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BPSK:二进制相移键控 (BPSK: Binary Phase Shift Keying)

BPSK is an abbreviation of "Binary Phase Shift Keying".


BPSK is also occasionally called phase reversal keying (PRK), or 2PSK, which is the elementary form of phase-shift keying (PSK). Phase Shift Keying is a progression of the digital modulation method, which processes the transmission of data by modulating the phase of a carrier wave. The process of this transmission is achieved by changing the phase of sine and cosine inputs at a specific instance of time. The method of Phase Shift Keying is commonly used for wireless LANs, bio-metric, contactless operations, all along with RFID and Bluetooth communications.

BPSK有时也称为相反转键控(PRK)2PSK ,它是相移键控(PSK)的基本形式。 相移键控是数字调制方法的一种进步,它通过调制载波的相位来处理数据的传输。 通过在特定时间更改正弦和余弦输入的相位来实现此传输过程。 相移键控方法通常用于无线LAN,生物识别,非接触式操作以及RFID和蓝牙通信。

In the process of BPSK, it is a progression of a two-phase modulation system of the method, in which the sine wave carrier signal acquires two different phase reversals, 0's and 1's in a binary format.


  • In case of binary 1, θ = 0°

    在二进制1的情况下,θ= 0°

  • In case of binary 0, θ = 180°

    在二进制0的情况下,θ= 180°

BPSK的优势 (Advantages of BPSK)

  • In the process of transmission, modulated data of BPSK can pass through longer distances, when it transmitted initially from the base station or subscriber stations because of the property that the sine wave carrier signal acquires two different phase reversals, 0's and 1's in a binary format.

    在传输过程中,由于BPSK的调制数据最初从基站或用户站传输时,由于正弦波载波信号以二进制格式获取两个不同的相位反转(0和1),因此它可以通过更长的距离。 。

  • Modulation of BPSK is used by the majority of cellular towers for communication of long distances or transmission of the data.


  • In the recovery process of indigenous binary information, the BPSK demodulator needs to make simply two decisions. For this reason, in comparison to additional modulation categories, the BPSK receiver is extremely fundamental.

    在本地二进制信息的恢复过程中,BPSK解调器只需做出两个决定。 因此,与其他调制类别相比,BPSK接收机极为重要。

  • BPSK is power efficient modulation system of the method as in the process of transmission; a smaller amount of power is considered necessary to transmit the carrier signal data with less number of bits.

    BPSK是在传输过程中的高效节能调制系统; 认为以较少的位数发送载波信号数据需要较少的功率。

BPSK的缺点 (Disadvantages of BPSK)

  • In the system of method of BPSK modulation, one bit is transmitted by one particular analog carrier signal. Therefore, there is a similarity between data rate in bits per second and the symbol rate.

    在BPSK调制方法的系统中,一个特定的模拟载波信号发送一位。 因此,每秒的数据速率(以比特为单位)与符号速率之间存在相似性。

  • In contrast to further modulation categories, BPSK is not bandwidth efficient modulation system of method.


Reference: Phase-shift keying

参考: 相移键控

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'B'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'B '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bpsk-full-form.aspx






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