One-shots / 上升沿or下降沿
A one-shot is an interesting and invaluable programming tool. At first glance it might be difficult to figure out why such an instruction is needed. After we understand what this instruction does and how to use it, however, the necessity will become clear.
A one-shot is used to make something happen for ONLY 1 SCAN (you do remember what a scan is, right??) Most manufacturers have one-shots that react to an OFF to ON transition and a different type that reacts to an ON to OFF transition. Some names for the instructions could be difu/difd (differential up/down), sotu/sotd (single output up/down), osr (one-shot rising) and others. They all, however, end up with the same result regardless of the name.
One-shot是用来让某事只在一个扫描周期内发生(你还记得什么是扫描吧?)。大多数品牌的PLC有两种类型的One-shot指令,一种是在由OFF转换成ON时发生,另一种是在由ON转换成OFF时发生。这些指令的名称可以是DIFU/DIFD(differential up/down)、SOTU/SOTD(single output up/down)、或者OSR(one-shot rising)等等。然而,不管名称如何,它们最终得到的结果都是相同的。

One-shot Instruction / One-shot 指令(上升沿指令)
Above is the symbol for a difu (one-shot) instruction. A difd looks the same but inside the symbol it says "difd". Some of the manufacturers have it in the shape of a box but, regardless of the symbol, they all function the same way. For those manufacturers that don't include a differential down instruction, you can get the same effect by putting a NC (normally closed) instruction before it instead of a NO(normally open) instruction. (i.e. reverse the logic before the difu instruction)
Let's now setup an application to see how this instruction actually functions in a ladder. This instruction is most often used with some of the advanced instructions where we do some things that MUST happen only once. However, since we haven't gotten that far yet, let's set up a flip-flop circuit. In simple terms, a flip-flop turns something around each time an action happens. Here we'll use a single pushbutton switch. The first time the operator pushes it we want an output to turn on. It will remain "latched" on until the next time the operator pushes the button. When he does, the output turns off.

Here's the ladder diagram that does just that: / 这是实现上述功能的梯形图
Now this looks confusing! Actually it's not if we take it one step at a time.
First Scan / 第一次扫描
- Rung 1 - When NO (normally open) input 0000 becomes true DIFU 1000 becomes true.
Rung 1 - 常开触点0000变为“真”(True)时,DIFU 1000也变为“真”(True)。
- Rung 2 - NO 1000 is true, NO 1001 remains false, NC 1001 remains true, NC 1000 turns false. Since we have a true path, (NO 1000 & NC 1001) OUT 1001 becomes true.
Rung 2 – 常开触点1000为“真”(True),常开触点1001为“假”(False),常闭触点1001 为“真”(True),常闭触点1000为“假”(False)。因为Rung 2中有一条路径是“真”(True)【即常开触点1000 & 常闭触点1001】 ,所以输出1001变成了“真”(True)。
- Rung 3 - NO 1001 is true therefore OUT 0500 turns true.
Rung 3 – 常开触点1001为“真”(True),所以输出0500变为“真”(True)。
Next Scan / 第二次扫描
- Rung 1 - NO 0000 remains true. DIFU 1000 now becomes false. This is because the DIFU instruction is only true for one scan. (i.e. the rising edge of the logic before it on the rung)
Rung 1 – 常开触点0000仍然是“真”(True),但DIFU 1000现在变成了“假”(False),这是因为DIFU指令的“真”(True)状态只能一个扫描周期有效(即逻辑的上升沿使Rung 1变成“真”)。
- Rung 2 - NO 1000 is false, NO 1001 remains true, NC 1001 is false, NC 1000 turns true. Since we STILL have a true path, (NO 1001 & NC 1000) OUT 1001 remains true.
Rung 2 – 常开触点1000为“假”(False),常开触点1001为“真”(True),常闭触点1001为“假” (False),常闭触点1000为“真”(True)。因为Rung 2中有一条路径任然为“真”(True)【即常开触点1001 & 常闭触点1000】,所以输出1001仍然是“真”(True)。
- Rung 3 - NO 1001 is true therefore OUT 0500 remains true.
Rung 3 – 常开触点1001是“真”(True),所以输出0500仍然保持为“真”(True)。
100 Scan / 第100次扫描
(NO 0000 turns off / 常开触点0000变为“假”)
After 100 scans, NO 0000 turns off (becomes false). The logic remains in the same state as "next scan" shown above. (difu doesn't react therefore the logic stays the same on rungs 2 and 3)
假设经过100次扫描后,常开触点0000变为了“假”(False),梯形图的逻辑任然会保持与上面所示的“第二次扫描”相同的状态(由于DIFU没有反应,因此逻辑状态在Rung 2和Rung 3都保持不变)。
101 Scan / 第101次扫描
(NO 0000 turns on again / 常开触点0000点再次变为“真”)
- Rung 1 - When NO (normally open) input 0000 becomes true DIFU 1000 becomes true.
Rung 1 - 当常开触点0000为“真”(True)时,指令DIFU 1000变为“真”(True)。
- Rung 2 - NO 1000 is true, NO 1001 remains true, NC 1001 becomes false, NC 1000 also becomes false. Since we no longer have a true path, OUT 1001 becomes false.
Rung 2 – 常开触点1000为“真”(True),常开触点1001为“真”(True),常闭触点1001为“假“(False),常闭触点1000也为“假”(False)。由于在Rung2横档上不再有一条路径是“真”(True),所以输出1001变成了“假”(False)。
- Rung 3 - NO 1001 is false therefore OUT 500 becomes false.
Rung 3 – 常开触点1001变为“假”(False),因此输出0500变为了“假”(False)。

