我是靠谱客的博主 粗心香菇,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍三、项目范围管理 测试10题,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



1.At project closure, the project manager reviews information from previous phase closures to verify that all project work is completeWhat else must the project manager do?

A.Gather the team to recognize their efforts on the project.

B.Inform the project sponsor that efforts on the project.

C.Update the lessons learned in the organizational process assets.

D.Perform a variance analysis.


A 集合团队,认可她们对项目付出的努力

B 通知项目发起人项目已收尾

C 在组织过程资产中更新经验教训

D  执行偏差分析

正确答案 C


2.A product prototype is created to help with the final product test. After the test, the project stakeholder requests to modify the initial requirements.What should the project manager do next?

A.To hold a meeting with the project stakeholders to discuss the change control process and determine the next step

B.To execute the implementation of the overall change control process, document and approve the requested changes and revise the scope

C.To record the problem in the Risk Register and apply the planned risk response action to minimize the impact

D.To record the requirements of project stakeholders and verify the requirements with the team


A 与项目相关方开会,讨论变更管理过程并确定下--步

B 执行实施整体变更控制过程,记录并批准请求的变更并修订范围

C 将问题记录在风险登记册中,并应用计划的风险应对措施来尽可能减少影响

D 记录项目相关方的需求,并与团队核实这些需求

正确答案 B


3.A new project manager receives a draft of the project charter.What information will help the project manager participate in the completion of this document?

A.Business case

B.Project schedule

C.Cost baseline

D.Project management information system(PMIS)


A 商业论证

B 项目进度计划

C 成本基准

D 项目管理系统(PMIS)

正确答案 A


4.A project feasibility study determined what product should be createNow,a change request has been approved to develop another product that contradicts the original requirements.Data analysis was conducted before the change request was approve What should the project manager do?

A.Implement the change request

B.Reject the change request

C.Request a detailed report of the data analysis

D.Request a feasibility study of the new product


A 实施该变更请求

B 拒绝该变更请求

C 请求详细的数据分析报告

D 请求新产品的可行性研究

正确答案 A 答案解析


5.A Project management is alternating between two projects with tight deadlines. They are determined to collect lessons learned from both projects, despite having limited time do so. How should the project manager collect the lessons learned?

A.Document them as each project finishes.

B.Request assistance from the knowledge management department.

C.Archive all minutes from project meetings.

D.Document them routinely, starting from the initiation phase.


A 在每个项目完成时记录经验教训

B 请求知识管理部门的帮助

C 存档项目会议的所有会议记录

D 从启动阶段开始,定期记录经验教训

正确答案 D 答案解析

经 验教训登记册在项目早期创建,在整个项目期间,它可以作为很多过程的输入,也可以作为输出而不断更新。 A是错误的观点,书中原话“另一种常见误解是,知识管理只是在项目结束时总结经验教训,以供未来项目使用” C是错误的观点,书中原话“个常见误解是,知识管理只是将知识记录下来用于分享” B与D对比,B是可以的,D是必需的。

6.A project manager is working on a new project to address gaps in a previously completed project. What should the project manager do first?

A.Plans to use the same project resources

B.Prepare the project management plan

C.Define the requirements and finalize the scope

D.Refer to the lessons learned documents


A 计划使用相同的项目资源

B 准备项目管理计划

C 定义需求,并最终确定范围

D 参考经验教训文件



题干中说明是一个新项目,而目标是为了解决上一个项目的问题。所以首先需要制定项目章程,而项目章程的输入之一为“经验教训登记册”。而上一个完成的项目会更新 经验教训登记册

7.After closing procurement and providing a formal written notice that thecontract has been completed,what should the project manager do next?

A.Update the lessons learned register

B.Inform the stakeholders

C.Initiate procurement audits

D.Write the final project report


A 更新经验教训登记册

B 通知相关方

C 启动采购审计

D 编写最终项目报告

正确答案 A



8.A project sponsor presents the high-level project requirements to the project manager.The project manager then requests an interview with a subject matter expert(SME)before developing the project management plan.

A.Project statement of work(SOW)

B.Project strategic plan

C.Project business case

D.Project charter


A 项目工作说明书(SOW)

B 项目战略计划

C 项目商业论证

D 项目章程

正确答案 D



9.In order to ensure the successful delivery of a product, the customer requires important updates to the requirements.What should the project manager do?

A.To analyze the request

B.To hold a meeting with the team

C.To update the Problem Log

D.To review the project management plan


A 分析该请求

B 与团队开会

C 更新问题日志

D 审查项目管理计划

正确答案 A


PMBOK(6)P113, 4.6-实施整体变更控制。收到变更请求后,要对变更请求的影响进行评估,根据评估结果来下一步的决策。选项B,会议是整体变更控制用到的工具之一,另外 开会的目的也是为了能够召集团队成员、主题专家评估变更请求,而不仅仅是为了开会,与情景的目的有偏差,非最佳选项。选项C,问题日志通常用于聚焦项目实 施过程中暴露出来的问题,着重强调“跟踪"以及一个可以共同探讨的基础。选项D,项目管理计划是评估变更请求的输入,用来测量变更请求的影响,而不是去审 查项目管理计划。

10.A merger and acquisition project between two companies is in the initiation phase, and it is clear that this project will impact both organizations. On what should the sponsor focus to ensure project success?

A.Clear definition of project objectives, priorities, and strategy


C.Communications management plan

D.Change management plan


A 明确定义项目目标,优先事项和战略

B 预算

C 沟通管理计划

D 变更管理计划

正确答案 A




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