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alphabet = [1 4 6]; prob = [0.1 0.4 0.5];
randsrc(100,1,[alphabet; prob]) 

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out = randsrc
out = randsrc(m)
out = randsrc(m,n)
out = randsrc(m,n,alphabet)
out = randsrc(m,n,[alphabet; prob])
out = randsrc(m,n,___,seed)
out = randsrc(m,n,___,streamhandle)


out = randsrc generates a random scalar that is either -1 or 1, with equal probability.
out = randsrc(m) generates an m-by-m random bipolar matrix. Each entry independently takes the value -1 or 1 with equal probability.
out = randsrc(m,n) generates an m-by-n random bipolar matrix. Each entry independently takes the value -1 or 1 with equal probability.
out = randsrc(m,n,alphabet) generates an m-by-n matrix, with each entry independently chosen from the entries in the row vector alphabet. Each entry in alphabet occurs in out with equal probability. Duplicate values in alphabet are ignored.
out = randsrc(m,n,[alphabet; prob]) generates an m-by-n matrix, with each entry independently chosen from the entries in the row vector alphabet. Duplicate values in alphabet are ignored. The row vector prob lists corresponding probabilities, so that the symbol alphabet(k) occurs with probability prob(k), where k is any integer between one and the number of columns of alphabet. The elements of prob must add up to 1.
out = randsrc(m,n,___,seed) accepts input combinations from prior syntaxes and a seed value, for initializing the uniform random number generator, rand.
out = randsrc(m,n,___,streamhandle) accepts input combinations from prior syntaxes and a random stream handle to generate uniform random noise samples by using rand. Providing a random stream handle or using the reset function on the default random stream object enables you to generate repeatable noise samples. If you want to generate repeatable noise samples, then either reset the random stream input before calling randsrc or use the same seed input. For more information, see RandStream.





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