- 准备工作
要使用googleAPI 来开发自己的桌面应用程序,先要做下面的准备工作:
1. 首先在下面地址http://www.google.com/apis/download.html下载the Google Web APIs Developer's Kit。
2. 然后在下面地址https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount?continue=http://api.google.com/createkey&followup=http://api.google.com/createkey注册一个 license key 以使用google提供的搜索服务。
- 新建一个Google Search应用程序
1. 新建一个Windows From 项目命名为Google Search。
2. 添加Web引用,以便使用google web services。具体做法是将下载的the Google Web APIs Developer's Kit中的GoogleSearch.wsdl文件放入本地的服务器上,然后在VS中右键点击资源管理器中的引用,再选择添加Web引用,然后输入GoogleSearch.wsdl文件在本机服务器上的地址http://localhost/GoogleSearch.wsdl,更改Web引用名为GoogleSearch后,点击添加引用后返回。
3. 进行界面设计,添加3个控件,TextBox(用于输入关键字),Button(用于提交信息),RichTextBox(用于显示搜索结果信息)。如图:
4. 编写事件处理。
1) 添加命名空间。using Google_Search.googlesearch;
2) 双击Button控件,在Button的事件处理中添加下面的代码:
3 {
5 GoogleSearchService s = new GoogleSearchService();
7 GoogleSearchResult r = s.doGoogleSearch("NGYfW7dQFHKshnXPwvctLsaipk03YK2x", textBox1.Text, 0, 10, true, "", true, "", "", "");
9 ResultElement[] re = r.resultElements;
11 foreach (ResultElement n in re)
13 {
15 richTextBox1.AppendText(n.title+"r");
17 richTextBox1.AppendText(n.snippet+"r");
19 richTextBox1.AppendText(n.URL);
21 richTextBox1.AppendText("nrr");
23 }
25 }
29 catch (Exception ee)
31 {
33 MessageBox.Show(ee.Message);
35 }
3) 按ctrl+F5就能测试应用程序了。
l GoogleSearchServices类doGoogleSearch方法
需要进行搜索先建立一个GoogleSearchServices 类的对象,然后调用doGoogleSearch方法取得信息。下面是google提供的对该方法的描述。
public doGoogleSearch(string key, string q, int start, int maxResults, bool filter, string restrict, bool safeSearch, string lr, string ie, string oe)
start:结果开始的索引数,从0开始。 int 类型
maxresults:返回的结果数的最大值,最大为10。int 类型
restrict:用于限定搜索的国家或地区,如果为空,表示不限制。string 类型。
国家 | 代号 | 国家 | 代号 | 国家 | 代号 | 国家 | 代号 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />Andorra | countryAD | Estonia | countryEE | Kazakhstan | countryKZ | Qatar | countryQA |
United Arab Emirates | countryAE | Egypt | countryEG | Lao People's Democratic Republic | countryLA | Reunion | countryRE |
Afghanistan | countryAF | Western Sahara | countryEH | Lebanon | countryLB | Romania | countryRO |
Antigua and Barbuda | countryAG | Eritrea | countryER | Saint Lucia | countryLC | Russian Federation | countryRU |
Anguilla | countryAI | Spain | countryES | Liechtenstein | countryLI | Rwanda | countryRW |
Albania | countryAL | Ethiopia | countryET | Sri Lanka | countryLK | Saudi Arabia | countrySA |
Armenia | countryAM | European Union | countryEU | Liberia | countryLR | Solomon Islands | countrySB |
Netherlands Antilles | countryAN | Finland | countryFI | Lesotho | countryLS | Seychelles | countrySC |
Angola | countryAO | Fiji | countryFJ | Lithuania | countryLT | Sudan | countrySD |
Antarctica | countryAQ | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | countryFK | Luxembourg | countryLU | Sweden | countrySE |
Argentina | countryAR | Micronesia, Federated States of | countryFM | Latvia | countryLV | Singapore | countrySG |
American Samoa | countryAS | Faroe Islands | countryFO | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | countryLY | St. Helena | countrySH |
Austria | countryAT | France | countryFR | Morocco | countryMA | Slovenia | countrySI |
Australia | countryAU | France, Metropolitan | countryFX | Monaco | countryMC | Svalbard and JanMayenIslands | countrySJ |
Aruba | countryAW | Gabon | countryGA | Moldova | countryMD | Slovakia (SlovakRepublic) | countrySK |
Azerbaijan | countryAZ | United Kingdom | countryUK | Madagascar | countryMG | Sierra Leone | countrySL |
Bosnia and Herzegowina | countryBA | Grenada | countryGD | Marshall Islands | countryMH | San Marino | countrySM |
Barbados | countryBB | Georgia | countryGE | Macedonia, The FormerYugoslavRepublic of | countryMK | Senegal | countrySN |
Bangladesh | countryBD | French Quiana | countryGF | Mali | countryML | Somalia | countrySO |
Belgium | countryBE | Ghana | countryGH | Myanmar | countryMM | Suriname | countrySR |
Burkina Faso | countryBF | Gibraltar | countryGI | Mongolia | countryMN | Sao Tome and Principe | countryST |
Bulgaria | countryBG | Greenland | countryGL | Macau | countryMO | El Salvador | countrySV |
Bahrain | countryBH | Gambia | countryGM | Northern Mariana Islands | countryMP | Syria | countrySY |
Burundi | countryBI | Guinea | countryGN | Martinique | countryMQ | Swaziland | countrySZ |
Benin | countryBJ | Guadeloupe | countryGP | Mauritania | countryMR | Turks and Caicos Islands | countryTC |
Bermuda | countryBM | Equatorial Guinea | countryGQ | Montserrat | countryMS | Chad | countryTD |
Brunei Darussalam | countryBN | Greece | countryGR | Malta | countryMT | French Southern Territories | countryTF |
