1 简介
Sankalap Arora和Satvir Singh两位学者,通过观察蝴蝶觅食行为而受到启发,提出了一种新的群智能优化算法——蝴蝶优化算法(Butterfly Optimization Algorithm)。该算法的主要思想是模拟蝴蝶的觅食和求偶行为实现对目标问题的求解。
2 部分代码
%% Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %% %% Notes: % Different run may generate different solutions, this is determined by % the the nature of metaheuristic algorithms. %% function [MinCost] = MBO(ProblemFunction, DisplayFlag, RandSeed) % Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO) software for minimizing a general function % The fixed Function Evaluations (FEs) is considered as termination condition. % INPUTS: ProblemFunction is the handle of the function that returns % the handles of the initialization, cost, and feasibility functions. % DisplayFlag = true or false, whether or not to display and plot results. % ProbFlag = true or false, whether or not to use probabilities to update emigration rates. % RandSeed = random number seed % OUTPUTS: MinCost = array of best solution, one element for each generation % Hamming = final Hamming distance between solutions % CAVEAT: The "ClearDups" function that is called below replaces duplicates with randomly-generated % individuals, but it does not then recalculate the cost of the replaced individuals. tic if ~exist('ProblemFunction', 'var') ProblemFunction = @Ackley; end if ~exist('DisplayFlag', 'var') DisplayFlag = true; end if ~exist('RandSeed', 'var') RandSeed = round(sum(100*clock)); end [OPTIONS, MinCost, AvgCost, InitFunction, CostFunction, FeasibleFunction, ... MaxParValue, MinParValue, Population] = Init(DisplayFlag, ProblemFunction, RandSeed); nEvaluations = OPTIONS.popsize; % % % % % % % % % % % % Initial parameter setting % % % % % % % % % % % %%%% %% Initial parameter setting Keep = 2; % elitism parameter: how many of the best habitats to keep from one generation to the next maxStepSize = 1.0; %Max Step size partition = OPTIONS.partition; numButterfly1 = ceil(partition*OPTIONS.popsize); % NP1 in paper numButterfly2 = OPTIONS.popsize - numButterfly1; % NP2 in paper period = 1.2; % 12 months in a year Land1 = zeros(numButterfly1, OPTIONS.numVar); Land2 = zeros(numButterfly2, OPTIONS.numVar); BAR = partition; % you can change the BAR value in order to get much better performance % % % % % % % % % % % % End of Initial parameter setting % % % % % % % % % % % %% %% % % % % % % % % % % % % Begin the optimization loop % % % % % % % % % %%%% % Begin the optimization loop GenIndex = 1; % for GenIndex = 1 : OPTIONS.Maxgen while nEvaluations< OPTIONS.MaxFEs % % % % % % % % % % % % Elitism Strategy % % % % % % % % % % % %%%%% %% Save the best monarch butterflis in a temporary array. for j = 1 : Keep chromKeep(j,:) = Population(j).chrom; costKeep(j) = Population(j).cost; end % % % % % % % % % % % % End of Elitism Strategy % % % % % % % % % % % %%%% %% % % % % % % % % % % % % Divide the whole population into two subpopulations % % % %%% %% Divide the whole population into Population1 (Land1) and Population2 (Land2) % according to their fitness. % The monarch butterflis in Population1 are better than or equal to Population2. % Of course, we can randomly divide the whole population into Population1 and Population2. % We do not test the different performance between two ways. for popindex = 1 : OPTIONS.popsize if popindex <= numButterfly1 Population1(popindex).chrom = Population(popindex).chrom; else Population2(popindex-numButterfly1).chrom = Population(popindex).chrom; end end % % % % % % % % % % % End of Divide the whole population into two subpopulations % % %%% %% % % % % % % % % % % % %% Migration operator % % % % % % % % % % % %%%% %% Migration operator for k1 = 1 : numButterfly1 for parnum1 = 1 : OPTIONS.numVar r1 = rand*period; if r1 <= partition r2 = round(numButterfly1 * rand + 0.5); Land1(k1,parnum1) = Population1(r2).chrom(parnum1); else r3 = round(numButterfly2 * rand + 0.5); Land1(k1,parnum1) = Population2(r3).chrom(parnum1); 2 SavePopSize = OPTIONS.popsize; OPTIONS.popsize = numButterfly2; % Make sure each individual is legal. NewPopulation2 = FeasibleFunction(OPTIONS, NewPopulation2); % Calculate cost NewPopulation2 = CostFunction(OPTIONS, NewPopulation2); % the number of fitness evaluations nEvaluations = nEvaluations + OPTIONS.popsize; OPTIONS.popsize = SavePopSize; % % % % % % % % % % % % End of Evaluate NewPopulation2 % % % % % % % % % % % %% %% % % % % % % % Combine two subpopulations into one and rank monarch butterflis % % % % % % %% Combine Population1 with Population2 to generate a new Population Population = CombinePopulation(OPTIONS, NewPopulation1, NewPopulation2); % Sort from best to worst Population = PopSort(Population); % % % % % % End of Combine two subpopulations into one and rank monarch butterflis % %% % % %% % % % % % % % % % % % % Elitism Strategy % % % % % % % % % % % %%% %% % %% Replace the worst with the previous generation's elites. n = length(Population); for k3 = 1 : Keep Population(n-k3+1).chrom = chromKeep(k3,:); Population(n-k3+1).cost = costKeep(k3); end % end for k3 % % % % % % % % % % % % End of Elitism Strategy % % % % % % % % % % % %%% %% % %% % % % % % % % % % % Precess and output the results % % % % % % % % % % % %%% % Sort from best to worst Population = PopSort(Population); % Compute the average cost [AverageCost, nLegal] = ComputeAveCost(Population); % Display info to screen MinCost = [MinCost Population(1).cost]; AvgCost = [AvgCost AverageCost]; if DisplayFlag disp(['The best and mean of Generation # ', num2str(GenIndex), ' are ',... num2str(MinCost(end)), ' and ', num2str(AvgCost(end))]); end % % % % % % % % % % % End of Precess and output the results %%%%%%%%%% %% % %% %% Update generation number GenIndex = GenIndex+1; end % end for GenIndex Conclude2(DisplayFlag, OPTIONS, Population, nLegal, MinCost, AvgCost); toc % % % % % % % % % % End of Monarch Butterfly Optimization implementation %%%% %% % %% function [delataX] = LevyFlight(StepSize, Dim) %Allocate matrix for solutions delataX = zeros(1,Dim); %Loop over each dimension for i=1:Dim % Cauchy distribution fx = tan(pi * rand(1,StepSize)); delataX(i) = sum(fx); end
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]王希彤. 基于MBO的约束满足问题求解算法研究[D]. 吉林大学.
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