我是靠谱客的博主 标致苗条,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍信息安全与密码学博士:应该掌握的52个知 ,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。







Computer Engineering ([E]) 计算机工程方面

                  Number 1What is the difference between the following?

    • A general-purpose processor.

    • A general-purpose processor with instruction-set extensions.

    • A special-purpose processor (or co-processor).

    • An FPGA.

                  Number 2What is the difference between a multi-core processor and a vector processor?

                  Number 3Estimate the relative computational and storage capabilities of...

    • a smart-card

    • a micro-controller (i.e. a sensor node)

    • an embedded or mobile computer (e.g., a mobile phone or PDA)

    • a laptop- or desktop-class computer.

Theoretical Computer Science ([F]) 理论计算机科学方面

Number 4What is meant by the complexity class P?

Number 5What is meant by the complexity class NP?

Number 6 How can we interpret NP as the set of theorems whose proofs can be checked in polynomial time?

Number 7How does randomness help in computation, and what is the class BPP?

Number 8How does interaction help in computation, and what is the class IP?

Number 9What are Shannon's definitions of entropy and information?

Mathematical Background ([A,B]) 数学背景

Number 10What is the difference between the RSA and the Strong-RSA problem?

Number 11What are the DLP, CDH and DDH problems?

Number 12What is the elliptic curve group law?

Number 13Outline the use and advantages of projective point representation.

Number 14What is a cryptographic pairing?

Basic (Practical or Deployed) Cryptographic Schemes and Protocols ([A]) 基本密码机制与协议

Number 15Describe the key generation, encryption and decryption algorithms for RSA-OAEP and ECIES.

Number 16 Describe the key generation, signature and verification algorithms for DSA, Schnorr and RSA-FDH.

Number 17Describe and compare the round structure of DES and AES.

Number 18Draw a diagram (or describe) the ECB, CBC and CTR modes of operation.

Number 19Describe the Shamir secret sharing scheme.

Number 20How are Merkle-Damgaard style hash functions constructed?

Cryptographic Implementation Details ([A]) 密码实现详情

Number 21How does the CRT method improve performance of RSA?

Number 22How do you represent a number and multiply numbers in Montgomery arithmetic?

Number 23Write a C program to implement Montgomery arithmetic.

Number 24Describe the binary, m-ary and sliding window exponentiation algorithms.

Number 25Describe methods for modular reduction using "special" primes that define GF(p) and GF(2^n).

Number 26Describe the NAF scalar multiplication algorithm.

Security Definitions and Proofs ([A,B,C]) 安全定义和证明

Number 27What is the IND-CCA security definition for symmetric key encryption?

Number 28What is the IND-CCA security definition for public key encryption?

Number 29What is the UF-CMA security definition for digital signatures?

Number 30Roughly outline the BR security definition for key agreement?

Number 31Give one proof of something which involves game hopping

Number 32Outline the difference between a game based and a simulation based security definition.

Mathematical Attacks ([A,B]) 数学攻击

Number 33How does the Bellcore attack work against RSA with CRT?

Number 34Describe the Baby-Step/Giant-Step method for breaking DLPs

Number 35Give the rough idea of Pollard rho, Pollard "kangaroo" and parallel Pollard rho attacks on ECDLP.

Number 36What is meant by index calculus algorithms?

Number 37Roughly outline (in two paragraphs only) how the NFS works.

Practical Attacks ([D]) 实际攻击

Number 38What is the difference between a covert channel and a side-channel?

Number 39What is the difference between a side-channel attack and a fault attack?

Number 40What is usually considered the difference between DPA and SPA?

Number 41Are all side channels related to power analysis?

Number 42Look at your C code for Montgomery multiplication above; can you determine where it could leak side channel information?

Number 43Describe some basic (maybe ineffective) defences against side channel attacks proposed in the literature for AES.

Number 44Describe some basic (maybe ineffective) defences against side channel attacks proposed in the literature for ECC.

Number 45Describe some basic (maybe ineffective) defences against side channel attacks proposed in the literature for RSA.

Advanced Protocols and Constructions ([A,B]) 高级协议与构造

Number 46What is the Fiat-Shamir transform?

Number 47What does correctness, soundness and zero-knowledge mean in the context of a Sigma protocol?

Number 48What is the purpose and use of a TPM?

Number 49Describe the basic ideas behind IPSec and TLS.

Number 50What is the BLS pairing based signature scheme?

Number 51What is the security model for ID-based encryption, and describe one IBE scheme.

Number 52Pick an advanced application concept such as e-Voting, Auctions or Multi-Party Computation. What are the rough security requirements of such a system?


Further Reading (进一步参考文献)

  • [A] Nigel's      book is deliberately informal and tries to give quick flavours of      what is important in theory and practice.

  • [B] The Katz      Lindell book is a better formal introduction to modern      theoretical cryptography but it is less good in its treatment of what is      important in the real world (e.g. the coverage of AES, ECC,      implementation, etc is quite limited).

  • [C] Goldreich's      two volume book is a very good introduction to the deep theory,      but deliberately does not cover practical cryptography.

  • [D] Elisabeth's DPA book is      the best introduction to all things about side-channels.

  • [E] Dan's book is      a good starting place for computer architecture and learning VHDL.

  • [F] Goldreich's      book on complexity theory is a good place to start. Its approach      is much more down-to-earth and sensible than other approaches (i.e. P vs      NP is presented in terms of is it easier to check or find proofs?)


以上就是标致苗条为你收集整理的信息安全与密码学博士:应该掌握的52个知 的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决信息安全与密码学博士:应该掌握的52个知 所遇到的程序开发问题。



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