1. 限制:limit, restrict, confine, define, narrow, tighten, constrict, cap
narrow(v.): 这个词大家以前使用的时候一般都是作为形容词来用,这里强调下它的动词的用法。
E.g. We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view. 缩小差距
E.g. We’re working to narrow down the list of possible suspects.
E.g. The smoking causes the same diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death rates is narrowing.
define (v.): 这个词大家以前熟悉的意思是给……下定义, 这个意思和限制并不矛盾,什么叫下定义?就是描述出一个事物的轮廓,所以定义就是在一个给定的范围内给一个事物限定的特定的意思。(define的英文解释: If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like)
E.g. The Supreme Court decision could define how far Congress can go in trying to determine the outcome of court cases.
cap (n./v.): 这个词最常用的意思是帽子的意思,作为限制的意思再形象不过了。E.g. The government has placed a cap on local council spending.
snow-capped mountains
补充信息:魔兽世界(WOW)的资料片燃烧的远征(TBC)刚刚推出的时候,在官网上就有这么句话:An increase in the level cap to 70 大家不妨体会下这句话中的cap的意思在NBA里面就有工资帽这种说法(工资帽的概念1984年被引入,NBA联盟和球员工会之间首先进行谈判,只有双方同意,工资帽才被正式公布。每年NBA的工资帽都在增加,1997-98赛季是2690万美元,上赛季是4384万美元,而如今则是4387万美元。那么什么是工资帽呢?工资帽的具体数额和NBA前一年的总收入密切相关。具体来说,这个工资帽是根据NBA前一年的总收入,然后取这个总收入的48%作为NBA球队花钱的资本,再拿这个48%后的收入再除以29(NBA上赛季球队总数),得出的平均数就是当年的工资帽,各球队花在球员身上的工资总额不得超过这个数字。)
2. 集中,聚焦于:focus on, concentrate on, aim, spotlight, be engrossed in, lay/place/put emphasis on, deal only with, highlight
spotlight(v./n.): 本意是聚光灯的意思
E.g. A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities.
E.g. The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime.
E.g. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.
E.g. The article spotlights the problems of the homeless.
engross (v.): 全神贯注于某事
E.g. The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.
E.g. He was so engrossed in his book that he didn’t hear her come in.
highlight(v./n.): 本意为用高亮度标记
E.g. The incident has served to highlight the problems of urban deprivation.|
highlight 作名词用表示一系列事情的亮点,高潮,最精彩所在,
E.g. That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
E.g. The highlight of the trip was visiting the Great Wall of China.
3. 现代的,最新的:contemporary, modern, current, present, recent, up-to-date, latest
up-to-date(a.): 最新的
E.g. They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.
latest (a.):最新的
E.g. the latest fashions from the Paris catwalks.
contemporary: 现代的,这个词准确的来说和最近的(latest)意思还是有区别的,不果的阅读考试大部分词考得都是词和词之间的相关性,其实也不太有可能两个词的意思是完全一样的,一般来说只要他们意思相关,并且不发生矛盾的话,我们就可以认为他们之间是同义词。这也就是为什么contemporary会和latest在一组的原因了。
4. 增长:grow, increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend, rocket
improve: 这个词在这里需要强调下,这个词在某些特定的场合下甚至可以表示下降的意思,例如:犯罪率在improve,像这种不好的事情得到了改善
soar (v.): 飙升
E.g. The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.
rocket(v./n.):作名词是火箭的意思, 动词: 直线上升
E.g. Stock prices rocketed to their highest level yesterday.这组词在阅读和写作当中可能会发生词性的变化,主要是形容词,动词和名词这三种间的转换。
grow-growing-growth; increase-increasing-increase; expand-expanding- expansion; rise-rising-rise; improve-improved-improvement; extend- extended- extension; climb-climbing-climb
5. 悲观的,忧郁的: pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, depressing, hopeless, sad, blue, unhappy, low-spirited, mournful, dismal, miserable, glum, broken-hearted , down in the dumps(informal)
E.g. Doctors are pessimistic about his chances of making a full recovery.
