- /**
- * The magnitude of this BigInteger, in <i>big-endian</i> order: the
- * zeroth element of this array is the most-significant int of the
- * magnitude. The magnitude must be "minimal" in that the most-significant
- * int (<tt>mag[0]</tt>) must be non-zero. This is necessary to
- * ensure that there is exactly one representation for each BigInteger
- * value. Note that this implies that the BigInteger zero has a
- * zero-length mag array.
- */
- int[] mag;
- /**
- * The signum of this BigInteger: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, or
- * 1 for positive. Note that the BigInteger zero <i>must</i> have
- * a signum of 0. This is necessary to ensures that there is exactly one
- * representation for each BigInteger value.
- *
- * @serial
- */
- int signum;
- /**
- * Translates the String representation of a BigInteger in the specified
- * radix into a BigInteger. The String representation consists of an
- * optional minus sign followed by a sequence of one or more digits in the
- * specified radix. The character-to-digit mapping is provided by
- * <tt>Character.digit</tt>. The String may not contain any extraneous
- * characters (whitespace, for example).
- *
- * @param val String representation of BigInteger.
- * @param radix radix to be used in interpreting <tt>val</tt>.
- * @throws NumberFormatException <tt>val</tt> is not a valid representation
- * of a BigInteger in the specified radix, or <tt>radix</tt> is
- * outside the range from {@link Character#MIN_RADIX} to
- * {@link Character#MAX_RADIX}, inclusive.
- * @see Character#digit
- */
- public BigInteger(String val, int radix) {
Java语言里每个int值大小范围是-2^31至2^31-1 即-2147483648~2147483647,因此一个int值最多可保存一个10位十进制的整数,但是为了防止超出范围(2222222222这样的数int已经无法存储),保险的方式就是每个int保存9位的十进制整数.JDK里的mag数组即是这样的保存方式.因此若一串数为:18927348347389543834934878.
划分之后就为:18927348 | 347389543 | 834934878. mag[0]保存18927348 ,mag[1]保存347389543 ,mag[2]保存834934878. 这样划分可以最大利用每一个int值,使得mag数组占用更小的空间.当然这只是第一步.
- private static int digitsPerInt[] = {0, 0, 30, 19, 15, 13, 11,
- 11, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6,
- 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5};
- // bitsPerDigit in the given radix times 1024
- // Rounded up to avoid underallocation.
- private static long bitsPerDigit[] = { 0, 0,
- 1024, 1624, 2048, 2378, 2648, 2875, 3072, 3247, 3402, 3543, 3672,
- 3790, 3899, 4001, 4096, 4186, 4271, 4350, 4426, 4498, 4567, 4633,
- 4696, 4756, 4814, 4870, 4923, 4975, 5025, 5074, 5120, 5166, 5210,
- 5253, 5295};
“bitsPerDigit是用于计算radix进制m个有效数字 转换成2进制所需bit位[假设所需x位],我们来看一个计算式:radix^m - 1 = 2^x - 1, 解这个方程得 x = m * log2(radix) , 现在m是几位有效数字,常量就只有 log2(radix),这是一个小数,这不是我们喜欢的,所以我们希望用一个整数来表示,于是我们把他扩大1024倍然后取整,例如3进制 bitsPerDigit[3] = 1624(我用计算器算了一下 x = log2(3) * 1024 ~= 1623.xxx) ,我们队这个数取整,为什么取1624呢,其实只要不超过太多都可以的,你可以设置为1620,1600,1610...;”
