我是靠谱客的博主 无情唇膏,这篇文章主要介绍社区组成部分– 2019年正在审查中,社区创建者将关注,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

Last year had great highlights like, the longest uninterrupted streak of #UnityTips on Twitter, regular weekly episodes of Best of Made with Unity projects and the rise of a new wave of Unity centric content creators on YouTube. With so much awesomeness to keep track of we’re dedicating the first Community Component of 2020 to the incredible contributions made by our content creators in 2019!

去年有很多重要的亮点,例如#UnityTips在Twitter上的连续播放时间最长,Best of Made with Unity项目的每周例集以及YouTube上以Unity为中心的内容创作者新浪潮的兴起。 凭借如此出色的跟踪能力,我们致力于将2020年的第一个社区组成部分献给我们的内容创作者在2019年做出的惊人贡献!

重大里程碑 (Massive Milestones)

Brackeys hits 900,000 subscribers


In 2019 one of Unity’s veteran YouTubers celebrated a new milestone with 900,000 subscribers. Congrats to Brackeys and his team on seven years of amazing successes, 430+ tutorials and having fun while at it! 

在2019年,Unity的一位资深YouTubers迎来了一个新的里程碑,拥有900,000名订阅者。 恭喜Brackeys和他的团队取得了七年来的惊人成就,430多个教程并在此过程中玩得开心!

Freya celebrates 10 years with Unity


Freya Holmer, one of the creators behind Shader Forge and the amazing VR game Budget Cuts, recently celebrated 10 years of using Unity! What’s impressive is that she has been sharing her knowledge through livestreams on Twitch and YouTube for almost as long as she’s been using Unity. Tune in to Freya’s in-depth streams and see her do gorgeous math visualizations in Unity, procedural geometry, animation, shader magic and, of course, C#.

Shader Forge和令人惊叹的VR游戏 Budget Cuts 背后的创造者之一 Freya Holmer 最近庆祝使用Unity十周年! 令人印象深刻的是,她一直 在使用Unity的过程中 通过Twitch和 YouTube 上的实时直播分享知识 。 收听Freya的深入资料流,看看她在Unity,过程几何,动画,着色器魔术以及C#中进行了华丽的数学可视化。

Sebastian Lague hits 300,000 subscribers

塞巴斯蒂安·拉格(Sebastian Lague)吸引 30万订户

Seven years ago Sebastian Lague posted his first Unity tutorial on how to make Zelda-Style Healthbar and it was all uphill from there! Now he has over 300,000 subscribers and an impressive library of challenging and fun tutorials, including one of our personal favorites, the Coding Adventure. Sebastian’s channel is a great resource for advanced programming topics. Make sure to check out his videos and we guarantee he will give your brain a workout!

七年前,塞巴斯蒂安·拉格(Sebastian Lague)发布了他的第一个Unity教程,内容是关于如何制作Zelda-Style Healthbar的教程,从那开始一切都是艰难的! 现在,他拥有超过30万名订阅者,以及令人印象深刻的充满挑战性和趣味性的教程库,其中包括我们最喜欢的个人之一《 编码冒险》 。 Sebastian的频道是高级编程主题的重要资源。 请务必查看他的视频,我们保证他会为您提供锻炼的机会!

即将到来的新人 (Newcomers on the block)

While veteran Unity content creators continue to create fantastic tutorials, 2019 brought us a number of new and exciting creators that thanks to your support, went from zero to hero in no time at all! Let’s take a look at who they are and why you should keep your eye on them in 2020. 

尽管资深的Unity内容创作者继续创建出色的教程,但2019年为我们带来了许多新的令人兴奋的创作者,这要归功于您的支持,使他们从零变成了英雄! 让我们看看他们是谁,以及为什么要在2020年继续关注他们。




Dani started 2019 with just several hundred subscribers, and gained over 280,000 subscribers by 2020! His easy to watch and humorous approach to complex topics like neural networks and evolutionary algorithms (for stick figures) have quickly made him a community favorite.  Check him out if you are looking for inspiration on how to build a game in one hour. Fun fact, that game reached the top of Google Play’s Trending chart at release! 

Dani从2019年开始只有几百个订户,到2020年增加了280,000订户! 他对神经网络和进化算法(适用于简笔画)等复杂主题的易于观察和幽默的方法Swift使他成为社区的最爱。 如果您正在寻找 如何在一个小时内建立游戏的 灵感,请检查他 。 有趣的是,该游戏发布时已达到Google Play趋势图的顶部!

Kristin Stock



Kristin posted her first video in March of 2019 after teaching herself to program as a way to relax after stressful workdays. Her videos approach complex topics, breaking them down into bite-size pieces in her own unique and quirky way. Follow Kristin to learn more about procedural generation, physics and get inspired!

克里斯汀(Kristin)在自学编程后,在紧张的工作日后放松身心,于2019年3月发布了她的第一个视频。 她的视频处理复杂的主题,以自己独特而又古怪的方式将它们分解成小块。 关注克里斯汀(Kristin),以了解有关程序生成,物理的更多信息并获得 启发 !

Game Dev Guide



Matt, the creator behind the Game Dev Guide, posted his first video in March of 2019. His channel consists of high quality tutorials, covering a range of topics that are often hard to find anywhere else on YouTube. If you are a game developer looking for useful tips on localization, post-processing stack, and scriptable objects this is the channel for you!  

