我是靠谱客的博主 贪玩手套,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍ZigBee_CC2530_0DH_关于协议栈时钟的一些记录1.OSAL2.MAC,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



timestamp unit is based on a basic time unit called Backoff Period(BP)
a Unit Backoff Period = the transmission time of 80bits(0.32ms)



1.1 osal_start_system()函数


 * @fn      osal_start_system
 * @brief
 *   This function is the main loop function of the task system (if
 *   ZBIT and UBIT are not defined). This Function doesn't return.
 * @param   void
 * @return  none
void osal_start_system( void )
#if !defined ( ZBIT ) && !defined ( UBIT )
  for(;;)  // Forever Loop

1.2 osal_run_system()

 * @fn      osal_run_system
 * @brief
 *   This function will make one pass through the OSAL taskEvents table
 *   and call the task_event_processor() function for the first task that
 *   is found with at least one event pending. If there are no pending
 *   events (all tasks), this function puts the processor into Sleep.
 * @param   void
 * @return  none
void osal_run_system( void )
  uint8 idx = 0;

  osalTimeUpdate();         //更新时钟
  Hal_ProcessPoll();        //查看硬件是否有事件发生

  do {
    if (tasksEvents[idx])  // Task is highest priority that is ready.
  } while (++idx < tasksCnt);

  if (idx < tasksCnt)
    uint16 events;
    halIntState_t intState;

    events = tasksEvents[idx];
    tasksEvents[idx] = 0;  // Clear the Events for this task.

    activeTaskID = idx;
    events = (tasksArr[idx])( idx, events );
    activeTaskID = TASK_NO_TASK;

    tasksEvents[idx] |= events;  // Add back unprocessed events to the current task.
#if defined( POWER_SAVING )
  else  // Complete pass through all task events with no activity?
    osal_pwrmgr_powerconserve();  // Put the processor/system into sleep

  /* Yield in case cooperative scheduling is being used. */
#if defined (configUSE_PREEMPTION) && (configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0)

1.3 osalTimeUpdate()

 * @fn      osalTimeUpdate
 * @brief   Uses the free running rollover count of the MAC backoff timer;
 *          this timer runs freely with a constant 320 usec interval.  The
 *          count of 320-usec ticks is converted to msecs and used to update
 *          the OSAL clock and Timers by invoking osalClockUpdate() and
 *          osalTimerUpdate().  This function is intended to be invoked
 *          from the background, not interrupt level.
 * @param   None.
 * @return  None.
void osalTimeUpdate( void )
  halIntState_t intState;
  uint32 tmp;
  uint32 ticks320us;
  uint16 elapsedMSec = 0;

  // Get the free-running count of 320us timer ticks
  tmp = macMcuPrecisionCount();
  if ( tmp != previousMacTimerTick )
    // Calculate the elapsed ticks of the free-running timer.
    ticks320us = (tmp - previousMacTimerTick) & 0xffffffffu;

    // Store the MAC Timer tick count for the next time through this function.
    previousMacTimerTick = tmp;
    // update converted number with remaining ticks from loop and the
    // accumulated remainder from loop
    tmp = (ticks320us * 8) + remUsTicks;

    // Convert the 320 us ticks into milliseconds and a remainder
    CONVERT_320US_TO_MS_ELAPSED_REMAINDER( tmp, elapsedMSec, remUsTicks );

    // Update OSAL Clock and Timers
    if ( elapsedMSec )
      osalClockUpdate( elapsedMSec );
      osalTimerUpdate( elapsedMSec );

该函数通过调用macMcuPrecisionCount()函数去返回自定时器2启动到现在为止的单位是320us的时间戳tmp,然后对于使用ticks320us去存储新增加的时间数,然后将previousMacTimerTick设置为当前读取的tmp,再将tmp设置为距离上次记录时间时新增的时间和上次转换成单位为ms时剩下的单位为us的剩余量之和,然后将tmp转换成单位为ms的elapseMSec和小于1000us的单位为40us的remUsTicks,当elapseMSec不为0是通过调用OSAL_Clock.c文件中的osalClockUpdate( elapseMSec )函数去修改系统时钟,调用OSAL_Timers.c文件中的osalTimerUpdate( elapseMSec )函数去修改定时器系统时钟。

1.4 系统时钟 osalClockUpdate( uint16 elapsedMSec )

 * @fn      osalClockUpdate
 * @brief   Updates the OSAL Clock time with elapsed milliseconds.
 * @param   elapsedMSec - elapsed milliseconds
 * @return  none
static void osalClockUpdate( uint16 elapsedMSec )
  // Add elapsed milliseconds to the saved millisecond portion of time
  timeMSec += elapsedMSec;

  // Roll up milliseconds to the number of seconds
  if ( timeMSec >= 1000 )
    OSAL_timeSeconds += timeMSec / 1000;
    timeMSec = timeMSec % 1000;

 * @fn      osal_setClock
 * @brief   Set the new time.  This will only set the seconds portion
 *          of time and doesn't change the factional second counter.
 * @param   newTime - number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes,
 *                    0 seconds, on the 1st of January 2000 UTC
 * @return  none
void osal_setClock( UTCTime newTime )
  OSAL_timeSeconds = newTime;

