我是靠谱客的博主 香蕉小松鼠,这篇文章主要介绍[GRE] 填空经典1290题 错题(五),现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

1. It seems foolish to refuse the offer of an expedient that is both so _____ success and so difficult to create them absent.

A reminiscent of

B lacking in

C distinct from

D indispensable to

E inimical to

来源:Section 31 Medium

解析:so difficult to create them absent(没他们不行)与空格并列,所以空格体现不可或缺,正确答案选 D 选项。


2. Circulatory systems on organisms originated in widely separated epochs, according to the fossil record, and under a broad range of circumstances, the myriad forms they take attest to that ______ of origin.

A mysteriousness

B randomness

C ambiguity

D heterogeneity

E indeterminacy

F diversity

 来源:Section 31 Medium

解析:that 同义重复前文的特征 widely separated epochs,所以正确答案选 DF 选项。heterogeneity 多样性,diversity 差异。


3. Compared to their predecessors, who were more nationalist than feminist in political orientation, Roman women activists of the younger generation are more inclined to _____ women`s rights, often creating organizations focused primarily on women`s issues.

A expand

B de-emphasize

C champion

D idealize

E downplay

F defend

  来源:Section 31 Medium

解析:often creating organizations focused primarily on womens issues 体现这些人愿意为女性争取权利,所以正确答案选 CF 选项。champion捍卫,defend 保护。


4. Although its gray text blocks and black-and-white illustrations give it a sober mien, this one-stop resource can take the place of a dozen less _____ texts.

A exhaustive

B interesting

C appealing

D original

E educational

F comprehensive

 来源:Section 32 Medium


A. exhaustive全面的

B. interesting有趣的

C. appealing吸引人的

D. original新颖的 

E. educational教育的

F. comprehensive全面的

【答案】A F





5. The _____ of ophthalmology as a field in the United States from 1820 to 1850 is evident in the opening of at least five eye hospitals during this period, offering new venues for ophthalmic treatment and experimentation.

A sophistication

B retrenchment (紧缩,缩减)

C burgeoning

D resurgence

E curtailment

F expansion

 来源:Section 32 Medium

解析:后面说 offering new venues for ophthalmic treatment and experimentation,说明这种眼科在这个时间段是发展迅速的,所以正确答案选CF 选项。burgeoning 激增,expansion 扩张。

翻译:在 1820 年到 1850 年美国眼科学的扩张是很明显的,在这段时间至少五家眼科医院开张了,能够提供眼科治疗和实验的新场所。

6. In his youth, the naturalist and artist John James Audubon was given to _____ glamorous tales about himself: he falsely claimed to have studied under a renowned French painter and hinted that he was the heir apparent to the French throne.

A disavowing

B understanding

C constraining

D obfuscating

E concocting

来源:Section 33 Medium 


【解析】冒号前后前后取同,falsely claimed体现了这个人是在编造故事,所以正确答案选E选项。concoct编造。



A. disavowing否认

B. understanding理解

C. constraining约束

D. obfuscating模糊

E. concocting捏造


7. Holston characterized a colonial situation as an aggregation of activities and a conjunction of outcomes that, though _____ and at times coordinated, were usually diffuse, disorganized, and even contradictory.

A dubious

B chaotic

C harmonious

D linked

E imputed

来源:Section 33 Medium 


【解析】此题有陷阱,根据and前后的并列关系得知空格和coordinated取同,所以很多人就选了C选项。但是注意后面有一个at times,说明coordinated要比空格递进,所以正确答案选一个比coordinated弱一点的词,正确答案选D选项。linked有联系的。


【句子翻译】H 把殖民地处境描述成若干活动的累加和一系列后果的结合,它们尽管彼此联系且时而互相协调,但通常是分散的,混乱的,甚至矛盾的。


A. dubious 可疑的

B. chaotic 混乱的

C. harmonious 和谐的

D. linked 有关联的

E. imputed 归罪的

8. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.

A reveal

B justify

C manifest

D mitigate

E diminish

F undercut

来源:Section 33 Medium  

【答案】A C

【解析】冒号前后整体取同,后文说马如果不好好检验的话就会粗制滥造,说明这些空中观察无法揭示重要的艺术才能,答案选 AC 选项。reveal 揭露,manifest 展现。



A. reveal揭露

B. justify证明合法

C. manifest展现

D. mitigate缓和

E. diminish减少

F. undercut削弱

9. The initial, widely shared pessimism turned out to be _____, because it ignored the many things that could be done with resources left behind.

A unintelligible

B unfathomable

C unfounded

D unimaginative

E unjustified

F unimportant

 来源:Section 33 Medium

【答案】C E

【解析】because it ignored the many things,it指代pessimism, 这种悲观忽视了很多可以通过已有的资源搞定的事儿,本就是大可不必悲观的,所以正确答案选 CE 选项。unfounded 无根据的,unjustified 不合理的。


A.unintelligible 无法理解的
B.unfathomable 无法理解的
C.unfounded 无根据的
D.unimaginative 无法想象的
F. unimportant不重要的






以上就是香蕉小松鼠最近收集整理的关于[GRE] 填空经典1290题 错题(五)的全部内容,更多相关[GRE]内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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