继上篇ROS学习之源码——init() 第一篇
在ROS的init(argc, argv, node_name)函数中,依次调用了下面五个函数:
void init(const M_string& remappings){
//查找remappings中是否存在 __hostname 参数
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.find("__hostname");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_host = it->second;
//同理 查找__ip参数
it = remappings.find("__ip");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_host = it->second;
//查找 __tcpros_server_port 参数
it = remappings.find("__tcpros_server_port");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_tcpros_server_port = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(it->second);
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&){
throw ros::InvalidPortException("__tcpros_server_port [" + it->second + "] was not specified as a number within the 0-65535 range");
if (g_host.empty()){
g_host = determineHost();
2. master::init(remappings)
void init(const M_string& remappings){
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.find("__master");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_uri = it->second;
if (g_uri.empty()){
char *master_uri_env = NULL;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
_dupenv_s(&master_uri_env, NULL, "ROS_MASTER_URI");
master_uri_env = getenv("ROS_MASTER_URI");
if (!master_uri_env){
ROS_FATAL( "ROS_MASTER_URI is not defined in the environment. Either "
"type the following or (preferrably) add this to your "
"~/.bashrc file in order set up your "
"local machine as a ROS master:nn"
"export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311nn"
"then, type 'roscore' in another shell to actually launch "
"the master program.");
g_uri = master_uri_env;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Split URI into
if (!network::splitURI(g_uri, g_host, g_port)){
ROS_FATAL( "Couldn't parse the master URI [%s] into a host:port pair.", g_uri.c_str());
3. this_node::init(name, remappings, options)
void init(const std::string& name, const M_string& remappings, uint32_t options){
char *ns_env = NULL;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
_dupenv_s(&ns_env, NULL, "ROS_NAMESPACE");
ns_env = getenv("ROS_NAMESPACE");
if (ns_env){
g_namespace = ns_env;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
g_name = name;
bool disable_anon = false;
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.find("__name");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_name = it->second;
disable_anon = true;
it = remappings.find("__ns");
if (it != remappings.end()){
g_namespace = it->second;
if (g_namespace.empty()){
g_namespace = "/";
g_namespace = (g_namespace == "/")
? std::string("/")
: ("/" + g_namespace)
std::string error;
if (!names::validate(g_namespace, error)){
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Namespace [" << g_namespace << "] is invalid: " << error;
throw InvalidNameException(ss.str());
if (g_name.find("/") != std::string::npos){
throw InvalidNodeNameException(g_name, "node names cannot contain /");
if (g_name.find("~") != std::string::npos){
throw InvalidNodeNameException(g_name, "node names cannot contain ~");
g_name = names::resolve(g_namespace, g_name);
if (options & init_options::AnonymousName && !disable_anon){
char buf[200];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "_%llu", (unsigned long long)WallTime::now().toNSec());
g_name += buf;
ros::console::setFixedFilterToken("node", g_name);
4. file_log::init(remappings)
void init(const M_string& remappings){
std::string log_file_name;
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.find("__log");
if (it != remappings.end()){
log_file_name = it->second;
// Log filename can be specified on the command line through __log
// If it's been set, don't create our own name
if (log_file_name.empty()){
// Setup the logfile appender
// Can't do this in rosconsole because the node name is not known
pid_t pid = getpid();
std::string ros_log_env;
if ( get_environment_variable(ros_log_env, "ROS_LOG_DIR")){
log_file_name = ros_log_env + std::string("/");
if ( get_environment_variable(ros_log_env, "ROS_HOME")){
log_file_name = ros_log_env + std::string("/log/");
// Not cross-platform?
if( get_environment_variable(ros_log_env, "HOME") ){
std::string dotros = ros_log_env + std::string("/.ros/");
log_file_name = dotros + "log/";
// sanitize the node name and tack it to the filename
for (size_t i = 1; i < this_node::getName().length(); i++){
if (!isalnum(this_node::getName()[i])){
log_file_name += '_';
log_file_name += this_node::getName()[i];
char pid_str[100];
snprintf(pid_str, sizeof(pid_str), "%d", pid);
log_file_name += std::string("_") + std::string(pid_str) + std::string(".log");
log_file_name = fs::system_complete(log_file_name).string();
g_log_directory = fs::path(log_file_name).parent_path().string();
5. param::init(remappings)
void init(const M_string& remappings){
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.begin();
M_string::const_iterator end = remappings.end();
for (; it != end; ++it){
const std::string& name = it->first;
const std::string& param = it->second;
if (name.size() < 2){
if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] != '_'){
std::string local_name = "~" + name.substr(1);
bool success = false;
int32_t i = boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(param);
ros::param::set(names::resolve(local_name), i);
success = true;
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&){
if (success){
double d = boost::lexical_cast<double>(param);
ros::param::set(names::resolve(local_name), d);
success = true;
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&){
if (success){
if (param == "true" || param == "True" || param == "TRUE"){
ros::param::set(names::resolve(local_name), true);
else if (param == "false" || param == "False" || param == "FALSE"){
ros::param::set(names::resolve(local_name), false);
ros::param::set(names::resolve(local_name), param);
6. names::init(remappings)
void init(const M_string& remappings){
M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.begin();
M_string::const_iterator end = remappings.end();
for (; it != end; ++it){
const std::string& left = it->first;
const std::string& right = it->second;
if (!left.empty() && left[0] != '_' && left != this_node::getName()){
std::string resolved_left = resolve(left, false);
std::string resolved_right = resolve(right, false);
g_remappings[resolved_left] = resolved_right;
g_unresolved_remappings[left] = right;
以上就是鳗鱼黑猫为你收集整理的ROS学习之源码——init() 第二篇的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ROS学习之源码——init() 第二篇所遇到的程序开发问题。
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