gloomy (a.): 衰退的, 忧郁的,
E.g. Frank dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.
blue (a.): 这个词可以解释为蓝调即悲伤忧郁的音乐,不过只能用复数形式blues
E.g. She usually calls her mother when she’s feeling blue.
blue这个词还有高贵的意思,例如这个短语:blue-blooded 表示出生于皇室家族或者社会地位很高的家族
blue book这个词大家可千万不要多想,它一般指英国官方发布的蓝皮书(封面通常是蓝色的)(yellow pages黄页即包含电话号码和公司地址的黄色封面的书)
blue movie色情电影,不过这种用法差不多已经过时了,现在一般都说porn movie
blue chip 蓝筹股即表现优异的,或者值得投资的股票
blue collar蓝领
6. 加速,前进:accelerate, speed up, advance, hasten, quicken, develop, hurry
E.g. The decline of her health seemed to suddenly accelerate.
develop (v.): 发展,也就是说现在的速度比原先的快才能叫发展,所以develop和和加速这个意思是属于相关词
develop liver disease 得病
develop the pictures 冲照片
advance(v.): 进步,前进
E.g. The group’s research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
7. 相似的,相同的:similar, alike, resemble, same, resemble, identical, still(这个词需要体会), analogous, twin
alike (a.): E.g. The two versions of the text are alike in many ways.
resemble (v.): E.g. Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely resemble real combat.
identical (a.): E.g. This house is almost identical to the one where I lived as a child.
still: 仍然 这个词放在这里大家不要觉得很奇怪,大家想想看,如果两句话用still相连接,是不是表示两句话当中肯定有相同的事情发生呢?例:十多年过去了,我仍然……后半句话我没有写完,但相信大家都能看出我在十年后肯定有和十年前相同的地方。所以still是个信号词,是same的相关词
analogous (a.): E.g. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
twin (n./v./a.): 记住阿娇和阿萨就记住这个单词了,本意是双胞胎的意思
E.g. identical twin
E.g. the twin problems of poverty and unemployment/ Meet my twin sister.
E.g. The opera twins the themes of love and death.
E.g. Chichester in England is twinned with Chartres in France.
8. 颜色:colour(red, blue, brown, etc.), hue, pigment, shade, tint, tone, dye
hue (n.): 色彩/观点,信念
E.g. Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.
E.g. political opinions of every hue (= of many kinds)
表示深色的形容词:dark, deep, rich
表示浅色的形容词:light, pale, soft, pastel
表示颜色很鲜艳,很亮的形容词:bright, brilliant, vivid
shade (n.): 色调,颜色的深浅
E.g. a delicate / pale / rich / soft shade of red
pigment, dye (n.): 颜料,染料
9. 重要的,必要的,必不可少的,关键的,有意义的:important, significant, seminal, weighty, critical, momentous, vital, essential, crucial, indispensable, necessary, key, pivotal, chief, principal, leading, historic(反义词:unimportant, trivial, minor, irrelevant, insignificant)
significant (a. ): E.g. Volunteer tutoring programs can have a significant impact on student achievement.
E.g. A significant number of drivers still refuse to wear seat belts.
critical (a.): 至关重要的,危及的
E.g. Foreign trade is of critical importance to the economy.
Eight people were killed and four are still in a critical condition.
题外话:critical point在游戏中可以指暴击点数的意思
momentous(a. ): 有意义的
E.g. The revolution taking place in Eastern Europe must be counted as one of the most momentous events of this century.
vital (a.): E.g. Regular exercise is vital for your health.
E.g. The tourist industry is of vital importance to the national economy. (of vital importance= very important)
vital signs: 生命特征(判断一个人是否还活着,例如心跳,体温等)
indispensable (a.): 必不可少的
E.g. International cooperation is indispensable to resolving the problem of the drug trade.
