我是靠谱客的博主 鳗鱼白开水,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍标准正态均一性检验 matlab程序,多种均一性检验方法比较研究,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


METEOROLOGICAL MONTHLY $FFä 1 610071 2 610225 vol. 38 No. 9 September 2012 105 , Gå . Buishand Tettitt von Neumann 42 19+0 20 60—70 80—90 SNHT Buishand 48. 6% , TPR ,SNHT 67. 57. SNHT Buishand Buishand Research on the Comparison of Different Homogeneity Test Methods LIU Jia l MA Zhenfeng l FAN Guangzhou2 Y()U Yong I I Sichuan Climatic Research Centre, Chengdu 610071 2 Chengdu University Of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225 Abstract: Homogenization of climate observations remains a challenge to climate change research. To ex-amine the influence of metadata on homogenizing climate data, the authors applied many test methods in cluding SHNT (standard normal homogeneity test) , Buishand test, Pettitt test, MASH (multiple analysis of series for homogenization) , TPR (two-phase regression), and Von Neumann ratio test to the Sichuan annual temperature series during 1960—2009. The results show that there are 42 stations existing disconti-nulty, about 40%; in the inhomogeneous stations, 29 were caused by station migration, and 19 caused by the replacement of equipment. The heterogeneity of the station was increasing during 1960s— 1970s, 1980s — 1990s and after 2000, and most breakpoints were caused by migration. Analyzing and assessing the sen-sitivity and applicability of the test methods show that, 48. 6% of the SNHT test results were consistent with Buishand and Pettitt, and T PR method which does not involve adjacent stations was consistent with other methods in a low rate. I


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