1 void exit_with_help() 2 { 3 printf( 4 "Usage: train [options] training_set_file [model_file]n" 5 "options:n" 6 "-s type : set type of solver (default 1)n" 7 " for multi-class classificationn" 8 " 0 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (primal)n" 9 " 1 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual)n" 10 " 2 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal)n" 11 " 3 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)n" 12 " 4 -- support vector classification by Crammer and Singern" 13 " 5 -- L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classificationn" 14 " 6 -- L1-regularized logistic regressionn" 15 " 7 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (dual)n" 16 " for regressionn" 17 " 11 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (primal)n" 18 " 12 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (dual)n" 19 " 13 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector regression (dual)n" 20 "-c cost : set the parameter C (default 1)n" 21 "-p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of SVR (default 0.1)n" 22 "-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterionn" 23 " -s 0 and 2n" 24 " |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_2,n" 25 " where f is the primal function and pos/neg are # ofn" 26 " positive/negative data (default 0.01)n" 27 " -s 11n" 28 " |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*|f'(w0)|_2 (default 0.001)n" 29 " -s 1, 3, 4, and 7n" 30 " Dual maximal violation <= eps; similar to libsvm (default 0.1)n" 31 " -s 5 and 6n" 32 " |f'(w)|_1 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_1,n" 33 " where f is the primal function (default 0.01)n" 34 " -s 12 and 13n" 35 " |f'(alpha)|_1 <= eps |f'(alpha0)|,n" 36 " where f is the dual function (default 0.1)n" 37 "-B bias : if bias >= 0, instance x becomes [x; bias]; if < 0, no bias term added (default -1)n" 38 "-wi weight: weights adjust the parameter C of different classes (see README for details)n" 39 "-v n: n-fold cross validation moden" 40 "-q : quiet mode (no outputs)n" 41 ); 42 exit(1); 43 }
库的实现主要在linear.cpp这个文件中,其中train()函数负责训练数据得出相应的model,predict()函数负责预判未知的输入数据。具体的使用帮助请参考软件包中的README文件。我在项目中使用的训练方法主要是坐标下降法,下面就是坐标下降法 的主要原理和应用。
L2-regularized L1- and L2-loss Support Vector Classification(dual)
L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)的最优化模型:
L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual)的最后化模型:
下面讨论的求解过程以L1 SVC为准,L1与L2的泛化能力差不多,而训练时间一般L2要快些。
这里的α是叫做学习速度(learning rate), 它决定了坐标下降的幅度大小,假设在只有一个训练样本的情况下对J(θ)求偏导并代入上式:
对 关于
当d=0,即 时收敛,也就是说
关于d求导得到 :
1 if(fabs(PG) > 1.0e-12) 2 { 3 double alpha_old = alpha[i]; 4 alpha[i] = min(max(alpha[i] - G/QD[i], 0.0), C); 5 d = (alpha[i] - alpha_old)*yi; 6 xi = prob->x[i]; 7 while (xi->index != -1) 8 { 9 w[xi->index-1] += d*xi->value; 10 xi++; 11 } 12 }
1 double predict_values(const struct model *model_, const struct feature_node *x, double *dec_values) 2 { 3 int idx; 4 int n; 5 if(model_->bias>=0) 6 n=model_->nr_feature+1; 7 else 8 n=model_->nr_feature; 9 double *w=model_->w; 10 int nr_class=model_->nr_class; 11 int i; 12 int nr_w; 13 if(nr_class==2 && model_->param.solver_type != MCSVM_CS) 14 nr_w = 1; 15 else 16 nr_w = nr_class; 17 18 const feature_node *lx=x; 19 for(i=0;i<nr_w;i++) 20 dec_values[i] = 0; 21 for(; (idx=lx->index)!=-1; lx++) 22 { 23 // the dimension of testing data may exceed that of training 24 if(idx<=n) 25 for(i=0;i<nr_w;i++) 26 dec_values[i] += w[(idx-1)*nr_w+i]*lx->value; 27 } 28 29 if(nr_class==2) 30 { 31 if(model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR || 32 model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L1LOSS_SVR_DUAL || 33 model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR_DUAL) 34 return dec_values[0]; 35 else 36 return (dec_values[0]>0)?model_->label[0]:model_->label[1]; 37 } 38 else 39 { 40 int dec_max_idx = 0; 41 for(i=1;i<nr_class;i++) 42 { 43 if(dec_values[i] > dec_values[dec_max_idx]) 44 dec_max_idx = i; 45 } 46 return model_->label[dec_max_idx]; 47 } 48 }
对于惩罚因子C的优化问题,可以借助LIBSVM中grid.py这个工具,它使用交叉验证来选出预测精度最高的那个参数,如果同时优化两个参数(RBF kernel中的c和g),它可以借助gnuplot画出等高线来帮助我们直观的了解整个优化的过程,当然可以根据你自己的需要来修改grid.py来优化你想要的参数,非常有用的小工具。
Usage: grid.py [grid_options] [svm_options] dataset grid_options : -log2c {begin,end,step | "null"} : set the range of c (default -5,15,2) begin,end,step -- c_range = 2^{begin,...,begin+k*step,...,end} "null" -- do not grid with c -log2g {begin,end,step | "null"} : set the range of g (default 3,-15,-2) begin,end,step -- g_range = 2^{begin,...,begin+k*step,...,end} "null" -- do not grid with g -v n : n-fold cross validation (default 5) -svmtrain pathname : set svm executable path and name -gnuplot {pathname | "null"} : pathname -- set gnuplot executable path and name "null" -- do not plot -out {pathname | "null"} : (default dataset.out) pathname -- set output file path and name "null" -- do not output file -png pathname : set graphic output file path and name (default dataset.png) -resume [pathname] : resume the grid task using an existing output file (default pathname is dataset.out) This is experimental. Try this option only if some parameters have been checked for the SAME data.
以上就是紧张大侠为你收集整理的SVM应用 L2-regularized L1- and L2-loss Support Vector Classification(dual)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决SVM应用 L2-regularized L1- and L2-loss Support Vector Classification(dual)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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