BigDecimal类的valueOf()方法 (BigDecimal Class valueOf() method)
public static BigDecimal valueOf (double d);
public static BigDecimal valueOf (long l);
public static BigDecimal valueOf (long unsc_val , int sc_val);
valueOf() method is available in java.math package.
valueOf (double d) method is used to convert the given double value into a BigDecimal.
valueOf(double d)方法用于将给定的double值转换为BigDecimal。
valueOf (long l) method is used to convert the given long value into a BigDecimal.
valueOf(long l)方法用于将给定的long值转换为BigDecimal。
valueOf (long unsc_val , int sc_val) method is used to convert the given long unscaled value and an integer value into a BigDecimal.
valueOf(long unsc_val,int sc_val)方法用于将给定的long非标度值和一个整数值转换为BigDecimal。
These methods may throw an exception at the time of returning the value of the given parameter.
NumberFormatException: This exception may throw when the given parameter is not finite.
NumberFormatException :如果给定参数不是有限的,则可能引发此异常。
These are non-static methods and it is accessible with class objects and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.
In the first case, valueOf(double d),
在第一种情况下, valueOf(double d) ,
- double d – represents the double value to be converted to a BigDecimal.
- double d –表示要转换为BigDecimal的double值。
In the first case, valueOf (long l),
在第一种情况下, valueOf(long l) ,
- long l – represents the long value to be converted to a BigInteger.
- long l –表示要转换为BigInteger的long值。
In the first case, valueOf (long unsc_val, int sc_val),
在第一种情况下, valueOf(long unsc_val,int sc_val) ,
- long unsc_val – represents the unscaled value of this BigDecimal.
- long unsc_val –表示此BigDecimal的未缩放值。
- int sc_val – represents the scale of this BigDecimal.
- int sc_val –表示此BigDecimal的小数位数 。
Return value:
In all the cases, the return type of the method is BigDecimal,
在所有情况下,方法的返回类型为BigDecimal 。
In the first case, it returns the converted double value to a BigDecimal.
In the second case, it returns the converted long value to a BigDecimal.
In the third case, it returns the BigDecimal and its value is calculated by using [(unsc_val) * 10 pow (-sc)].
在第三种情况下,它返回BigDecimal,并使用[[unsc_val)* 10 pow(-sc)]计算其值。
// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of valueOf() method of BigDecimal
import java.math.*;
public class ValueOfOfBD {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Instantiates three variables l_val
// d_val, unscale_val
long l_val = 125487312456l;
double d_val = 1245871.12345;
long unscale_val = 123458745123l;
// converts the given long value into
// a BigDecimal and store it in a variable
// named value_of
BigDecimal value_of = BigDecimal.valueOf(l_val);
System.out.println("l_val: " + l_val);
System.out.println("valueOf(long): ");
// Display value_of
System.out.println("BigDecimal.valueOf(l_val): " + value_of);
// converts the given double value into
// a BigDecimal and store it in a variable
// named value_of
value_of = BigDecimal.valueOf(d_val);
System.out.println("d_val: " + d_val);
System.out.println("valueOf(double): ");
// Display value_of
System.out.println("BigDecimal.valueOf(d_val): " + value_of);
// converts the given unscaled long value
// with the given scale into a BigDecimal and
// store it in a variable named value_of
value_of = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscale_val, 5);
System.out.println("unscale_val: " + unscale_val);
System.out.println("valueOf(long,int): ");
// Display value_of
System.out.println("BigDecimal.valueOf(unscale_val,5): " + value_of);
l_val: 125487312456
BigDecimal.valueOf(l_val): 125487312456
d_val: 1245871.12345
BigDecimal.valueOf(d_val): 1245871.12345
unscale_val: 123458745123
BigDecimal.valueOf(unscale_val,5): 1234587.45123
翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/bigdecimal-valueof-method-with-example.aspx
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