我是靠谱客的博主 热情万宝路,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Chapter 11 Why Model ?,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



    • 11.1 Data cannot speak for themselves
    • 11.2 Parametric estimators of the conditional mean
    • 11.3 Nonparametric estimators of the conditional mean
    • 11.4 Smoothing
    • The bias-variance trade-off
    • Fine Point
      • Fisher consistency
      • Model dimensionality and the relation between frequentist and Bayesian intervals
    • Technical Point
      • A taxonomy of commonly used models

HernKaTeX parse error: Can't use function ''' in math mode at position 1: ̲'̲{a}n M. and Robins J. Causal Inference: What If.

前10章介绍了一些基本概念, 从这一章开始, 将通过模型进一步分析.

11.1 Data cannot speak for themselves

我们要估计 E [ Y ∣ A = a ] mathbb{E}[Y|A=a] E[YA=a], 但是可能由于数据有限, 或者 A A A甚至是一个连续的变量, 则我们没有办法对每一个 a a a进行估计.
这厮我们可以引入模型, 比如假设 E [ Y ∣ A = a ] = θ 0 + θ 1 A mathbb{E}[Y|A=a]=theta_0 + theta_1 A E[YA=a]=θ0+θ1A, 然后去估计 θ ^ 0 , θ ^ 1 hat{theta}_0, hat{theta}_1 θ^0,θ^1.

11.2 Parametric estimators of the conditional mean

11.3 Nonparametric estimators of the conditional mean

A ∈ { 0 , 1 } A in {0, 1} A{0,1}的时候, 我们可以发现:
E [ Y ∣ A = 0 ] = θ 0 , E [ Y ∣ A = 1 ] = θ 0 + θ 1 . mathbb{E}[Y|A=0] = theta_0, \ mathbb{E}[Y|A=1] = theta_0 + theta_1. E[YA=0]=θ0,E[YA=1]=θ0+θ1.

11.4 Smoothing

实际上, 我们可以把我们的模型假设得更加复杂一点:
E [ Y ∣ A ] = θ 0 + θ 1 A + θ 2 A 2 . mathbb{E}[Y|A] = theta_0 + theta_1A + theta_2A^2. E[YA]=θ0+θ1A+θ2A2.
一个很自然的结论是, 这种线性模型, 参数越少模型越光滑.

The bias-variance trade-off

一般来说, 选择复杂的模型会有更小的bias, 但是又更大的variance.

Fine Point

Fisher consistency

That is, an estimator of a population quantity that,
when calculated using the entire population rather than a sample,
yields the true value of the population parameter.

就是说一个模型, 用了全部的population就能获得正确的参数, 那么这个模型就是非参数模型.

Model dimensionality and the relation between frequentist and Bayesian intervals

Technical Point

A taxonomy of commonly used models

g { E [ Y ∣ X ] } = ∑ i = 0 p θ i X i . g {mathbb{E}[Y|X]} = sum_{i=0}^p theta_i X_i. g{E[YX]}=i=0pθiXi.


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