10. 紧急的,迫不及待的,临近的:urgent, pressing, crucial, critical, immediate, emergent
pressing(a.): E.g. Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.
immediate (a. ): 急切的,迫切的,接近/临近的(这个词条非常常用,特别是后面接地点的时候,基本上都是表示接近和靠近的意思)
E.g. There is an immediate danger of war.
E.g. It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate (=local) area.
immediate family: 直系亲属(父母, 子女,兄弟姐妹等)
11. 长期的,慢性的:chronic, persistent, long-term, habitual, long-standing, 反义词:acute
chronic(a.): 这个单词的本意是慢性的,引申出长期的意思,或者说是这个单词的解释中包含长期的意思。
E.g. chronic heart disease
E.g. There is a chronic shortage of teachers.
E.g. He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job. /chronic gambler
chron-这个前缀和时间有关,chronicle 编年史(把历史事件按照时间来排列编成的一本书)(来自希腊神话中宙斯(Zeus)他老爸的名字:Cronos。该神害怕自己的子女反抗自己,曾吞食了自己的后代,就象时间的无情,吞噬一切—利用古罗马,古希腊的神话故事来背单词是种不错的培养兴趣的背单词的方法, 而且在的写作中有很多还可以用得上, 何乐而不为,在随后的词条中会陆续介绍)chronometer 计时仪(常用语科学领域的)
habitual (a.): 习惯性的(养成习惯了,那肯定是长期形成的)
E.g. an habitual smoker/drinker/liar/criminal
long-standing (a.): E.g. a long-standing relationship/debate
12. 人工的,人造的,合成的:artificial, synthetic, false, man-made, manufactured, artificial intelligence(AI)=machine reasoning
artificial (a.): 人工的
E.g. an artificial limb / flower / sweetener / fertilizer/colours
synthetic (a.): 人工合成的
E.g. synthetic rubber
false (a.): 假的,错误的(在某些时候人工的,合成的,不就是大家眼中的假货么?不是到大家有没有看过前段时间电视台的那个激情四溢的侯总,他说的仿钻不就是我们所说的假货么,大家好好体会)
false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc 假牙/假发/假睫毛
false friend: 就是来自一对不同两个语言的词(或者是两个字母表中的字母)看起来或者是听起来相仿,但是意义完全不同.例如busboy看上去很像是汽车售票员,确是表示餐厅勤杂工的意思(这样的例子还有很多)
manufactured (a.): 人造的(其实manu-这个前缀本来是表示用手工制造的意思,但是随着时间的推移,这个前缀已经逐渐转变为用机器大批量制造的意思了,例如:The firm manufactures women’s clothing.)
E.g. a news story manufactured by an unscrupulous journalist
13. 联系,连接,绑定:link, associate, connect, relate, tie, unite, attach, bind
tie (v.): E.g. My social life and business life are closely tied.
tie作名词有领结和平局的意思E.g. The first game ended in a tie.
E.g. Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.(=necktie)
tie the knot 结婚(非正式说法,一种很形象化的说法:打上蝴蝶结,类似于我们中文中的说法:结为连理或者走进教堂这种间接的说法)
attach (v.): 附加,固定
E.g. A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.
attachment (n.): E.g. old people’s attachment to traditional customs 忠诚
E.g. I’ll send the spreadsheet as an attachment. 附件
E.g. a child’s attachment to its mother 依恋
bind (v.) 绑定 这个词的发音和汉语解释绑定非常的接近,可以帮助大家记忆(Bind on Acquire/Bind on equipment打过魔兽世界的应该很熟悉这两个短语吧:拾取后绑定和装备后绑定)
link A to/with B; associate A with B; connect A to/with B; tie A to B; relate A to B; bind A to B;
14. 足够的,充分的, 大量的:sufficient, adequate, enough, abundant, ample, plenty of ,considerable, plentiful
sufficient (a.): E.g. sufficient time/resources/information 反义词:insufficient
E.g. Will the growth in output be sufficient to meet the increased demand?
