我是靠谱客的博主 哭泣跳跳糖,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Chapter1 IntroductionTypes of Logic CircuitsAnalog versus DigitalLogic Circuits and GatesSoftware Aspects of Digital DesignIntegrated CircuitsCMOS Logic CircuitsProgrammable DeviceImportant words,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Types of Logic Circuits

  • Logic circuits are classified into two types, “combinational” and “sequential
  • Combinational logic circuit is one whose outputs depend only on its current inputs.
  • The output of sequential logic circuits not only depends on current inputs, but also on the past sequence of inputs.

Analog versus Digital

  • Analog devices and systems process time-varying signals that can take on any value across a continuous range.
  • Digital systems use digital circuits that process digital signals which can take on one of two values

0 and 1 (digits of the binary number system)



  • Digital Systems
  1. Digital computers represent the most common digital systems.
  2. Once-analog Systems that have now “gone digital”: Audio recorder (CDs, mp3), Phone system,Automobile engine control ,Movie effects,Still and video cameras….

Logic Circuits and Gates

  • Gates: the most basic digital devices, have function of allowing or retarding (“gating”) the flow of digital information.
  • Three most important kinds of gates :
  • Flip-flop: a device that stores either a 0 or 1. The state can be changed only at certain state times determined by a “clock” input .

Software Aspects of Digital Design

  • HDL(Hardware description language)
    1. “Programming” languages that allow the characteristics of a hardware module to be described.
    2. Many elements are analogous to “Software programming” languages.
    3. Three preeminent HDL’s are Verilog, VHDL and ABEL.
  • HDL Compilers,simulators,and synthesis tools
  • Test benches
  • Timing analyzers and verifiers
  • Word processors

Integrated Circuits

  • An Integrated circuit (IC) is a number of logic gated fabricated on a single silicon chip.
  • Large ICs with tens of millions of transistors: half an inch or more on a side
  • die----IC chip,has pads around its periphery;
  • “IC” or “chip” : the combination of a silicon die and its package
  • In this book, “IC”: a packaged die
  • ICs can be classified according to how many gates they contain as follows:
    1. Small-Scale Integration (SSI): Contain 1 to 20 gates.
    2. Medium-Scale Integration (MSI): Contain 20 to 200 gates.
      Examples: Registers, decoders, counters.
    3. Large-Scale Integration (LSI): Contain 200 to 200,000 gates.
      Include small memories, some microprocessors, programmable logic devices.
    4. Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI): Usually stated in terms of transistors count rather than gate count. with over 1,000,000 transistors.
      Includes most microprocessors and memories.

CMOS Logic Circuits

  • The symbols and characteristics of MOS transistors

Programmable Device

  • PLAs: programmable logic arrays ,the first programmable logic devices, contained a two-level structure of AND and OR gates array with user-programmable connections.
  • PAL: programmable array logic ,enhance PLA structure and reduce the costs, PLDs
  • CPLD: complex PLD, merely a collection of multiple PLDs and an interconnection structure, all on the same chip, can be scaled to larger sizes.
  • FPGA: field-programmable gate arrays, contains a much larger number of smaller individual logic blocks, provides a large, distributed interconnection structure that dominates the entire chip.
  • both chip architecture
  • each approach support a style of design in which products can be moved from design concept to prototype and production in a very short time.

Important words

Combinational Circuit ——组合逻辑电路
Sequential Circuit ——时序逻辑电路
Hardware Description Language ——硬件描述语言
Programmable Logic Device ——可编程逻辑器件
Flip-flop ——触发器
ASIC ——特定用途集成电路
FPGA ——现场可编程门阵列
CPLD ——复杂可编程逻辑器件


以上就是哭泣跳跳糖为你收集整理的Chapter1 IntroductionTypes of Logic CircuitsAnalog versus DigitalLogic Circuits and GatesSoftware Aspects of Digital DesignIntegrated CircuitsCMOS Logic CircuitsProgrammable DeviceImportant words的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Chapter1 IntroductionTypes of Logic CircuitsAnalog versus DigitalLogic Circuits and GatesSoftware Aspects of Digital DesignIntegrated CircuitsCMOS Logic CircuitsProgrammable DeviceImportant words所遇到的程序开发问题。



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