ABSTRACT: To automobiles, the power performance and fuel economy are the main characterswhich directly affect
its performance in market. The computer simulation of the power performance and fuel economy for a car is not only a
fast, exact and effective method, but it eliminates the effect from driver, road and weather in road test, so the com2
puter simulation can be repeated and compared more easily than road test. According to the minimum double multip l2
ying p rincip le and linear regression model, the engine full - load performance model and the engine fuel - consump2
tion performance model are established in this paper. Based on the power performance and fuel economymathematics
models, the parameter sensitivity formulae of power performance and fuel economy of automobile are derived. The
computer simulated p rogram is comp iled inMATLAB. The computer simulation of the power performance and fuel e2
conomy for a car is done. The results of computer simulation and road test are given. At last, the parameter sensitivi2
ty analysis is done and some ways of imp rovement are pointed out.
[本帖最后由 sartan 于 2008-5-18 15:54 编辑]
2008-5-18 15:54 上传
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