我是靠谱客的博主 美满墨镜,这篇文章主要介绍网关支付_支付网关,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


支付网关 (Payment Gateway)

A payment gateway is usually a service provider associated with e-commerce utility that permits electronic payments online business, e-tailers, “brick” and click, or simply used for the traditional method for a brick and mortar company.It can be the equal of a POS (Point of Sale) standard payment processor found in most retail outlets. Payment gateways securely encrypt confidential information which include credit card numbers to make certain that important information moves safely and securely between the consumer and the supplier.

支付网关通常是与电子商务实用程序相关的服务提供商,该服务提供商允许电子支付在线业务,电子零售商,“实体”和点击,或仅用于实体公司的传统方法。大多数零售店中都有的POS(销售点)标准付款处理器。 支付网关对包括信用卡号在内的机密信息进行安全加密,以确保重要信息在消费者和供应商之间安全可靠地移动。

支付网关:操作 (Payment Gateway: Operation )

A payment gateway allows for the actual exchange of data between a payment portal (for instance a website or even the IVR service) as well as the Interface Processor or the receiving financial institution, swiftly as well as securely. Each time a customer purchases a product or service from the vendor who features a payment gateway enabled, this executes numerous critically important steps to process the financial transaction in a transparent process for that purchaser. Such as:

支付网关允许在支付门户(例如网站或什至IVR服务)与接口处理器或接收金融机构之间进行快速,安全的实际数据交换。 每次客户从具有启用了支付网关功能的供应商那里购买产品或服务时,这都会执行许多至关重要的步骤,以透明的方式对该购买者进行财务交易。 如:

  • A consumer applies a purchase order on an ecommerce website just by pressing the button “Buy It” or maybe equivalent or perhaps enter in the specifics of the credit card to an IVR service.

    消费者只需按“ Buy It”按钮或等效按钮或在IVR服务中输入信用卡的详细信息,即可在电子商务网站上应用购买订单。
  • If the purchase order is submitted through a webpage, the consumer’s internet browser encrypts the details which travels to the merchant’s web server. Normally , this is carried out via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.

    如果采购订单是通过网页提交的,则消费者的Internet浏览器会加密传送到商人的Web服务器的详细信息。 通常,这是通过SSL(安全套接字层)协议执行的。
  • The seller forwards the actual financial transaction information to their particular payment gateway, which usually includes information on the accounts of retailers. Usually, this can be yet another SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) secured link to the payment server, stored in the payment gateway.

    卖方将实际的财务交易信息转发到其特定的支付网关,该信息通常包括有关零售商帐户的信息。 通常,这可以是到支付服务器的另一个SSL(安全套接字层)安全链接,存储在支付网关中。
  • The payment gateway is provided with the transaction details of the merchant and sends the details to the acquiring bank of the merchant.

  • The acquiring bank sends the financial transaction details to the issuing bank (the financial institution which issued the credit card to the buyer) for the buyer’s authorization permission securely.

  • The credit card issuing bank will the get the authorization request and then it transmits a reply to the payment gateway (through the acquiring bank) which includes a response code. Together with deciding the fate of payment (for example, approved or perhaps rejected), the response code must be used to determine for what reason the financial transaction was unsuccessful (for instance inadequate financial resources or perhaps that the bank’s related link was not available at the time of transaction).

    信用卡发卡行将获得授权请求,然后(通过收款行)将包含响应代码的答复发送到付款网关。 在确定付款方式(例如,批准或拒绝)的同时,必须使用响应代码来确定金融交易失败的原因(例如,财务资源不足或银行的相关链接不可用)交易时间)。
  • The payment gateway is provided with the above-mentioned favorable or unfavorable response and forwards that to the ecommerce website (or another program which was utilized to process the actual financial transaction or the payment), which is interpreted and also generae a consumer’s response.

  • The entire procedure requires just a few seconds to accomplish.

  • At the conclusion of the banking day (or perhaps the agreed upon settlement period of time), the acquiring bank deposits the entire approved funds in the merchant’s selected financial account. This particular bank account can be obtained from the same acquiring bank in case the merchant is performing business with the same financial institution or has an account with some other banking institution.

