我是靠谱客的博主 怕孤单胡萝卜,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍申请国外大学时写的Research Proposal,希望对某些同志有用。TopicBackgroundMy IdeaProblemMethodologyConcluding RemarkReferences,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




Department of Computer Science & Engineering

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


My research is centered around integration method of scene simulation and numerical simulation based on HLA (High Level Architecture). It extends to several closely related areas including: 3D simulation, 3D modeling, numerical simulation, HLA, distributed system, simulation and so on. I think my research is full of challenges and fun.


In the recent two decades, the computer simulation has been acting as hot research fields. In the aerospace practice, the simulation technology has been used for launch vehicle design, training, etc.

The research of simulation in the filed of space technology has explored since 1960s and the rounded theory and techniques were founded. The simulation theory and applications made remarkable progress such as the simulation for missile of Polaris, Proteus, trident. The mathematic models including roll motion model, switch function model, guide function model, mass function model, aerodynamics model were studied by many researchers[1]. In the first stage, most studies were hardware-in-loop simulation.

Recently, the numerical simulation technology has been developed quickly. The simulation on HL-20 space shuttle using SIMULINK was conducted by NASA in 1990’s. Basic aerodynamic coefficients were modeled as functions of angles of attack and sideslip angle.

My Idea

I want to design a simulation frame with scene simulation, numerical simulation and High Level Architecture. Using this frame we can get some useful simulation.

Fig.1 Integration Simulation Frame

The Fig.1 is my design for the Integration Simulation Frame. This frame contains a scene simulation computer, a numerical simulation computer, a RTI server, a system management computer and a data center server.

From the figure above, the structure of Integration simulation frame is shown clearly. Control center is the core this system management computer. It sends order to the network, which is based on RTI, in order to control the action of scene simulation and numerical simulation. When receive corresponding orders, the scene simulation model could execute its action. The data center server supplies all the 3D models needed in the background.


According analysis the functional of the Fig.1, there will be some technical problems. For example, there are two pictures. Fig.2 is the model of attitude control system which is designed using SIMULINK. Fig.3 is the model of a rocket designed using 3DMAX.



Fig.2 The model of rocket’s attitude control system

The technical problems:

How can the Simulink model communicates with HLA_RTL?

How can the 3D model communicates with HLA_RTI?


In this section, I will raise my plan to tackle my research problem.

To solve the problem of how the Simulink model communicates with the HLA_RTI.

I will design general adaptor of MATLAB and HLA_RTI. MATLAB provides powerful modeling and simulation function, and friendly API, However, MATLAB doesn’t support HLA_RTI, so it can’t participate in collaborative simulation based on HLA_RTI. By the general adaptor, MATLAB simulation model can flexibly join simulation federation of RTI as a federate, and participate in collaborative simulation.

Fig.4 General adaptor of MATLAB and HLA_RTI

To solve the problem of the 3D model communicates with HLA_RTI.

To solve this problem, I will design general adaptor of OGRE and HLA_RTI. What is OGRE? Its full name is Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. It make developer to develop 3D application more easily and directly. In the integration simulation frame, general adaptor of OGRE’ function is getting the results of numerical model of MATLAB to drive 3D models. The OGRE_RTI adaptor should contain user interface component, message send component, message received component, message package component, message unpack component. User interface realizes the function of getting the operation order from the OGRE scene. Message package component and message unpack component realize the function of packaging and unpacking message. Message send component realizes the function of sending OGRE message and message received component realizes the function of receiving OGRE message.

Concluding Remark

The methods which is mentioned above doesn’t put into practice. I think the problem is above me now. Maybe there will be other good idea to resolve the problem which I can’t settle. To solve these types of problem require applying inventory theory to accommodate to new circumstances, which will be my propose area for my PhD study.


[1] Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, “The Timeless Way of Building” , Oxford University Press ,New York,1977.

[2] Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson,

Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, and Shlomo Angel. “A Pattern Language’’, Oxford University Press, New York,1977.

[3] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. “Design Pattens, Elements of Resuable Object-Oriented Software”, China Machine


[4] Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott, “Design Patterns Explained”, Tsinghua University Press, 2004

[5] Frank Buschmann, Regin Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michal Stal, “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns”, China Machine Press,2005. pp. 223-225

[6] Judith S. Dahmann, Richard M. Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly. THE DoD HIGH LEVEL ARCHITECTURE: AN UPDATE. Proceedings of the 1998 Winter Simulation Conference,797-804

[7] Richard M. Fujimoto. DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference

[8] Jun Sun1, Hui Li, Jumei Fu. Research of texture for 3D modelingbased on Creator.IEEE,2004.

[9] XU Chang-wei , HOU Cha-2zhen. Theory and Implementation of Distributed visual Simulation. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology , 2001 ,4:429-435.

[10] Shi xiaoxia , Zhong qiuhai. The Introduction On High Level Architecture (HLA) and Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI). SICE Annual Conference in Fukui, August 4-6,2OO3

[11] HAO Yan-ling,SHEN, Dong-hui,HUANG, Ying-ying. Study of Submarine Training Simulator Based on HLA.JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION,2005,1:87-90.

[12] ZHENG Jian, GUAN Zheng-xi. Visual Simulation in Virtual Real ity System. Microcomputer Development,2003,9:18-22,23.

[13] TANG Feng-ju. Application of simulation technology in modern times.Bei Jing:publishing company of national defence industry,2001




以上就是怕孤单胡萝卜为你收集整理的申请国外大学时写的Research Proposal,希望对某些同志有用。TopicBackgroundMy IdeaProblemMethodologyConcluding RemarkReferences的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决申请国外大学时写的Research Proposal,希望对某些同志有用。TopicBackgroundMy IdeaProblemMethodologyConcluding RemarkReferences所遇到的程序开发问题。



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