adequate (a.): E.g. an adequate supply of hot water 反义词:inadequate
E.g. There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students.
abundant (a.): E.g. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.
ample (a.): 这个词一般都放在名词之前,不可以说A is ample.
an office complex with ample parking
这个词还可以用于幽默的说女性的身材很胖:a woman with an ample figure
considerable (a.): 大量的,不要想当然得把这个词的意思想象成和考虑有关。这个词和足够的有些区别,但再次强调它和足够的意思并不矛盾,他们之间的关系很像necessary和important,在考试这种主要是考察考生语言和理解能力的测试中,一般来说我们不需要区分他们之间的细小的逻辑差别(负责不就变成律师资格考试啦)。
E.g. issues of considerable importance
E.g. We’ve saved a considerable amount of money.
15. 战争,军事:military, army, battle(field), armed forces, attack, combat, conflict, crusade, war, the services
armed forces: 武装部队/力量 arm本意是胳膊的,动词的意思是装备的意思(equip),所以armed解释为武装的
E.g. Many of the gangs are armed to the teeth (=carrying a lot of weapons). 武装到牙齿,这个说法很形象
armed还可以解释为用知识或者技能来武装自己:E.g. She came to the meeting armed with all the facts and figures to prove us wrong.
crusade (n.): 最初的意义是指11-13世纪之间欧洲天主教国家在解放耶路撒冷的口号之下对亚洲穆斯林国家发动的战争。到了现代,它的意义已经泛化,可以指代说话者认为具有正义性质的一切努力和行动。(十字军东征,参战者服装均饰以红十字为标志,故称“十字军”。 其实这场战争并不是正义的)
E.g. They led an unsuccessful crusade against government corruption.
E.g. a crusade for equal rights
attack (v.): 这个词相信不用解释,给出大家很熟悉的一句话:Our forces are under attack.
the services:在军队中服役
16. 隔绝,孤立,分离:isolation, separation, detachment, disconnect, insulate, loneliness, desolate, remote
isolation (n.): E.g. Because of its geographical isolation, the area developed its own unique culture.
detachment (n.): E.g. He answered with an air of detachment.
insulate (v.): 绝缘insulating tape 绝缘胶带
lonely (a.): 孤独的(从而不开心的), 注意和alone的区别(alone是表示一个人或者单单的意思,不是孤独的意思,例如travel alone)
desolate (v.): 荒凉的,空虚的
E.g. In some of the more desolate regions, half of the active population is out of work.
remote (a.): E.g. remote control 遥控器;remote chance/possibility 机会渺茫;
17. 表达,申明,陈述:expression, statement, announcement, communication, declaration
declaration: E.g. a ceasefire declaration
The Declaration of Independence 独立宣言(the document written in 1776, in which the thirteen British colonies in America officially stated that they were an independent nation and would no longer agree to be ruled by Britain. The most famous part of it is: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.)
18. 最高点,顶峰:peak, summit, top, high point, crown, acme, zenith, highest point
peak (n./v.): E.g. Figures produced at a World Energy Conference showed that oil and gas production should reach a peak between 1985 and 2000.
E.g. Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday
summit (n.): 山顶/峰会(就是国家首脑间的会议)
E.g. A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.
E.g. Many people have now reached the summit of Mount Everest.
crown (n./v.): 本意是皇冠(大家可以注意丰田有款车型就叫皇冠,车尾会印有crown这个单词)
E.g. crown prince(the son of a king or queen, who is expected to become the next king)
crown princess
crown colony(a colony controlled by the British government)
19. 脆弱的,容易受到伤害的:fragile, sensitive, vulnerable, delicate, frail, weak, susceptible, tender, maximum risks, powerless, feeble, weedy, flimsy, rickety, jerry-built, badly made
fragile (a.): E.g. Relations between the two countries are in a fragile state.
sensitive (a.): 敏感的,很多考生不明白脆弱的和敏感的怎么会是相关词,举个简单的例子:如果有篇文章中说南极的气候非常的敏感
frail (a.): E.g. frail body/physique
feeble (a.): E.g. a feeble light/voice
susceptible (a.): E.g. Children are particularly susceptible to the disease.
delicate (a.): E.g. The sun can easily damage a child’s delicate skin.