    在银行营业日结束时(或可能在商定的结算时间段内),收款银行将全部批准的资金存入商人的选定金融帐户中。 如果商人正在同一个金融机构进行交易,或者在某个其他银行有账户,则可以从同一收单银行获得该特定银行帐户。

A payment gateway can be an e-commerce application set up on a remote web server managed by a financial service provider which authorizes payments with regard to online transactions generated on online business websites or perhaps those people within the sections of e-businesses, online stores, “bricks” and clicks, or even the traditional brick and mortar businesses. It will be something like a physical point of sale (POS) terminal having a conventional checking of credit cards as well as credit analysis specific to most retail stores. The Gateway safeguards credit card details along with other sensitive information by means of encryption to make sure that details are taken care of safely and securely between the client’s computer to the supplier and the supplier to the bank or investment company which will process the actual payment.

支付网关可以是在由金融服务提供商管理的远程Web服务器上设置的电子商务应用程序,该服务器可授权就在线商业网站上产生的在线交易或电子商务,在线商店中的那些人进行支付,“砖墙”和点击,甚至是传统的实体店。 这将类似于具有常规信用卡检查功能以及大多数零售商店特有的信用分析功能的物理销售点(POS)终端。 网关通过加密保护信用卡详细信息以及其他敏感信息,以确保在客户的计算机到供应商的计算机与将处理实际付款的银行或投资公司的供应商之间安全,可靠地处理详细信息。

付款网关如何运作 (How the Payment Gateway functions )

The payment gateway allows for the exchange of information between the particular website merchant (such as the e-commerce website, a telephone or perhaps the IVR service) as well as the financial institution that will generate the actual payment (possibly a banking institution or the major credit card company ). Whenever a customer decides to buy something on a ecommerce website in which one or maybe more payment gateways will be enabled, then a order information is delivered to the payment gateway specific for it, typically instantly, produce a number of processes with regard to handling payment after which it transmits the actual result back again to the website of the merchant (e-commerce). As a result there is:

付款网关允许在特定网站商家(例如电子商务网站,电话或IVR服务)与将产生实际付款的金融机构(可能是银行机构或银行)之间交换信息。主要信用卡公司)。 每当客户决定在将启用一个或多个支付网关的电子商务网站上购买商品时,订单信息通常会立即传递到特定于其的支付网关,从而产生许多处理付款的流程之后,它将实际结果再次传输回商人的网站(电子商务)。 结果是:

  • A customer decides to buy something in an e-commerce site Clicks “But It” or perhaps equivalent, or maybe key in the credit card details utilizing an automatic answering service by telephone.

    客户决定在电子商务站点中购买商品,然后单击“ But It”或等效按钮,或者使用电话自动应答服务键入信用卡详细信息。
  • When the request is created via the ecommerce website, then the appropriate information to the payment itself is being carried out immediately between the customer as well as the payment gateway in secure and encrypted format over the SSL, that is, virtually no information travels through the server of the merchant. The server of the merchant simply gets the end result of the financial transaction in which payment is carried out between the payment gateway as well as the customer’s financial institution or bank or credit card provider;if the process is completed, or is in process, or the payment is denied or not completed is resulted. The ecommerce website of the merchant can respond depending on the end results obtained from the payment gateway.

    当通过电子商务网站创建请求时,将立即在客户与支付网关之间通过SSL以安全和加密的格式对支付本身进行适当的信息处理,也就是说,实际上没有信息通过商家的服务器。 商家的服务器只是获得金融交易的最终结果,在该交易中,在付款网关与客户的金融机构或银行或信用卡提供商之间进行付款;如果该过程已完成或正在处理中,或者付款被拒绝或未完成。 商家的电子商务网站可以根据从支付网关获得的最终结果进行响应。
  • Usually this procedure happens in some 2 or 3 seconds only, or make take some very little time to complete.


支付网关:安全性 (Payment Gateway: Security )

When the customer will need to key in private information, the entire procedure for communication between the customer’s computer as well as the payment gateway is actually accomplished through the HTTPS protocol.


Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/payment-gateway-2/





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