NAME p - print the value of an expression SYNOPSIS p [-x|-d][-u] [expression | symbol[:cpuspec]] DESCRIPTION This command passes its arguments on to gdb "print" command for evaluation. expression an expression to be evaluated. symbol a kernel symbol. :cpuspec CPU specification for a per-cpu symbol: : CPU of the currently selected task. :a[ll] all CPUs. :#[-#][,...] CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3", or "1,3,5-7,10". -x override default output format with hexadecimal format. -d override default output format with decimal format. -u the expression evaluates to a user address reference. The default output format is decimal, but that can be changed at any time with the two built-in aliases "hex" and "dec". Alternatively, there are two other built-in aliases, "px" and "pd", which force the command output to be displayed in hexadecimal or decimal, without changing the default mode. EXAMPLES Print the contents of jiffies: crash> p jiffies jiffies = $6 = 166532620 crash> px jiffies jiffies = $7 = 0x9ed174b crash> pd jiffies jiffies = $8 = 166533160 Print the contents of the vm_area_struct "init_mm": crash> p init_mm init_mm = $5 = { mmap = 0xc022d540, mmap_avl = 0x0, mmap_cache = 0x0, pgd = 0xc0101000, count = { counter = 0x6 }, map_count = 0x1, mmap_sem = { count = { counter = 0x1 }, waking = 0x0, wait = 0x0 }, context = 0x0, start_code = 0xc0000000, end_code = 0xc022b4c8, start_data = 0x0, end_data = 0xc0250388, start_brk = 0x0, brk = 0xc02928d8, start_stack = 0x0, arg_start = 0x0, arg_end = 0x0, env_start = 0x0, env_end = 0x0, rss = 0x0, total_vm = 0x0, locked_vm = 0x0, def_flags = 0x0, cpu_vm_mask = 0x0, swap_cnt = 0x0, swap_address = 0x0, segments = 0x0 } If a per-cpu symbol is entered as a argument, its data type and all of its per-cpu addresses are displayed: crash> p irq_stat PER-CPU DATA TYPE: irq_cpustat_t irq_stat; PER-CPU ADDRESSES: [0]: ffff88021e211540 [1]: ffff88021e251540 [2]: ffff88021e291540 [3]: ffff88021e2d1540 To display the contents a per-cpu symbol for CPU 1, append a cpu-specifier: crash> p irq_stat:1 per_cpu(irq_stat, 1) = $29 = { __softirq_pending = 0, __nmi_count = 209034, apic_timer_irqs = 597509876, irq_spurious_count = 0, icr_read_retry_count = 2, x86_platform_ipis = 0, apic_perf_irqs = 209034, apic_irq_work_irqs = 0, irq_resched_count = 264922233, irq_call_count = 7036692, irq_tlb_count = 4750442, irq_thermal_count = 0, irq_threshold_count = 0 }
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