In the example above, each time the operator pushes button 0000 the DIFU instruction turns on (becomes true) FOR ONE SCAN. Notice that it turns on (becomes true) at the rising edge of input 0000. In other words, when input 0000 initially turns on (becomes true) the DIFU instruction is true.
When an input initially becomes true its called the leading or rising edge. When it initially turns off (becomes false) its called the trailing or falling edge.
If after viewing the animation you still find it difficult to understand, don't feel bad. You're just an idiot and should give up!!! No not really. Just try to remember how its scanned by the plc. Think it through one instruction at a time from top to bottom, then left to right. (i.e. in this order: NO 0000, DIFU 1000, NO 1000, NO 1001, NC 1001, NC 1000, OUT 1001, NO 1001, OUT 500) While executing each instruction is it true or false?
如果看完上面的动画演示后你仍然觉得难以理解,不要难过。你就是个白痴,应该放弃!!不,不,绝对不是,只要记住这段程序是如何被PLC扫描的,挨个指令地去想,从上到下,从左到右(即按这个顺序:NO 0000,DIFU 1000,NO 1000,NO 1001,NC 1001,NC 1000,OUT 1001,NO 1001,OUT 500),看执行每一指令时它是“真”(True)还是“假”(False)。
Rung 2(it has 5 instructions) is the confusing part for most of us. To make it easier lets break it into sections. NO 1000 and NO 1001 are in parallel. In other words they form an "or" circuit. Call this section 1. If 1000 OR 1001 is true then this mini section is true. Next we have another section in parallel. This section is NC 1001 and NC 1000. Again these 2 are in parallel. Call this section 2. If NC 1001 OR NC 1000 is true then this section is true. Finally, those 2 parallel sections (sections 1 and 2) are in series with each other. This means that if section 1 AND section 2 are BOTH true then the rung is true and output 1001 must be true.
Rung 2(它有5个指令)对我们大多数人来说是令人困惑的部分。为了使它更简单,我们把它拆分成几个部分:常开触点1000和常开触点1001是并行的,换句话说,它们形成一个“或”电路,我们将此部分称为Section 1,如果常开触点1000或常开触点1001其中一个为“真”(True),那么这个Section 1部分就为“真”(True);接下来我们来看另一个平行的部分,这个部分是常闭触点1001和常闭触点1000,这两个也是平行的,我们把这部分称为Section 2部分,如果常闭触点1001或常闭触点1000其中一个为“真”(True),那么这个Section 2部分就为“真”(True)。最后,这两个并行部分(Section 1和Section 2)彼此串联,这就意味着,如果Section 1和Section 2两个部分都为“真”(True),那么Rung 2就为“真”(True),输出1001也必须为“真”(True)。
Now its much easier to understand, isn't it? We also just learned about OR and AND logic, commonly called parallel and series logic.
Executing the program 1 instruction at a time makes this and any program easy to follow. Actually a larger program that jumps around might be difficult to follow but a pencil drawing of the registers sure does help!
以上就是幸福马里奥最近收集整理的关于上升沿_PLC基本知识 -- 4.5 One-Shots / 上升下降沿 (顺便学英文)One-shots / 上升沿or下降沿的全部内容,更多相关上升沿_PLC基本知识内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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