我是靠谱客的博主 温暖火龙果,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍simulink实现仿真时间与实际时间同步,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



simulink本身有自带的Real-Time Windows Target,可以自行参照帮助进行尝试,但是对于不同的版本,不同的操作系统,总是出现各种问题,有种感觉对于一般的简单实时性要求,matlab 的 RTW 有点大材小用。我在 32位 win7 + R2014a上可以部分运行matlab的demo,但是在64位win8.1 + R2014a就出现各种问题。于是在网上收罗了半天,终于找到一些简单的解决办法,用起来也比较方便,是国外一些比较厉害的人自己用s-function编的模块。


以下引至: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/3175-real-time-blockset-7-1-for-simulink

This new Simulink block allows the execution of Simulink models in real time. The blockset is actually composed by only one block, that has been realized using an S-function written in C++ language.

This blockset is based on the simple concept that, to make the Simulink run with a real-time temporisation, the cycle time (the time that Simulink needs to calculate a simulation step, that is function of the hardware and the OS in which Simulink is running) should be lower then the desired simulation step. If this assumption is not valid, no real-time simulation is possible, whichever is the applied scheduling method.

Obviously, this statement is not completely valid, for example if we suppose to work with a real-time OS, in which the scheduling can be fully controlled. Anyway, the Windows OS is not in this case, because it's a multitasking environment with a partial controllable scheduling approach. The only controllable feature of Windows is the possibility of assigning a greater priority to the running process. In this blockset, a block allows the selection of the preferred priority to assign to Simulink.

This blockset simply hold the execution of the Simulink simulation attached to the time flow, in the sense that, if the cycle time is lower then the simulation step, this block wait for the time needed to fill the simulation step, leaving the remaining CPU time to all the Windows Process that need it. This concept is very simple but effective.

Respect to the other products, the RT blockset doesn't use a separate OS or runs a RT kernel to provide an RT simulation. Another feature that may let you prefer this blockset is the lack of limitation that this block impose to the use of Win32 instruction in your C/C++ S-functions. This blockset may virtually cooperate with any Win32 or DirectX instruction. Personally, I tested the RTW version of this block (that will be soon available) even on WinNT Embedded, with interesting results.

The OS where this solution was first developed is Windows NT 4.0, then this blockset is based on the Win32 library timing functions and process control functions. The actual released blockset has been realized only for the Windows platform and has been tested on a Win2000 and WinME OS with different speed processors. 
This blockset can be compiled also with Real Time Workshop, offering a greater protection respect to all other process than a Simulink model that runs inside Windows NT can guarantee.

To see more about this blockset and download the previous version for Matlab 5.3, 6.0 and 6.5, visit the following web page: 
http://digilander.iol.it/LeoDaga, click on the "RT Blockset" link on the right of the page. 
This page contains also much more informations about the use of the RT block. 
The library is already on a tested stage, but debugging information from new users will be appreciated.

In the image, the behavior of the simulation during a delaying OS operation.

这个人写的模块我在32位win7 + R2014a上测试通过,64位电脑不行;










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