我是靠谱客的博主 开放河马,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍matlab中level,Level-1 MATLAB S-Function和Level-2 MATLAB S-Function有何区别?,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



A Level-1 M-file S-function provides a simple M interface to interact with a small portion of the S-function API. Level-2 M-file S-functions supersede Level-1 M-file S-functions.

Level 1 M文件S函数----这种方式提供了一个简单的M文件接口,可以与少部分的S函数API交互。Matlab对于这种方式的支持更多的是为了保持与以前版本的兼容,现在推荐采用的是Level 2 M文件S函数。

A Level-2 M-file S-function provides access to a more extensive set of the S-function API and supports code generation. In most cases, use a Level-2 M-file S-function when you want to implement your S-function in M.

Level 2 M文件S函数----支持访问更多地S函数API,支持代码生成。当你要使用M文件来实现一个S函数的时候,选择Level 2 M文件S函数。

A handwritten C MEX S-function provides the most programming flexibility. You can implement your algorithm as a C MEX S-function or write a wrapper S-function to call existing C, C++, or Fortran code. Writing a new S-function requires knowledge of the S-function API and, if you want to generate inlined code for the S-function, the Target Language Compiler (TLC).

手写C MEX S函数----这种方式提供了最大的编程自由度,你可以使用C MEX S函数来实现你的算法,也可以写一个wrapper S函数,调用已经存在的C,C++,Fortran代码。使用这种方式编写一个新的S函数需要对于S函数API的了解,如果你写的S函数要产生内嵌式代码,还需要熟悉TLC。

The S-Function Builder is a graphical user interface for programming a subset of S-function functionality. If you are new to writing C MEX S-functions, you can use the S-Function Builder to generate new S-functions or incorporate existing C or C++ code without interacting with the S-function API. The S-Function Builder can also generate TLC files for inlining your S-function during code generation with the Real-Time Workshop product.

S函数创建器----这是采用图形用户界面的方式实现部分S函数功能的方式。如果你对于编写C MEX S函数不熟悉,可以使用S函数创建器来产生新的S函数,或者将已有的C,C++代码集成到S函数中而不需要与S函数API打交道。S函数创建器可以同时生成TLC文件,这些TLC文件可以在自动代码生成时为你的S函数生成内嵌代码。

The Legacy Code Tool is a set of MATLAB commands that helps you create an S-function to incorporate legacy C or C++ code. Like the S-Function Builder, the Legacy Code Tool can generate a TLC file to inline your S-function during code generation. The Legacy Code Tool provides access to fewer of the methods in the S-function API than the S-Function Builder or a handwritten C MEX S-function.

旧代码工具---是一系列的Matlab命令,这些命令帮助你集成以前的C,C++代码以生成一个S函数。与S函数创建器一样,旧代码工具可以产生TLC文件,不过相比于S函数创建器和手写的C MEX S函数,旧代码工具只能访问很少的S函数API。


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