我是靠谱客的博主 如意鞋垫,这篇文章主要介绍香港科技大学计算机保研夏令营,香港科技大学理学院2018年大学生夏令营通知...,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Date: 9-13 July, 2018

Program: This Summer Camp is a 5-day program for those who are interested in pursuing MPhil or PhD programs in the School of Science at HKUST. Participants will attend a series of informal seminars introducing the postgraduate programs offered and current research topics in division/department. These seminars are intended to foster discussion among the participants and faculty members and to serve as a basis for further social and scientific interactions. Participants will also have opportunities to visit the individual research labs and university research facilities, meeting with professors and fellow postgraduate students, and discuss research topics and others, such as preparing for graduate school. This Summer Camp provides the best opportunity for participants to learn the individual research groups and let the professors to know you and access your ability to conduct research projects in their MPhil or PhD programs.

Eligibility:Undergraduate students majoring in science and related programs, who have completed 3 years of studies (of a 4-year bachelor program) and have attained a GPA of 3.2 out of 4.0 (or 80%) or higher.

Housing and allowances:The Summer Camp will provide on-campus student hostel (2 -3 persons per room) to the participants. Each participant will also receive meal coupons of up to HK$100 per day during the Summer Camp. Participants need to take care of their own transportation costs both to Hong Kong and back home.

Application:Please fill in theSummer Camp Application Formand send it together with your academic transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable) and your resume (if available) to the relevant department:

Division of Life Science:lifspgsucamp@ust.hkDepartment of Chemistry:chyuhy@ust.hkDepartment of Physics:phjacma@ust.hkEnvironmental Science Program Office:ocescamp@ust.hk

Review on applications will be conducted by individual Division/Department. Successful applicants will be notified via email as soon as application is closed.

Application deadline: 13 May, 2018.





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