我是靠谱客的博主 健壮月饼,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍excel组合汇总_Excel汇总20150511,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



In this week's roundup, choose a file format, get an Excel book sampler, fix dates, and build an add-in.


If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

weekly excel roundup http://blog.contextures.com/

1.上下文帖子 (1. Contextures Posts)

In case you missed them, here are the articles that I posted recently:


  • Use the Percent Running Total feature, to analyze sales in a pivot table. Which products sold best, or how did sales progress over the year?

    使用百分比运行总计功能可分析数据透视表中的销售额。 哪些产品销售最好,或者一年中销售情况如何?

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

2.权力查询培训 (2. Power Query Training)

Excel's new Power Query add-in can do amazing things with your data. If you'd like to learn more about it, experts Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar have launched a new website, where they will offer live, online Power Query training. You'll have two days of live online training (4 hours per day), then a live follow-up Q&A session, about a week later. Take a look, and if you decide to register, use the coupon code DEBRA to get 10% off.

Excel的新Power Query加载项可以对您的数据进行出色的处理。 如果您想了解更多信息,专家Ken Puls和Miguel Escobar已启动了一个新网站,他们将在此提供实时的在线Power Query培训 。 您将有两天的在线实时培训(每天4个小时),然后是大约一周后的实时后续问答环节。 看一下,如果您决定注册,请使用优惠券代码DEBRA享受10%的折扣。

3. Office 2016公开预览 (3. Office 2016 Public Preview)

The Office 2016 preview is now available to the public, and you can read about it on the main blog.

Office 2016预览现已向公众公开,您可以在主博客上阅读有关预览。

Or, get instructions on how to get access to the preview.

或者,获取有关如何访问预览的说明 。

4.公式资源 (4. Resources for Formulas)

Joel Lee shares 7 resources that will help you with Excel formulas. Contextures is included, so it must be a good list!

Joel Lee共享7个资源,这些资源将帮助您使用Excel公式 。 包括上下文,因此它一定是一个不错的清单!

5.构建一个Excel加载项 (5. Build an Excel Add-in)

If you've ever wondered how to build your own add-in in Excel, Jan Karel Pieterse shows you the steps.

如果您想知道如何在Excel中构建自己的加载项 ,Jan Karel Pieterse会向您显示这些步骤。

6.点图 (6. Dot Graphs)

Do you ever make dot graphs? Maarten Lambrechts shares 7 reasons why you should.

您是否制作过点图? Maarten Lambrechts分享了您应该这么做的7个理由 。

If you connect the dots, you'll end up with a Slope chart, also known as a Bump Chart. The Science Goddess explains how she uses those to present data.

如果将这些点连接起来,将得到一个斜率图,也称为凹凸图 。 《科学女神》解释了她如何使用它们来呈现数据。

7.选择一种文件格式 (7. Choose a File Format)

When you're saving an Excel file, which format should you use? xlsx? xlsm? xlsb? Zack Barresse explains the pros and cons of each format.

保存Excel文件时, 应使用哪种格式 ? xlsx? xlsm? xlsb? Zack Barresse解释了每种格式的优缺点。

8.按所有选定值过滤 (8. Filter by All Selected Values)

Recently, we've seen was to filter a table by the selected cell's value. Now, Doug Glancy has taken things a step further, with a macro to filter by the values in multiple selected cells.

最近,我们看到了根据所选单元格的值过滤表格。 现在,道格·格兰西(Doug Glancy)迈出了一步,有了一个宏,它可以根据多个选定单元格中的值进行过滤 。

This feature is already built in for pivot tables – select multiple items in a field, right-click, and click Filter. Then, click Keep Only Selected Items.

数据透视表已内置此功能–在字段中选择多个项目,单击鼠标右键,然后单击“过滤器”。 然后,单击“仅保留选定的项目”。

9.将YYMMDD更改为实际日期 (9. Change YYMMDD to Real Dates)

In a YouTube video, Mike ("ExcelIsFun") Girvin shows how to use a formula to change text numbers in a YYMMDD format, to real dates. Also read the comments, to see a couple of other formulas that solve this problem.

在YouTube视频中,迈克(“ ExcelIsFun”)Girvin演示了如何使用公式将YYMMDD格式的文本数字更改为实际日期 。 还请阅读注释,以查看解决此问题的其他两个公式。

10. Excel Book Sampler (10. Excel Book Sampler)

You can download a free sampler of Excel books from Que Publishing, and you don't even have to provide a name or email address. The book is over 200 pages, and contains chapters from 8 books, with a range of skills levels. For example: Getting started with Excel 2013, Understanding Formulas, Understanding Data Models, and Creating a Basic Pivot Table. The download link is about halfway down the page, at the right side – click on the book cover, or the text link above it.

您可以从Que Publishing下载免费的Excel书籍采样器,甚至不必提供名称或电子邮件地址。 该书共200页,包含8本书中的章节,并具有各种技能水平。 例如:Excel 2013入门,了解公式,了解数据模型和创建基本数据透视表。 下载链接位于页面右下角的中间位置–单击书的封面或上方的文本链接。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/05/11/excel-roundup-20150511/






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