint_point_list = []
for theta1 in [theta[0]-self.step_length, theta[0], theta[0]+self.step_length]:
for theta2 in [theta[1]-self.step_length, theta[1], theta[1]+self.step_length]:
for theta3 in [theta[2]-self.step_length, theta[2], theta[2]+self.step_length]:
for theta4 in [theta[3]-self.step_length, theta[3], theta[3]+self.step_length]:
for theta5 in [theta[4]-self.step_length, theta[4], theta[4]+self.step_length]:
theta6 = self.start.theta[5]
joint_point = Joint_point([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6])
#Check collision
if ur5_collision_check(joint_point, self.get_obstacle()) or self.check_joint_point_exceed_limit(joint_point):
#Get the atrractive energy
Uatt = self.get_attractive_energy(joint_point)
#Get the repulsive energy
Urep = self.get_repulsive_energy(joint_point)
U.append(Uatt+Urep) #The total potential energy
#FInd the index of minimum U
index = U.index(min(U))
#Add the theta_list[index] into path
#Update the theta
theta = joint_point_list[index].theta
#Judge whether getting stuck in local minimum
if path[-1].theta == path[-2].theta and (not self.stuck_in_local_minimum):
if lg.norm(path[-1].vector-self.goal.vector) < sqrt((self.step_length/2)**2*6):
#If path[-1] approximately equal to self.goal, path planning is finished
#Set a signal when getting stuck in local minimum
#When stuck in local minimum, judge whether meet the self.new_goal
if self.stuck_in_local_minimum:
if lg.norm(self.new_goal.vector-path[-1].vector)<sqrt((self.step_length/2)**2*6):
print("I have met the new goal!!!!!!!")
self.stuck_in_local_minimum = False
return path
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