我是靠谱客的博主 直率书本,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍excel组合汇总_Excel汇总20180712,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Are you melting yet, in the summer heat? Stay indoors, and keep cool, while you read this Excel Roundup for summer 2018. To get Excel links and articles every week, sign up for my weekly Excel newsletter.

在夏天炎热的时候,你还在融化吗? 阅读2018年夏季Excel总结时,请呆在室内,保持凉爽。要每周获取Excel链接和文章,请注册我的每周Excel通讯 。

语境文章 (Contextures Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I've published recently.


Drop Downs: Create multiple dependent drop downs in Excel - region, country, area, city. Requires 2 tables, 3 named ranges, no macros

下拉 菜单 :在Excel中创建多个相关的下拉菜单 -地区,国家/地区,城市。 需要2个表,3个命名范围,无宏

Task List: Use this quick trick to automatically cross off tasks in an Excel To-To list. No macros - just easy formatting.

任务列表 :使用此快速技巧可以自动取消Excel To-To列表中的任务 。 没有宏-格式简单。

Hyperlinks: Use enhanced hyperlinks in Excel, to link to chart sheets, or activate a sheet without selecting a cell. Technique by J. Woolley.

超链接 : 在Excel中使用增强的超链接 ,可以链接到图表工作表,或在不选择单元格的情况下激活工作表。 J. Woolley的技术。

Excel图表 (Excel Charts)

Gantt Charts - Jon Peltier shows how to make Gantt charts in Excel -- they're bar charts used for schedules and project management. And if you do lots of work with charts, check out Jon 's Chart Add-in.

甘特图 -Jon Peltier展示了如何在Excel中制作甘特图 -它们是用于计划表和项目管理的条形图。 而且,如果您需要处理大量图表,请查看Jon的Chart插件 。

Bad Charts - On the Flowing Data blog, Nathan Yau explains why people make bad charts, and what you can do about it.

不良图表 -在Flowing Data博客上,Nathan Yau解释了人们制作不良图表的原因 ,以及您可以采取的措施。

Better Charts - Ann K. Emery has great tips for creating better charts, in 3 simple steps. The font on her site is really small, so I use Reader View in Firefox.

更好的图表 -Ann K. Emery提供了3个简单步骤来创建更好的图表的出色技巧 。 她网站上的字体很小,所以我在Firefox中使用Reader View 。

Excel技巧 (Excel Tips)

Budget - On the TechRepublic blog, Susan Harkins shows 3 ways to highlight key information in an Excel budget worksheet. There are a couple of budget workbooks on my site, if you'd like more examples.

预算 -Susan Harkins在TechRepublic博客上展示了三种在Excel预算工作表中突出显示关键信息的方法。 如果您需要更多示例,我的网站上有一些预算工作簿 。

Excel Help - The Stack Overflow site is a great place to get help with your Excel macros. This year is their 10th anniversary, and Joel Spolsky tells how the site got started. Joel has also worked for Microsoft and designed Excel Basic.

Excel帮助 -Stack Overflow网站是获取Excel宏帮助的好地方。 今年是他们成立10周年,Joel Spolsky讲述了该网站的开始方式 。 Joel还曾为Microsoft工作,并设计过Excel Basic 。

Education - Alfred Thompson wonders if we should do more with spreadsheets in computer science education. He links to a podcast about spreadsheets (and other less important things) -scroll down to the transcript, if you'd rather read than listen.

教育 -阿尔弗雷德·汤普森(Alfred Thompson)想知道我们是否应该在计算机科学教育中对电子表格做更多的工作。 他链接到有关电子表格 (以及其他次要事项)的播客-如果您宁愿阅读而不是聆听,请向下滚动至笔录。

Excel Skills - If you want to test your Excel skills (or someone else's), Sumit Bansal posted a list of 100 Excel Interview questions. The topics range from formatting to macros.

Excel技能 -如果您想测试自己(或其他人)的Excel技能,Sumit Bansal发布了100个Excel面试问题的列表。 主题范围从格式化到宏。

History - See an early spreadsheet in this April 1984 episode from the BBC Computer Literacy Project. There are lots of other episodes there too, and old software programs, like Space Invaders, that run in your browser. There's even an Abacus program, if you're tired of using Excel!

历史 -请参阅1984年4月的BBC Computer Literacy Project中的早期电子表格 。 那里还有许多其他情节,并且旧的软件程序 (例如Space Invaders)也可以在您的浏览器中运行。 如果您对使用Excel感到厌倦,甚至还有一个Abacus程序!

进阶Excel (Advanced Excel)

Slicers - In a short video, Bill Jelen shows how to get the selections from a Slicer, and list them in a cell, as a worksheet title. You'll need Office 365 for this technique, because it uses the new TEXTJOIN function

切片器 -在一个简短的视频中,比尔·杰伦(Bill Jelen)演示了如何从切片器中获取选择内容 ,并将其作为工作表标题显示在单元格中。 您需要Office 365才能使用此技术,因为它使用了新的TEXTJOIN函数

Data Analysis - Save time with Chandoo's 35 shortcuts and tips for data analysis. There are tips for formulas, pivot tables, charts, and more.

数据分析 -使用Chandoo的35种数据分析快捷方式和提示节省时间。 这里提供有关公式,数据透视表,图表等的提示。

Data Model - Susan Harkins shows how to connect tables in an Excel data model, instead of using lookup formulas

数据模型 -Susan Harkins展示了如何在Excel数据模型中连接表 ,而不是使用查找公式

Filter History - Doug Glancy calls this technique "History Navigation", and it would be a nice feature on an Excel dashboard. Type in a year, and a table displays that year's data. A drop down list stores the years as you enter them, so it's easy to go back and check one again. Click "Clear History" to start fresh.

过滤器历史记录 -Doug Glancy将此技术称为“历史记录导航”,这在Excel仪表板上将是一个不错的功能。 输入年份,然后表格显示该年的数据。 下拉列表存储您输入的年份,因此很容易返回并再次检查。 单击“清除历史记录”以重新开始。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/07/12/excel-roundup-20180712/






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