我是靠谱客的博主 美满保温杯,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【电信学】【2015.11】用多径信道信息进行室内认知定位和跟踪,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



本文为奥地利格拉茨技术大学(作者:Dipl.-Ing. Erik Leitinger)的博士论文,共240页。


本论文的目标是通过在定位系统中实现人类认知的四个基本原则,即感知-动作循环(PAC)、记忆、注意力和智力,来更紧密地实现这一目标。为了满足所有这些原则,多径辅助室内导航和跟踪(MINT)的概念与Simon Haykin和合作者开发的认知动态系统(CDSs)的原理相交织。




This thesis presents a robust and accurate positioning system that adapts its behavior to the surrounding environment like the visual brain, mimicking its capability of filtering out clutter and focusing attention on activity and relevant information. Especially in indoor environments, which are characterized by harsh multipath propagation, it is still elusive to achieve the needed level of accuracy robustly under the constraint of reasonable infrastructural needs. In such environments it is essential to separate relevant from irrelevant information and attain an appropriate uncertainty model for measurements that are used for positioning. The thesis has the goal to approach this objective more closely by implementing the four basic principles for human cognition, namely the perception-action cycle (PAC), memory, attention and intelligence, into the positioning systems. To encounter all these principles, the concepts of multipath-assisted indoor navigation and tracking (MINT) are intertwined with the principles of cognitive dynamic systems (CDSs) that were developed by Simon Haykin and co-workers. MINT exploits specular multipath components (MPCs) that can be associated to the local geometry using a known floor plan. In this way, MPCs can be seen as signals from additional virtual sources-so-called virtual anchors (VAs)-that are mirror-images of a physical anchor w.r.t. features of a floor plan. Hence additional position-related information is exploited that is contained in the radio signals. This position-related information is quantified based on the Cram′er Rao lower bound (CRLB) of the position error for a geometry-based stochastic channel model (GSCM) to account for geometry dependent MPCs as well as for stochastically modeled diffuse/dense multipath (DM). It shows that the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) quantifies the amount of position-related information. However, inaccuracies in the floor plan and the resulting uncertainties in the VAs, are not considered at this stage. Hence, probabilistic MINT is introduced in this thesis that has the aims (i) to remove the requirement of a precisely known a-priori floor plan and (ii) to cope with uncertainties in the environment representation. In probabilistic MINT the VAs are comprised in a geometry-based probabilistic environment model (GPEM). In a consecutive step, this algorithm is extended to a probabilistic multipath-assisted feature-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) approach that can operate without any prior knowledge of the floor plan. The GSCM and GPEM represent the built-in memory of the developed cognitive positioning system. In contrast, the attention is executed by the algorithm itself by enabling separation between relevant and irrelevant information and focusing onto the memorized model parameters. Closing the PAC with transmit waveform adaptation based on a cognitive controller (CC) supports this separation process and also facilitates (i) the feature of gaining new position-related information from the surrounding environment and (ii) suppression of additional noise. The interplay of all these characteristics is the key facilitator of intelligent behavior of the cognitive positioning algorithm.

1 引言

2 基于认知几何的随机环境模型

3 多径辅助定位的克拉美罗限CRLB

4 基于多径信道信息的定位

5 基于多径信道信息的位置跟踪

6 基于多径信道信息的同时定位与映射SLAM

7 基于多径信道信息的认知跟踪

8 结论

附录A CRLB的推导

附录B 多径仿真结果

附录C SINR的矩量估计方法研究

附录D 认知强化学习算法








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