我是靠谱客的博主 清秀眼神,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍数据库 第一次手抄作业题目及答案,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


 2018-SQL-1Download and execute the latest version of database constructionscript‘原版教材配套建表(附加首先删表)DDL+drop.sql’and data fillingscript‘大学示例数据库-2018.sql’。

1. Find the students who have registered some course at least 2 times. 

For each student as such, following information should be listed:

 Name of the student

 Title of the course

 Count of registered record of the student for the course

2. Find the students who have never registered any course.

For each student as such, following information should be listed:

 ID of the student

 Name of the student

3. Find the sections which have register records having unknown gradeinformation.For each section as such, following information should be listed:

 Title of the course corresponding to the section

 Id of the section

 Year of the section

 Semester of the section

4. Find the students who enroll to the department having 4 instructorsat least. PROVIDE TWO METHODS for the query.For each student as such, following information should be listed:

 Id of the student

 Name of the student

 Name of the department the student enrolled to

5. Find the department which hired instructors whose name contain ‘世’.For each department as such, following information should belisted:

 Name of the department

 Building of the department

 Instructor count of the department

from takes

with t as(select student .id ,course.course_id ,name, title 
from takes join student on student .ID  = takes .id
join course on takes.course_id  = takes . course_id
select name,count(*),title
from t
group by id,course_id ,name,title 
having COUNT (*)>1
order by name,title

with t as(select student.id,student .name ,course .title 
from takes join student on student .ID  = takes .id
join course on takes.course_id  = course . course_id
select id,name
from  student 
where not exists (select name from t where student.name = t.name )
with t as(
select takes.course_id ,year,semester,title,grade,id
from takes  join course on takes.course_id = course .course_id 
select id,year,semester,title
from t
where grade is null

--第四题  第一种方法
with t as(select department .dept_name as deptt_name
from department join instructor 
on department .dept_name = instructor .dept_name 
group by department .dept_name 
having count(*)>=4)

select id,name,student.dept_name 
from student  right join  t
on student.dept_name =t .deptt_name 
-- 第四题  第二种方法
select id,name,dept_name 
from student  
where dept_name in (
select department.dept_name
from department  join instructor 
on department .dept_name = instructor . dept_name 
group by department.dept_name 
having count(*)>=4

with t as(select department .dept_name deptt_name,count(*) as sum_od_instr
from department join instructor 
on department .dept_name = instructor .dept_name 
group by department .dept_name 
select department .dept_name ,building ,t.sum_od_instr
from department join t on department .dept_name = t.deptt_name 
where department.dept_name in (
select department.dept_name 
from department join instructor  on department .dept_name =instructor .dept_name 
where name like '%世%'

--4  老师。。表里有学生  学生表里有老师


以上就是清秀眼神为你收集整理的数据库 第一次手抄作业题目及答案的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决数据库 第一次手抄作业题目及答案所遇到的程序开发问题。



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