网站日志流量分析系统之(日志收集)已将数据落地收集并落地至HDFS,根据网站日志流量分析系统中架构图,接下来要做的事情就是做离线分析,编写MR程序或通过手写HQL对HDFS中的数据进行清洗;由于清洗逻辑比较简单,这里我选择用Hive来对HDFS中的数据进行清洗(当然也可以用MR来清洗)。数据清洗处理过程相对较长,所以:Be patient,please!
hive> create database logdb;
hive>use logdb;
hive> create external table logdemo > (url string,urlname string,title string,chset string, > scr string,col string,lg string,je string,ec string, > fv string,cn string,ref string,uagent string, > stat_uv string,stat_ss string,cip string) > partitioned by (reportTime string) row format delimited fields > terminated by '|' location '/logdemo';
hive> alter table logdemo add partition(reportTime='2019-09-07') location '/logdemo/reportTime=2019-09-07'; //这里关联hdfs
hive> select * from logdemo;
hive> create table dataclear > (url string,urlname string,ref string,uagent string, > uvid string,ssid string,sscoutn string,sstime string,cip string) > partitioned by (reportTime string) row format delimited fields terminated by '|';
hive> insert into dataclear partition(reportTime='2019-09-07') > select split(url,'-')[2],urlname,ref,uagent,stat_uv,split(stat_ss,'_')[0], > split(stat_ss,'_')[1],split(stat_ss,'_')[2],cip from logdemo > where reportTime = '2019-09-07';
hive> select * from dataclear;
hive> select count(*) as pv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07';
hive> select count(distinct uvid) as uv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07';
hive> select count(distinct ssid) as vv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07';
总会话sql:select count(distinct ssid) as vv_count from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07'
跳出会话sql:select count(br_tab.ssid) as br_count from (select ssid from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid having count(*) = 1) as br_tab,HQL计算逻辑:跳出会话数/总会话数
hive> select round(br_left_tab.br_count / br_right_tab.vv_count,4) as br from > (select count(br_tab.ssid) as br_count from (select ssid from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid having count(*) = 1) as br_tab) as br_left_tab, > (select count(distinct ssid) as vv_count from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as br_right_tab;
hive> select count(distinct dataclear.cip) as newip from dataclear > where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' > and dataclear.cip not in > (select distinct inner_dataclear_tab.cip from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab > where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0)
hive> select count(distinct dataclear.uvid) as newcust from dataclear > where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' > and dataclear.uvid not in > (select inner_dataclear_tab.uvid from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab > where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0);
hive> select avg(avgtime_tab.use_time) as avgtime from > (select max(sstime) - min(sstime) as use_time from dataclear > where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid) as avgtime_tab;
insert into tongji1 select '2019-09-07',tab1.pv,tab2.uv,tab3.vv,,tab5.newip,tab6.newcust,tab7.avgtime,tab8.avgdeep from (select count(*) as pv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as tab1, (select count(distinct uvid) as uv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as tab2, (select count(distinct ssid) as vv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as tab3, (select round(br_left_tab.br_count / br_right_tab.vv_count,4) as br from (select count(br_tab.ssid) as br_count from (select ssid from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid having count(*) = 1) as br_tab) as br_left_tab, (select count(distinct ssid) as vv_count from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as br_right_tab) as tab4, (select count(distinct dataclear.cip) as newip from dataclear where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' and dataclear.cip not in (select distinct inner_dataclear_tab.cip from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0)) as tab5, (select count(distinct dataclear.uvid) as newcust from dataclear where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' and dataclear.uvid not in (select inner_dataclear_tab.uvid from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0)) as tab6, (select avg(avgtime_tab.use_time) as avgtime from (select max(sstime) - min(sstime) as use_time from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid) as avgtime_tab) as tab7, (select round(avg(avgdeep_tab.deep),4) as avgdeep from (select count(distinct url) as deep from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid) as avgdeep_tab) as tab8;
hive> create table tongji1 (reportTime string,pv int,uv int,vv int,br double,newip int,newcust int,avgtime double,avgdeep double) row format delimited fields terminated by '|';
hive> create table tongji1_temp (reportTime string,field string,value double) row format delimited fields terminated by '|';
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','pv',t1.pv from (select count(*) as pv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as t1;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','uv',t2.uv from (select count(distinct uvid) as uv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as t2;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','vv',t3.vv from (select count(distinct ssid) as vv from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as t3;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','br', from (select round(br_left_tab.br_count / br_right_tab.vv_count,4) as br from (select count(br_tab.ssid) as br_count from (select ssid from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid having count(*) = 1) as br_tab) as br_left_tab, (select count(distinct ssid) as vv_count from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07') as br_right_tab) as t4;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','newip',t5.newip from (select count(distinct dataclear.cip) as newip from dataclear where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' and dataclear.cip not in (select distinct inner_dataclear_tab.cip from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0)) as t5;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','newcust',t6.newcust from (select count(distinct dataclear.uvid) as newcust from dataclear where dataclear.reportTime='2019-09-07' and dataclear.uvid not in (select inner_dataclear_tab.uvid from dataclear as inner_dataclear_tab where datediff('2019-09-07',inner_dataclear_tab.reportTime)>0)) as t6;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','avgtime',t7.avgtime from (select avg(avgtime_tab.use_time) as avgtime from (select max(sstime) - min(sstime) as use_time from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid) as avgtime_tab) as t7;
hive> insert into tongji1_temp select '2019-09-07','avgdeep',t8.avgdeep from (select round(avg(avgdeep_tab.deep),4) as avgdeep from (select count(distinct url) as deep from dataclear where reportTime='2019-09-07' group by ssid) as avgdeep_tab) as t8;

hive> insert into tongji1 select '2019-09-07',t1.pv,t2.uv,t3.vv,,t5.newip, t6.newcust, t7.avgtime, t8.avgdeep from > (select value as pv from tongji1_temp where field='pv' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t1, > (select value as uv from tongji1_temp where field='uv' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t2, > (select value as vv from tongji1_temp where field='vv' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t3, > (select value as br from tongji1_temp where field='br' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t4, > (select value as newip from tongji1_temp where field='newip' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t5, > (select value as newcust from tongji1_temp where field='newcust' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t6, > (select value as avgtime from tongji1_temp where field='avgtime' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t7, > (select value as avgdeep from tongji1_temp where field='avgdeep' and reportTime='2019-09-07') as t8;
hive> select * from tongji1

create database logdb; use logdb; create table tongji1( reportTime date, pv int, uv int, vv int, br double, newip int, newcust int, avgtime double, avgdeep double );

[root@hadoopalone bin]# ./sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoopalone:3306/logdb --username root --password root --export-dir '/user/hive/warehouse/logdb.db/tongji1' --table tongji1 -m 1 --fields-terminated-by '|'
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