我是靠谱客的博主 悲凉蜡烛,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍excel组合汇总_Excel汇总20171214,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Here is an end-of-the-year Excel Roundup, with articles that I've read recently. To get weekly links and articles, sign up for my weekly Excel newsletter. Merry Christmas, and happy holidays, and come back for a new blog post in January!

这是年底的Excel综述,其中包含我最近阅读的文章。 要获取每周的链接和文章,请注册我的每周Excel通讯 。 圣诞快乐,节日快乐,一月又回来写一篇新博客!

Excel数据 (Excel Data)

Power BI – For everything that you wanted to know about Power BI, download a free copy of Reza Rad's book, Power BI From Rookie to Rockstar. Or, read the book online -- scroll down about halfway on that page, to see the table of contents.

Power BI –有关您想了解的有关Power BI的所有信息,请下载Reza Rad的书《 Power BI From Rookie到Rockstar》的免费副本。 或者,在线阅读该书-向下滚动该页面的一半,以查看目录。

Clean Data – Apparently, messy data is the biggest headache for machine learning and data science. That article is based on Kaggle's interesting survey of 16K data scientists.

干净的数据–显然,凌乱的数据是机器学习和数据科学的最大难题 。 该文章基于Kaggle对16K数据科学家的有趣调查 。

Dashboards – Tableau shared 7 tips and tricks for building dashboards, and they're great tips for Excel dashboards too. And for dashboard charts, read these 5 Data Viz tips from Jorge Camoes.

仪表板 – Tableau共享了有关构建仪表板的7个技巧和窍门 ,它们也是Excel仪表板的出色技巧。 对于仪表板图表,请阅读Jorge Camoes的这5个Data Viz技巧 。

Excel投诉 (Excel Complaints)

Excel Complaints - A recent WSJ article reported that some CFOs want their employees to stop using Excel. This Bloomberg article says some complaints are valid, but others are misguided.

Excel投诉 -《华尔街日报》最近的一篇文章报道说,一些CFO希望其员工停止使用Excel。 彭博社的这篇文章说,有些投诉是有效的,但另一些则被误导了。

Number Problems: If you hate the way that Excel messes up some number when you import them,  vote for this fix request on UserVoice. It has almost 1200 votes, and the last response I see from Microsoft was 2 years ago.

编号问题 :如果您不喜欢导入时Excel弄乱某些数字的方式, 请在UserVoice上为此修复请求投票。 它有近1200票,而我最后一次从Microsoft看到的答复是2年前。

Table Problems: Jeff Weir also has an Excel complaint - problems with Excel tables on protected sheets. There is a UserVoice request to fix that too, and Jeff hopes that you'll add your vote there.

表问题 :Jeff Weir也有一个Excel投诉- 受保护工作表上的Excel表存在问题。 也有一个UserVoice请求来解决此问题 ,Jeff希望您能在此处添加您的投票。

公式 (Formulas)

Advanced Formulas: Ben Collins is offering a free course in Google Sheets Advanced Formulas. Many of the functions have a twin in Excel, such as VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH. You'll also see functions that Excel doesn't have, like QUERY and FILTER. I don't know how long Ben's course will be free, so if you're interested, sign up soon.

高级公式 :Ben Collins正在提供Google表格高级公式的免费课程 。 许多功能在Excel中都有一对,例如VLOOKUP,INDEX和MATCH。 您还将看到Excel没有的功能,例如QUERY和FILTER。 我不知道Ben的课程有多长时间,所以,如果您有兴趣,请尽快注册。

格式化 (Formatting)

Formatting: Chandoo shares five conditional formatting tips, from simple highlighting, to complex formula rules – get the sample workbook too. If you want to learn more, there are conditional formatting examples on my website.

格式设置: Chandoo分享了五个条件格式设置技巧 ,从简单的突出显示到复杂的公式规则,也请获取示例工作簿。 如果您想了解更多,我的网站上有条件格式化的例子 。

Excel Fonts - If you want to choose the best fonts for an Excel report, Kevin Lehrbass has a free workbook that lets you compare several fonts at once. (Level - All)

Excel字体 -如果要为Excel报告选择最佳字体,Kevin Lehrbass提供了免费的工作簿,可让您一次比较几种字体 。 (级别-全部)

Excel的乐趣 (Excel Fun)

Excel Art - Tatsuo Horiuchi creates amazing art in Excel, as you can see in the video at that link. There's more Excel art on the Datalabs site, created from charts. And Andy Pope has a free tool for converting a normal BMP image into an Excel scatter chart.

Excel Art-正如您在该链接的视频中看到的那样,Tatsuo Horiuchi 在Excel中创建了惊人的艺术 。 通过图表创建的Datalabs网站上还有更多Excel艺术作品 。 Andy Pope有一个免费工具,可以将正常BMP图像转换为Excel散点图。

Excel Games - If you enjoy games, take a look at this Excel Sudoku Solver. Also, Andy Pope has a few Excel games on his website, and lots of other great stuff, like this Chart Exporter.

Excel Games-如果您喜欢游戏,请查看此Excel Sudoku Solver 。 另外,安迪·波普(Andy Pope)在他的网站上有一些Excel游戏,还有很多其他很棒的东西,例如Chart Charter 。

Excel Christmas Tree – And finally, a bit of holiday fun. Download the sample file from my website, and you can decorate an Excel Christmas tree, using a spin button. There are NO macros in the file – just conditional formatting, formulas and named ranges. Merry Christmas!

Excel圣诞树 –最后,有一点假期乐趣。 从我的网站下载示例文件,然后可以使用旋转按钮装饰Excel圣诞树 。 文件中没有宏-只有条件格式,公式和命名范围。 圣诞节快乐!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/12/14/excel-roundup-20171214/






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