Bolivia | countryBO | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | countryGS | Mauritius | countryMU | Togo | countryTG |
Brazil | countryBR | Guatemala | countryGT | Maldives | countryMV | Thailand | countryTH |
Bahamas | countryBS | Guam | countryGU | Malawi | countryMW | Tajikistan | countryTJ |
Bhutan | countryBT | Guinea-Bissau | countryGW | Mexico | countryMX | Tokelau | countryTK |
Bouvet Island | countryBV | Guyana | countryGY | Malaysia | countryMY | Turkmenistan | countryTM |
Botswana | countryBW | Hong Kong | countryHK | Mozambique | countryMZ | Tunisia | countryTN |
Belarus | countryBY | Heard and Mc DonaldIslands | countryHM | Namibia | countryNA | Tonga | countryTO |
Belize | countryBZ | Honduras | countryHN | New Caledonia | countryNC | East Timor | countryTP |
Canada | countryCA | Croatia (local name: Hrvatska) | countryHR | Niger | countryNE | Turkey | countryTR |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | countryCC | Haiti | countryHT | Norfolk Island | countryNF | Trinidad and Tobago | countryTT |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | countryCD | Hungary | countryHU | Nigeria | countryNG | Tuvalu | countryTV |
Central African Republic | countryCF | Indonesia | countryID | Nicaragua | countryNI | Taiwan | countryTW |
Congo | countryCG | Ireland | countryIE | Netherlands | countryNL | Tanzania | countryTZ |
Switzerland | countryCH | Israel | countryIL | Norway | countryNO | Ukraine | countryUA |
Cote D'ivoire | countryCI | India | countryIN | Nepal | countryNP | Uganda | countryUG |
Cook Islands | countryCK | British Indian Ocean Territory | countryIO | Nauru | countryNR | United States Minor Outlying Islands | countryUM |
Chile | countryCL | Iraq | countryIQ | Niue | countryNU | United States | countryUS |
Cameroon | countryCM | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | countryIR | New Zealand | countryNZ | Uruguay | countryUY |
China | countryCN | Iceland | countryIS | Oman | countryOM | Uzbekistan | countryUZ |
Colombia | countryCO | Italy | countryIT | Panama | countryPA | Holy See (Vatican CityState) | countryVA |
Costa Rica | countryCR | Jamaica | countryJM | Peru | countryPE | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | countryVC |
Cuba | countryCU | Jordan | countryJO | French Polynesia | countryPF | Venezuela | countryVE |
Cape Verde | countryCV | Japan | countryJP | Papua New Guinea | countryPG | Virgin Islands (British) | countryVG |
Christmas Island | countryCX | Kenya | countryKE | Philippines | countryPH | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | countryVI |
Cyprus | countryCY | Kyrgyzstan | countryKG | Pakistan | countryPK | Vietnam | countryVN |
Czech Republic | countryCZ | Cambodia | countryKH | Poland | countryPL | Vanuatu | countryVU |
Germany | countryDE | Kiribati | countryKI | St. Pierre and Miquelon | countryPM | Wallis and Futuna Islands | countryWF |
Djibouti | countryDJ | Comoros | countryKM | Pitcairn | countryPN | Samoa | countryWS |
Denmark | countryDK | Saint Kitts and Nevis | countryKN | Puerto Rico | countryPR | Yemen | countryYE |
Dominica | countryDM | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | countryKP | Palestine | countryPS | Mayotte | countryYT |
Dominican Republic | countryDO | Korea, Republic of | countryKR | Portugal | countryPT | Yugoslavia | countryYU |
Algeria | countryDZ | Kuwait | countryKW | Palau | countryPW | South Africa | countryZA |
Ecuador | countryEC | Cayman Islands | countryKY | Paraguay | countryPY | Zambia | countryZM |
| Zaire | countryZR |
语言 | 代号 |
| 语言 | 代号 |
Arabic | lang_ar |
| Icelandic | lang_is |
Chinese (S) | lang_zh-CN |
| Italian | lang_it |
Chinese (T) | lang_zh-TW |
| Japanese | lang_ja |
Czech | lang_cs |
| Korean | lang_ko |
Danish | lang_da |
| Latvian | lang_lv |
Dutch | lang_nl |
| Lithuanian | lang_lt |
English | lang_en |
| Norwegian | lang_no |
Estonian | lang_et |
| Portuguese | lang_pt |
Finnish | lang_fi |
| Polish | lang_pl |
French | lang_fr |
| Romanian | lang_ro |
German | lang_de |
| Russian | lang_ru |
Greek | lang_el |
| Spanish | lang_es |
Hebrew | lang_iw |
| Swedish | lang_sv |
Hungarian | lang_hu |
| Turkish | lang_tr |
l GoogleSearchResult类
1. estimatedTotalResultsCount 所有与关键字有关的信息的总数。
2. searchTime 提交信息到返回信息所用的时间。
3. searchTips 根据关键字提供一些与关键字相关的关键字,供选择。
4. resultElements 返回一个数组,用于存储返回结果的每一项。
l Result Element类
1. URL 显示结果网页的url。
2. snippet 返回在目标网页中摘录一些包含关键字片段。
3. title 目标网页的标题。
4. hostname 该参数显示目标网页所在的主机明。
5. summary 如果目标网页在ODP 目录中存在,则返回摘要信息。
6. directoryTitle 显示ODP 目录的标题。
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