我是靠谱客的博主 内向小丸子,这篇文章主要介绍大疆机甲大师怎么用python_RoboMasterPy,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


English | 中文

RoboMasterPy is a RoboMaster Python SDK and framework:

Python SDK: inspect and control your Robomaster, remotely;

framework: development framework providing and regularising control flow and data flow, resolving common needs like pulling and parsing on video stream, events and pushes, decoupling boilerplate codes like controlling loop, logging, graceful shutdown. You may rely on the framework, implement your business logic with ease of mind and less manual labor.

The SDK(client) is straightforward to use:

>>> import robomasterpy as rm

# IP of RoboMaster is detected under router mode

>>> cmd = rm.Commander()

# check RoboMaster's API version

>>> cmd.version()


>>> cmd.get_robot_mode()


# ensure your Robomaster has enough room to move

>>> cmd.chassis_move(x=-1, z=30)


# activate video streaming,

# which can be handled by the framework.

>>> cmd.stream(rm.SWITCH_ON)


# activate gimbal attitude push at 5Hz,

# which can be handled by the framework.

>>> cmd.gimbal_push_on(attitude_freq=5)


# Watch out!

>>> cmd.blaster_fire()


The framework lets you create complicated application easier, e.g.:


RoboMasterPy requires Python 3.6 and above.

Install Dependencies First

If you are using Python 3.6.x, you need to install dataclasses, which is already included in Python 3.7 and better:

pip installdataclasses

Install OpenCV of your flavor, suggestion::

# if you are using conda

conda install -c conda-forge opencv

# if you are using pip only

pip installopencv-contrib-python

Install RoboMasterPy

pip installrobomasterpy

User Guide

Documentation is generously hosted by Read the Docs.

Health and Safety Notice

Your Robomaster may hurt people or pet, break stuffs or itself;

Make sure your RoboMaster has enough room to move; make sure the ground is clear;

Start slowly, avoid using high speed for debugging;

Use cushion;

Stay safe and have fun!


RoboMasterPy is a fan work, and it has no concern with DJI.

DJI, RoboMaster are trademarks of SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.


RoboMasterPy was incubated during a RoboMaster EP developing contest. The author would like to thank DJI for hardware and technical support.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 LI Zhennan




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