我是靠谱客的博主 冷艳大米,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍基于风险的测试终极指南:软件测试中的风险管理(五)Risk Management During Test Planning(测试计划中的风险管理),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Risk Management During Test Planning(测试计划中的风险管理)

How to Manage Risks During Test Planning Phase:


Life is full of risks, and so is a software project. Anything can go wrong anytime. We are always on our toes to make things right – but what about making sure that nothing goes wrong and that when it does we know exactly what to do? Enter Risk management – this is a portion of a software testing project that prepares us to prevent, understand, find and get over risks.

生活充满风险,软件项目也是如此。 任何时候都可能出错。 我们总是在努力使事情正确——但是为何不确保没有什么会出问题,并且,当问题确实发生时我们确切地知道该怎么做呢? 步入风险管理——这是软件测试项目的一部分,让我们为风险的预防,理解,发现和克服做好准备。

A risk is simply a problem that is likely to occur and when it does occur, will cause a loss.


The loss could be anything- money, time, effort or a compromise in quality. The loss is never good. No matter how much of a spin we give it,it’s not positive- and never will be. Therefore Risk managementis an integral part of software projects to make sure we handle risks and prevent/reduce losses.

损失可能是任何事情——金钱,时间,努力或质量上的妥协。 损失永远不会是好的。 无论我们给它多少“托词”,它都不是积极的——而且永远不会。 因此,风险管理是软件项目不可分割的一部分,以确保我们处理风险并防止/减少损失。


Risk-Based Testing: Since we are a QA community let us stay specific to risks and the process related to it in our QA world exclusively. Risks are assessed and managed roughly in 2 phases of our Software Test life cycle. STLC can be categorized into 3 phases -Test planning, Test designing and Test execution.

基于风险的测试:由于我们是QA社区,因此让我们关注一下专门针对风险以及与我们的QA世界相关的流程。 大致在软件测试生命周期中的两个阶段来评估和管理风险。 STLC可分为3个阶段 - 测试计划,测试设计和测试执行。

The risk management process occurs twice, during:


  1. Test planning(测试计划)
  2. Test case design(end) or sometimes in the test execution phase(测试用例设计(结束)或有时在测试执行阶段)

It is mandatory in case 1 but with case 2 it is more of a ‘need-basis’ situation.


Two part article series(两部分系列文章):

Even though the underlying process is the same, the types of risks addressed in both these areas are completely different. In order to do justice to them individually, we are going to handle them differently as a two-part series.

尽管基础流程是相同的,但这两个领域所涉及的风险类型却完全不同。 为了对它们单独介绍,我们将以不同的方式处理它们,作为一个由两部分组成的系列。



以上就是冷艳大米为你收集整理的基于风险的测试终极指南:软件测试中的风险管理(五)Risk Management During Test Planning(测试计划中的风险管理)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决基于风险的测试终极指南:软件测试中的风险管理(五)Risk Management During Test Planning(测试计划中的风险管理)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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