celluar posiotioning method
mobile-based positioning method:
移動設備自身計算自己的位置,利用對地面的基站和衛星做signal measurement,網路的assistance data可以用用來自做signal measurement和position calculation
network-based positioning method:
network location server 利用網路做signal measurement來計算移動設備的位置,或者由移動設備來執行和發送到網路的信號測量。
1.三邊測量,通過計算幾何形式之間的交集來獲得位置。由終端和reference tx or rx之間距離測量創造出來的幾何圖形,我們可以採用幾種不同的距離測量,如time of arrival (ToA),time difference of arrival (TDoA),或 received signal strength (RSS). wiki:在幾何中,三邊測量是使用圓,球或三角形的幾何形狀通過測量距離來確定點的絕對或相對位置的過程。不涉及角度的計算。
2.三角測量:利用的是接受的訊號的direction of arrival 來進行位置估測,利用兩個已知訊號的夾角來進行計算。 wiki:在測量中,三角測量是通過僅測量固定基線兩端的已知點的角度來確定點的位置的過程,而不是直接測量到三角形中的點的距離。可以當成在三角形中已知兩個已知角的第三點。
3.鄰近測量:把已知的傳送端位置當成終端位置,例如cell-ID理論,裡面位置就是由其中一個基站提供,這也是GSM網路所採用的方法。 可以把cell-ID當成是手機基地站的識別碼,每個基地站都有一個唯一的ID,可以讓手機知道自己在使用哪個基地台。這樣就可以粗略的定位自己的位置了。
4.場景分析測量:也可叫做指紋或模式的配對,此方法就是要找到最佳的配對位置,利用RSS,time delay, channel delay spread這些參數,在我們現有的指紋數據庫中找到配對的位置。每一個指紋都代表一個特定的位置。
Circuit Switched Data (CSD)
In communications,** Circuit Switched Data (CSD)** is the original form of data transmission developed for the time-division multiple access (TDMA)-based mobile phone systems like Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). After 2010 many telecommunication carriers dropped support for CSD, and CSD has been superseded by GPRS and EDGE (E-GPRS).被GPRS和EDGE取代了。
location server
UE assisted positioning:
UE提供的位置測量給location server。
TOA(Time of Arrival)定位是一种基于反向链路的定位方法,通过测量手机信号到达多个基站的传播时间来确定移动用户的位置。这种技术只需3个以上的基站接收到手机信号,就可以利用三角定位算法计算出手机的位置。但由于它对接收器的误差没有进行处理,所以误差较大。
TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival)定位,是另一种基于反向链路的定位方法,通过检测移动台信号到达两个基站的时间差来确定手机的位置。TDOA方法至少需要3个以上的基站接收到手机信号,建立两个以上双曲线方程来确定交叉点的位置坐标。这种方法不要求知道信号传播的具体时间,可以抵消很大一部分时间误差和多径效应带来的误差,通常情况下定位精度高于TOA方式。
observed time difference of arrival(otdoa):
UE觀測到的兩個不同cell的downlink訊號的時間差。在T1時接收到cell 1的訊號,在t2時接收到cell 2的訊號,otdoa=t2-t1.
real time difference(RTD):
geromatric time difference(GTD):
AFLT(Advanced forward link three edge measurement)定位,是一种基于uplink的定位方法,运用于CDMA2000系统中。在进行定位操作时,手机同时监听多个基站(至少3个)的导频信息。利用码片时延来确定终端到附近基站的距离,最后用三角定位法算出终端的位置。AFLT使用GPS定位所有的基站,需要在网络中增加新的定位实体和定位中心,利用导频信息算出移动台的位置。
In wireless telephony, a cell is the geographical area covered by a cellular telephone transmitter.就是蜂窩網路覆蓋的範圍。 The transmitter facility itself is called the cell site.發送機本身被叫做cell site,站點。 The cell provided by a cell site can be from one mile to twenty miles in diameter, depending on terrain and transmission power.傳輸的直徑可以在1到20英里之間,根據地形和傳輸功率有所不同。 Several coordinated cell sites are called a cell system. When you sign up with a cellular telephone service provider, you generally are given access to their cell system, which is essentially local. When travelling out of the range of this cell system, the cell system can enable you to be transferred to a neighboring company’s cell system without your being aware of it. This is called roaming service.在你到該蜂窩系統的服務範圍之外是,cell system可以讓你在沒有意識到的情況下轉移到鄰近的cell system,這稱為漫遊服務。
primary cell:
在primary freq中執行的cell,UE要執行初始連接過程或啟動重建連接過程。
secondary cell:
在secondary freq中執行的cell,在region connect compute(RCC)connection 之後就會configured一次,被用來提供額外的無線電資源。
serving cell:
在UE使用RCC連接時并沒有配置CA所以只有一個serving cell包括primary cell。在使用CA的時候,serving cells也就就是表示一連串的cells,包括primary cell和secondary cell.