游戏开发指南的作者马特(Matt)于2019年3月发布了他的第一个视频。他的频道包含高质量的教程,涵盖了许多主题,这些主题通常在YouTube上找不到。 如果您是游戏开发人员,正在寻找有关本地化, 后处理 堆栈和可编写脚本的对象的 有用技巧,那么 这就是您的渠道!

VR with Andrew



Want to develop for VR and don’t know how to get started? Andrew has a range of tutorials that span multiple VR makes and models. Not only does he create amazing content, he can also be found in the comment section of his videos answering his subscriber’s questions. The mark of a devoted teacher!

是否想为VR开发而又不知道如何入门? 安德鲁有一系列涵盖多种VR品牌和型号的教程。 他不仅创造了 令人赞叹的内容 ,还可以在视频的评论部分找到他,以解答订户的问题。 一位敬业的老师的印记!




A coder by trade Julia is currently making multiple 2D games while traveling across India. In 2019 she’s been sharing her watercolor character drawing sessions and the game dev process in a series of entertaining devlogs. We hope that watching Julia’s devlogs will not only give you a travel bug but also inspire you to take your art and turn it into a game or an experience in Unity! Tune in to watch her livestream on Twitch, or watch her tutorials and devlogs on YouTube.   

一名贸易编码员Julia在穿越印度旅行时目前正在制作多个2D游戏。 在2019年,她通过一系列有趣的devlog分享了她的水彩人物绘画课程和游戏开发过程。 我们希望观看Julia的开发日志不仅会给您带来旅行上的错误,而且会激发您将您的艺术转化为游戏或Unity的体验! 收听收看 Twitch 上的 直播, 或收看 YouTube上的 教程和devlog 。

#unitytips周二 (#unitytips Tuesday)

Every Tuesday on Twitter, you’ll find a goldmine of tips shared by hundreds of Unity developers and creators. Give the hashtag a search and you will probably find a number of tips from the Binary Impact, a small German studio that was only 7 tips short of setting a 52/52 week record in 2019! They also create fantastic tutorials on YouTube.

每个星期二的Twitter上,您都会发现数百个Unity开发人员和创作者共享的技巧秘诀。 搜索标签,您可能会从 Binary Impact 那里找到一些提示 ,这是一家小型德国工作室,距离2019年创下52/52周的纪录仅差7个提示! 他们还在 YouTube上 创建了很棒的教程 。

每周精选Unity制造 (Weekly Best of Made With Unity)

Experiences made with Unity are created daily, so how do you find the latest and the coolest projects? The GameDevHQ YouTube channel searches the internet every day to then sum up the best of what they’ve seen that week so that you can find it all in one place. Maybe one day your very own project will be featured on their channel, so keep learning and creating! 

每天都会创建Unity的经验,那么如何找到最新和最酷的项目? 该 GameDevHQ YouTube频道的搜索每天再总结最好的,他们所看到的那个星期,这样你可以找到它在一个地方上网。 也许有一天您自己的项目会出现在他们的频道中,所以请继续学习和创作!

Unity Livestreams #YourFirstGameJam (Unity Livestreams #YourFirstGameJam)

Learning a new skill can be hard! This year, Unity’s team revamped the first-time Unity user experience and created easy to follow and fun to modify microgame templates. To help beginners learn we leveraged the power of learning together with amazing YouTubers like CodeMonkey, LixianTX, Kristin Stock, Couch Ferret as well as Unity’s own Sykoo Sam and Andre from Mix and Jam. All live! 

学习新技能可能很难! 今年,Unity的团队改进了首次Unity用户的体验,并创建了易于遵循且有趣的微游戏模板修改方法。 为了帮助初学者学习,我们充分利用了学习的力量,以及 CodeMonkey , LixianTX , Kristin Stock , Couch Ferret 以及Unity自家Mix and Jam的Sykoo Sam和Andre 等出色的YouTuber 。 全部直播!

We hosted two livestreams in 2019, with more to come in 2020! If you missed the 2D Karting and the FPS livestreams check out the replays on our YouTube channel. 

我们在2019年举办了两个直播活动,并将在2020年举办更多活动! 如果您错过了 2D Karting 和 FPS 直播,请查看我们YouTube频道上的重播。

我们希望收到你的来信! (We want to hear from you!)

Thank you for joining us in first Unity Community Component of 2020, we hope that you enjoyed this info packed recap of 2019 with our community. Let us know what else you would like to see in future posts and share your thoughts if you were inspired by anything that you saw today.

感谢您加入2020年的第一个Unity社区组件,我们希望您喜欢我们的社区在2019年这个信息丰富的回顾。 让我们知道您在以后的帖子中还想看到什么,并分享您的想法,如果您受到今天看到的一切启发。

We want to see your projects! Share them with us on Twitter, the Unity Forums or the official Unity Discord Server. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #madewithunity and #unitydev. 

我们希望看到您的项目! 在 Twitter , Unity论坛 或官方的 Unity Discord Server 上与我们共享它们 。 不要忘记使用 #madewithunity 和 #unitydev 标签 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/01/15/community-component-2019-in-review/


以上就是无情唇膏最近收集整理的关于社区组成部分– 2019年正在审查中,社区创建者将关注的全部内容,更多相关社区组成部分–内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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