PS:首先声明是学校的作业= = 我喊它贝塔狗(原谅我不要脸),因为一直觉得阿法狗很厉害但离我很遥远,终于第一次在作业驱动下尝试写了一个能看的AI,有不错的胜率还是挺开心的
[--size SIZE] (boardsize) 棋盘大小
[--games GAMES] (number of games) 玩多少盘
[--iterations ITERATIONS] (number of iterations allowed by the agent) 提高这个会提高算度,但下的更慢[--print-board {all,final}] debug的时候用的
[--parallel PARALLEL] 线程,我的电脑其实可以12,老师给的是8,懒得改了= =
python main.py --games 100 --size 5 --iterations 100 --parallel 8 shapes1.txt >> results.txt # two in a row
python main.py --games 100 --size 10 --iterations 100 --parallel 8 shapes1.txt >> results.txt # two in a row large
python main.py --games 100 --size 3 --iterations 1000 --parallel 8 shapes2.txt >> results.txt # tic-tac-toe
python main.py --games 100 --size 8 --iterations 1000 --parallel 8 shapes3.txt >> results.txt # plus
python main.py --games 100 --size 8 --iterations 1000 --parallel 8 shapes4.txt >> results.txt # circle
python main.py --games 100 --size 8 --iterations 100 --parallel 8 shapes4.txt >> results.txt # circle fast
python main.py --games 100 --size 10 --iterations 1000 --parallel 8 shapes5.txt >> results.txt # disjoint
思路/ pseudocode
1. Get every possible move
2. Simulate games for each possible move
3. Calculate the reward for each possible move
4. Return move choice for the real game
from random_agent import RandomAgent
from game import Game
import numpy as np
import copy
import random
class Agent:
def __init__(self, iterations, id):
self.iterations = iterations
self.id = id
def make_move(self, game):
iter_cnt = 0
rand = np.random.random()
# parameters for each avaliable position
freeposnum = len(game.board.free_positions())
pos_winrate = np.zeros(freeposnum)
pos_reward = np.zeros(freeposnum)
pos_cnt = np.zeros(freeposnum)
free_positions = game.board.free_positions()
# simulation begin with creating a deep copy, which can change without affecting the others
while iter_cnt < self.iterations:
# create a deep copy
board = copy.deepcopy(game.board)
# dynamic epsilon, increased from 0(exploration) to 1(exploitation) by running time
epsilon = iter_cnt / self.iterations
# exploration & exploitation
if rand > epsilon:
#pointer = game.board.random_free()
pointer = random.randrange(0, len(free_positions))
pointer = np.argmax(pos_winrate)
# make the move in the deepcopy and deduce the game by using random agents
finalmove = free_positions[pointer]
board.place(finalmove, self.id)
# attention here, it should be agent no.2 to take the next move
deepcopy_players = [RandomAgent(2), RandomAgent(1)]
deepcopy_game = game.from_board(board, game.objectives, deepcopy_players, game.print_board)
if deepcopy_game.victory(finalmove, self.id):
winner = self
winner = deepcopy_game.play()
# give rewards by outcomes
if winner:
if winner.id == 1:
pos_reward[pointer] += 1
pos_reward[pointer] -= 1
pos_reward[pointer] += 0
# visit times + 1
pos_cnt[pointer] += 1
# calculate the winrate of each position
pos_winrate[pointer] = pos_reward[pointer] / pos_cnt[pointer]
# next iteration
iter_cnt += 1
# back to real match with a postion with the highest winrate
highest_winrate_pos = np.argmax(pos_winrate)
# take the shot
finalmove = free_positions[highest_winrate_pos]
return finalmove
def __str__(self):
return f'Player {self.id} (betago agent)'
PSS: 其实我也比较懒,没有把测试用例都截图po上来,但时间精力确实有限,比如现在还有别的作业没写完= =
以上就是体贴飞机为你收集整理的bandit agent下棋AI(python编写) 通过强化学习RL 使用numpy正文的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决bandit agent下棋AI(python编写) 通过强化学习RL 使用numpy正文所遇到的程序开发问题。
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