public BigInteger(String val, int radix) { int cursor = 0, numDigits; int len = val.length();//获取字符串的长度 //不符合条件的情况 if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) throw new NumberFormatException("Radix out of range"); if (val.length() == 0) throw new NumberFormatException("Zero length BigInteger"); //判断正负,处理掉字符串里面的"-" signum = 1; int index = val.lastIndexOf("-"); if (index != -1) { if (index == 0) { if (val.length() == 1) throw new NumberFormatException("Zero length BigInteger"); signum = -1; cursor = 1; } else { throw new NumberFormatException("Illegal embedded minus sign"); } } //跳过前面的0 while (cursor < len && Character.digit(val.charAt(cursor),radix) == 0) cursor++; if (cursor == len) {//若字符串里全是0,则存储为ZERO.mag signum = 0; mag = ZERO.mag; return; } else {//numDigits为实际的有效数字 numDigits = len - cursor; } //numDigits位的radix进制数转换为2进制需要多少位 //bitsPerDigit数组里面的元素乘了1024这里就需要右移10位(相当于除以1024),做除法的时候会有 //小数的丢失,因此加1确保位数一定够 //一个int有32bit,因此除以32即是我们开始估算的mag数组的大小 int numBits = (int)(((numDigits * bitsPerDigit[radix]) >>> 10) + 1); int numWords = (numBits + 31) /32; mag = new int[numWords]; //开始按照digitsPerInt截取字符串里的数 //将不够digitsPerInt[radix]的先取出来转换 int firstGroupLen = numDigits % digitsPerInt[radix]; if (firstGroupLen == 0) firstGroupLen = digitsPerInt[radix]; //把第一段的数字放入mag数组的最后一位 String group = val.substring(cursor, cursor += firstGroupLen); mag[mag.length - 1] = Integer.parseInt(group, radix); if (mag[mag.length - 1] < 0) throw new NumberFormatException("Illegal digit"); //剩下的一段段转换 int superRadix = intRadix[radix]; int groupVal = 0; while (cursor < val.length()) { group = val.substring(cursor, cursor += digitsPerInt[radix]); groupVal = Integer.parseInt(group, radix); if (groupVal < 0) throw new NumberFormatException("Illegal digit"); destructiveMulAdd(mag, superRadix, groupVal); } mag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(mag); }
现在我对最后的几行还没有分析,是因为有一个intRadix数组我们还没有解释.intRadix数组其实就是一个保存了对应各种radix的最佳进制的表, 上面我们说过了对于十进制我们选择一次性截取9位数,这样能充分利用一个int变量同时还可保证不超出int的范围,因此intRadix[10]=10^9=1000000000. intRadix[3]=3^19=1162261467. 也就是每次截取的数都不会超过其radix对应的最佳进制.举例 十进制数18927348347389543834934878 其最终转换为:
18927348*(10^9)^2 +347389543*(10^9)+834934878,最终从整体上来看mag数组保存的是一个10^9进制的数.
- private static int intRadix[] = {0, 0,
- 0x40000000, 0x4546b3db, 0x40000000, 0x48c27395, 0x159fd800,
- 0x75db9c97, 0x40000000, 0x17179149, 0x3b9aca00, 0xcc6db61,
- 0x19a10000, 0x309f1021, 0x57f6c100, 0xa2f1b6f, 0x10000000,
- 0x18754571, 0x247dbc80, 0x3547667b, 0x4c4b4000, 0x6b5a6e1d,
- 0x6c20a40, 0x8d2d931, 0xb640000, 0xe8d4a51, 0x1269ae40,
- 0x17179149, 0x1cb91000, 0x23744899, 0x2b73a840, 0x34e63b41,
- 0x40000000, 0x4cfa3cc1, 0x5c13d840, 0x6d91b519, 0x39aa400
- };
intRadix[10]=0x3b9aca00 = 1000000000; intRadix[3]=0x4546b3db=1162261467;
我们注意到 numWords = (numBits + 31) /32. 初始数组的大小并不是大整数划分的数目而是将计算大整数对应的二进制位数(加上31确保numWords大于0)然后除以32得到,因此mag数组中每一个int数的32位是被完全利用的,也就是把每个int数当成无符号数来看待.若不完全利用int的32位的话,我们完全可以根据划分的结果来确定mag数组的初始大小,之前的例子:18927348 | 347389543 | 834934878,我们知道10进制数每次选择9位不会越界,我们可以直观的得到mag数组的大小为3,但是这样的话每个int元素仍然有些空闲的位没有利用.
因此我们之前的划分方法只是整个数组初始化的想象中第一步. 这个例子按照numWords = (numBits + 31) /32这样计算最后得到的应当仍是3.但是若是再大一些的数串结果就不一定一样,积少成多,很大的数串时节省的空间就能体现出来啦.
Java没有无符号int数,因此mag数组中常常会符号为负的元素. 而最终把原大整数转换为mag数组保存的radix对应的最佳进制数的过程由destructiveMulAdd完成.现在把构造函数的最后一部分的和方法destructiveMulAdd的解析附上:
- int superRadix = intRadix[radix];
- int groupVal = 0;
- while (cursor < val.length()) {
- //选取新的一串数
- group = val.substring(cursor, cursor += digitsPerInt[radix]);
- groupVal = Integer.parseInt(group, radix);//转换为十进制整数
- if (groupVal < 0)
- throw new NumberFormatException("Illegal digit");
- //mag*superRadix+groupVal.类似于:18927348*10^9+347389543
- destructiveMulAdd(mag, superRadix, groupVal);
- }
- //去掉mag数组前面的0,使得数组元素以非0开始.