timing advance:
uplink的一個重要特征就是在UE在時間是正交多址接入,即來此同一個cell的UE不會互相干擾。為了保證Uplink的正交性,比較intra-cell干擾,eNodeB要求來自同一subframe但不同頻域資源的不同UE信號到達eNodeB的時間基本上是對齊的,eNodeB只要在CP(Cyclic Prefix)范围内接收到UE所发送的上行数据,就能够正确地解码上行数据,因此上行同步要求来自同一子帧的不同UE的信号到达eNodeB的时间都落在CP之内。
为了保证接收侧(eNodeB侧)的时间同步,LTE提出了上行定时提前(Uplink Timing Advance)的机制
UE侧看来,timing advance本质上是接收到下行子帧的起始时间与传输上行子帧的时间之间的一个负偏移(negative offset)。eNodeB通过适当地控制每个UE的偏移,可以控制来自不同UE的上行信号到达eNodeB的时间。对于离eNodeB较远的UE,由于有较大的传输延迟,就要比离eNodeB较近的UE提前发送上行数据。
differential correction:
air interface:
在行動裝置傳輸中,空中介面(air interface)是一種透過無線通訊,以連結行動電話終端用戶與基地台。在GSM/UMTS中,各種形式的 UTRA 標準便是空中介面,也就是一種存取模式 。
positioning reference signal:
在R9中提出來確認UE位置的技術,是基於cell ID定位技術來作為GPS的補充。 來自:http://lte-question.blogspot.com/2014/09/PRSLTE.html
第二步是UE要衡量observed time difference of arrival OTDA and report RSTD to cell.
Step 3. Based on UE reported reference signal time difference (RSTD), eNodeB may calculate the longitude and latitude of the UE (which can be based on any specific algorithm, not standardized).
dilution of precision (DOP)
Principles of cellular frequency reuse
In the cellular concept, frequencies allocated to the service are re-used in a regular pattern of areas, called ‘cells’, each covered by one base station. In mobile-telephone nets these cells are usually hexagonal(六邊形). In radio broadcasting, a similar concept has been developed based on rhombic (菱形)cells.
To ensure that the mutual interference between users remains below a harmful level, adjacent cells use different frequencies. In fact, a set of C different frequencies {f1, …, fC} are used for each cluster of C adjacent cells. Cluster patterns and the corresponding frequencies are re-used in a regular pattern over the entire service area.
Radio frequency fingerprinting
is a process that identifies the device or signaler from which a radio transmission originated by looking at the properties of its transmission, including specific radio frequencies. Each signal originator has its own specific “fingerprint” based on the location and configuration of its transmitted signals.
The near–far problem
or hearability problem is a situation that is common in wireless communication systems, in particular, CDMA. In some signal jamming techniques, the near–far problem is exploited to disrupt communications.
The near–far problem is a condition in which a receiver captures a strong signal and thereby makes it impossible for the receiver to detect a weaker signal.
rule of thumb
refers to a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation. It refers to an easily learned and easily applied procedure or standard, based on practical experience rather than theory. This usage of the phrase can be traced back to the seventeenth century, and has been associated with various trades where quantities were measured by comparison to the width or length of a thumb.
經驗法則(rule of thumb)是一些廣為應用的原則,但本身有經過簡化,不保證在所有的情形下都可靠,或者都有準確的結果。經驗法則一般是用近似的方式來計算或是記憶特定數值,或是進行決策,本身容易學習,而且容易應用在實務上。經驗法則的基礎是實際的應用,而不是理論本身。
The Intra Cell Handover
functionality gives the user the ability to perform CS handovers procedures in the same Cell. You can choose to use the existing (and default) channel reassignment mechanism (TCH Assignment for CS) or the new Intra Cell Handover mechanism when changing the channel characteristics of a connection e.g. ARFCN, timeslot, coding scheme.
pilot signal
In telecommunications, a pilot signal is a signal, usually a single frequency,transmitted over a communications system for supervisory, control, equalization, continuity, synchronization, or reference purposes.
remote radio head
is a remote radio transceiver that connects to an operator radio control panel via electrical or wireless interface.
In wireless system technologies such as GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE the radio equipment is remote to the BTS/NodeB/eNodeB. The equipment is used to extend the coverage of a BTS/NodeB/eNodeB in challenging environments such as rural areas or tunnels. They are generally connected to the BTS/NodeB/eNodeB via a fiber optic cable using Common Public Radio Interface protocols.
以上就是健忘面包最近收集整理的关于定位技術以及名詞解釋celluar posiotioning methodmobile-based positioning method:network-based positioning method:測量技術:Circuit Switched Data (CSD)location serverUE assisted positioning:ToATDoAobserved time difference of arrival(otdoa):real time difference(RTD):g的全部内容,更多相关定位技術以及名詞解釋celluar内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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