 * @fn      osal_getClock
 * @brief   Gets the current time.  This will only return the seconds
 *          portion of time and doesn't include the factional second
 *          counter.
 * @param   none
 * @return  number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes, 0 seconds,
 *          on the 1st of January 2000 UTC
UTCTime osal_getClock( void )
  return ( OSAL_timeSeconds );
而OSAL_Timers.c文件中的osalTimerUpdate( elapseMSec )函数如下所示:

1.5 定时器 osalClockUpdate( uint16 elapsedMSec )

 * @fn      osalTimerUpdate
 * @brief   Update the timer structures for a timer tick.
 * @param   none
 * @return  none
void osalTimerUpdate( uint16 updateTime )
  halIntState_t intState;
  osalTimerRec_t *srchTimer;
  osalTimerRec_t *prevTimer;

  HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );  // Hold off interrupts.
  // Update the system time
  osal_systemClock += updateTime;
  HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );   // Re-enable interrupts.

  // Look for open timer slot
  if ( timerHead != NULL )
    // Add it to the end of the timer list
    srchTimer = timerHead;
    prevTimer = (void *)NULL;

    // Look for open timer slot
    while ( srchTimer )
      osalTimerRec_t *freeTimer = NULL;
      HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );  // Hold off interrupts.
      if (srchTimer->timeout <= updateTime)
        srchTimer->timeout = 0;
        srchTimer->timeout = srchTimer->timeout - updateTime;
      // Check for reloading
      if ( (srchTimer->timeout == 0) && (srchTimer->reloadTimeout) && (srchTimer->event_flag) )
        // Notify the task of a timeout
        osal_set_event( srchTimer->task_id, srchTimer->event_flag );
        // Reload the timer timeout value
        srchTimer->timeout = srchTimer->reloadTimeout;
      // When timeout or delete (event_flag == 0)
      if ( srchTimer->timeout == 0 || srchTimer->event_flag == 0 )
        // Take out of list
        if ( prevTimer == NULL )
          timerHead = srchTimer->next;
          prevTimer->next = srchTimer->next;

        // Setup to free memory
        freeTimer = srchTimer;

        // Next
        srchTimer = srchTimer->next;
        // Get next
        prevTimer = srchTimer;
        srchTimer = srchTimer->next;
      HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );   // Re-enable interrupts.
      if ( freeTimer )
        if ( freeTimer->timeout == 0 )
          osal_set_event( freeTimer->task_id, freeTimer->event_flag );
        osal_mem_free( freeTimer );


2.1 macMcuPrecisionCount()

该函数位于~/MAC/Low Level/System/mac_mcu.c中
 * @fn          macMcuPrecisionCount
 * @brief       This function is used by higher layer to read a free running counter driven by
 *              MAC timer.
 * @param       none
 * @return      overflowCount
uint32 macMcuPrecisionCount(void)
  uint32         overflowCount = 0;
  halIntState_t  s;


  /* This T2 access macro allows accessing both T2MOVFx and T2Mx */

  /* Latch the entire T2MOVFx first by reading T2M0.
   * T2M0 is discarded.
  ((uint8 *)&overflowCount)[UINT32_NDX0] = T2MOVF0;
  ((uint8 *)&overflowCount)[UINT32_NDX1] = T2MOVF1;
  ((uint8 *)&overflowCount)[UINT32_NDX2] = T2MOVF2;

  /* the overflowCount needs to account for the accumulated overflow count in Beacon mode.
  overflowCount += accumulatedOverflowCount;
   * Workaround to take care of the case where a rollover just occured and the call to
   * macBackoffTimerPeriodIsr() hasn't yet occured or if one rollover occured during
   * sleep then update the accumulatedoverflowCount with the rollover
   if((prevoverflowCount > overflowCount) && (prevAccumulatedOverflowCount == accumulatedOverflowCount))
    accumulatedOverflowCount += macGetBackOffTimerRollover();
    overflowCount += macGetBackOffTimerRollover();
    /*don't update the rollover since it has been updated already */
    updateRolloverflag = TRUE;

  /* store the current value of overflowcount and accumulatedOverflowCount */
  prevoverflowCount = overflowCount;
  prevAccumulatedOverflowCount = accumulatedOverflowCount;



2.2 macMcuOverflowSetCount()函数

 * @fn          macMcuOverflowSetCount
 * @brief       Sets the value of the hardware overflow counter.
 * @param       count - new overflow count value
 * @return      none
MAC_INTERNAL_API void macMcuOverflowSetCount(uint32 count)
  halIntState_t  s;

  MAC_ASSERT(! (count >> 24) );   /* illegal count value */

  /* save the current overflow count */
  accumulatedOverflowCount += macMcuOverflowCount();
  /* deduct the initial count */
  accumulatedOverflowCount -= count;


  /* for efficiency, the 32-bit value is decoded using endian abstracted indexing */
  /* T2OF2 must be written last */
  T2MOVF0 = ((uint8 *)&count)[UINT32_NDX0];    //T2MOVF0 = ((uint8 *)&count)[0];
  T2MOVF1 = ((uint8 *)&count)[UINT32_NDX1];
  T2MOVF2 = ((uint8 *)&count)[UINT32_NDX2];






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