- mag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(mag);
- private final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
- // Multiply x array times word y in place, and add word z
- private static void destructiveMulAdd(int[] x, int y, int z) {
- // Perform the multiplication word by word
- //将y与z转换为long类型
- long ylong = y & LONG_MASK;
- long zlong = z & LONG_MASK;
- int len = x.length;
- long product = 0;
- long carry = 0;
- //从低位到高位分别与y相乘,每次都加上之前的进位,和传统乘法一模一样.
- for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- //每次相乘时将x[i]转换为long,这样其32位数就可转变为其真正代表的数
- product = ylong * (x[i] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
- //x[i]取乘积的低32位.
- x[i] = (int)product;
- //高32位为进位数,留到下次循环相加
- carry = product >>> 32;
- }
- // Perform the addition
- //执行加z
- //mag最低位转换为long后与z相加
- long sum = (x[len-1] & LONG_MASK) + zlong;
- //mag最低位保留相加结果的低32位.
- x[len-1] = (int)sum;
- //高32位当成进位数
- carry = sum >>> 32;
- //和传统加法一样进位数不断向高位加
- for (int i = len-2; i >= 0; i--) {
- sum = (x[i] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
- x[i] = (int)sum;
- carry = sum >>> 32;
- }
- }
整个过程下来,因为保存的方法和我们脑海中那简单的存储方法会有不同,最终mag数组里的元素跟原先的字符串就会有很大的不同,但实质上还是表示着相同的数,现把18927348347389543834934878 例子的构造过程展示出:
进入最终的循环前mag数组:[0] [0] [18927348]
第一次循环后: [0] [4406866] [-1295432089] (18927348*10^9+347389543)
第二次循环后: [1026053] [-1675546271] [440884830]. ((18927348*10^9+347389543)*10^9+834934878)
最终我们就把18927348347389543834934878 转换成10^9进制的数保存到了mag数组中.虽然最终的结果我们让我们不太熟悉,但是其中数串划分的方法和数组节省空间的思想都是值得学习的.(感觉总结地好没有水平......)
- public String toString(int radix) {
- if (signum == 0)
- return "0";
- if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX)
- radix = 10;
- // Compute upper bound on number of digit groups and allocate space
- //初始化字符串数组的大小,为mag数组长度一半多点.
- int maxNumDigitGroups = (4*mag.length + 6)/7;
- String digitGroup[] = new String[maxNumDigitGroups];
- // Translate number to string, a digit group at a time
- BigInteger tmp = this.abs();
- int numGroups = 0;
- while (tmp.signum != 0) {
- BigInteger d = longRadix[radix];
- MutableBigInteger q = new MutableBigInteger(),
- r = new MutableBigInteger(),
- a = new MutableBigInteger(tmp.mag),
- b = new MutableBigInteger(d.mag);
- //a除以b商保存在q中,余数保存在r中
- a.divide(b, q, r);
- BigInteger q2 = new BigInteger(q, tmp.signum * d.signum);
- BigInteger r2 = new BigInteger(r, tmp.signum * d.signum);
- //把余数转换为字符串保存在字符串数组中
- digitGroup[numGroups++] = Long.toString(r2.longValue(), radix);
- //商作为被除数
- <span style="WHITE-SPACE: pre"> </span> tmp = q2;
- }
- //用StringBuilder把字符串里面的数串拼接起来,中间段的数串可能需要添加一些0
- // Put sign (if any) and first digit group into result buffer
- StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(numGroups*digitsPerLong[radix]+1);
- if (signum<0)
- buf.append('-');
- buf.append(digitGroup[numGroups-1]);
- // Append remaining digit groups padded with leading zeros
- for (int i=numGroups-2; i>=0; i--) {
- // Prepend (any) leading zeros for this digit group
- int numLeadingZeros = digitsPerLong[radix]-digitGroup[i].length();
- if (numLeadingZeros != 0)
- buf.append(zeros[numLeadingZeros]);
- buf.append(digitGroup[i]);
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- /* zero[i] is a string of i consecutive zeros. */
- private static String zeros[] = new String[64];
- static {
- zeros[63] =
- "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
- for (int i=0; i<63; i++)
- zeros[i] = zeros[63].substring(0, i);
- }
上述方法核心的地方就是 a.divide(b, q, r). longRadix数组和intRadix数组有着相似的涵义.
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