20. 有吸引力的:attractive, charming, good-looking, inviting, lovely, pretty, pleasant, tempting, engaging(engage)
inviting (a.): E.g. an inviting smell (英英解释:something that is inviting is attractive and makes you want to experience it)
engaging (a.): E.g. one of her most engaging and least known novels
E.g. engaging smile
下降:fall, decline, descend, dive, drop, plummet, plunge, sink, decrease(improve),go down, slump, cut, dip
依靠:depend on, rely upon(on), count on, lean on, reckon on, rest on, bank on
23. 资金,金融,补助,福利,工资:fund, finance, pay for, subsidize, salary, economic, welfare, wage, money, income, fee
welfare (n.): 福利(健康和幸福),这个词不要和farewell 弄混淆了,这个词是古语表示再见的意思,有讲述关于同性恋的电影叫Farewell, my concubine—霸王别姬
E.g. Annabelle stopped getting welfare benefits when her husband landed a minimum-wage job.
subsidize (v.): 补助(sub-这个前缀的意思表示:under or below a particular level or thing)
E.g. Farming is heavily subsidized (=subsidized a lot) by the government.
wage (n./v.): 工资
E.g. The wage increases will come into effect in June.
E.g. minimum wage/ wage-packet (an envelope that contains your wages)/
E.g. wage a campaign/struggle/battle etc;wage war (on somebody/something)
- again, once more, anew, afresh, in addition
25. 第一,最初,最早:first, earliest, oldest, initial, original(反义词copy), introduction, commencement, pioneer, coin, launch, debut
pioneer (n./v.): 先锋 (也就是第一批做某件事的人),所以pioneer和first的关系也属于定义型相关
E.g. The new cancer treatment was pioneered in the early eighties by Dr Sylvia Bannerjee.
E.g. He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.
initial (a./v.): 头文字D的全称就是Initial Drift(drift是漂移的意思)
E.g. The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.
E.g. initial stage/phase/period
original (a.): 这个词在阅读中很多时候用来修饰一件艺术品,意思就是说这件作品是真的,不是后人仿造的或者赝品,所以original在这里和copy是反义词。
E.g. the original painting
coin (v.): 发明,创造(当然包含第一次的意思了)
E.g. The word ‘cybershot’ was coined by SONY.
introduction (n.): 引进the act of bringing something somewhere for the first time(英英解释)
E.g. the introduction of Buddhism to China nearly 2000 years ago
launch (v.): 我们熟知的意思为火箭的发射,考试中常用的意思为开始或者推广
E.g. The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October.
debut (n./v.): 初次登场
E.g. Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album.
E.g. He made his Major League debut as shortstop.
E.g. The show will debut next Monday at 8.00pm.
- 威胁,危险,灾难:hazard, danger, risk, threat, jeopardy, peril
27. 常见的,寻常的:usual, normal, common, general, habitual, ordinary, regular, routine, typical
habitual (a.): 习惯性的
E.g. an habitual smoker/drinker/liar/criminal
routine (a./n.): 例行公事,常规
E.g. Staying at your desk until 7.30 pm has become routine.
E.g. routine tasks/jobs
impossible, out of the question, unachievable, unobtainable, impracticable, unattainable
额外的,补充的:extra, additional, added, supplementary
ignore, overlook, neglect, pass over, turn a blind eye to, disregard
change, modify, alter, shift, vary, convert, mutate, reorganize
easy, not difficult, child’s play, effortless, no trouble, a piece of cake
潮湿的:damp, wet, moist, humid, cave
cave (n.): 山洞
damp (a.): E.g. damp clothes
moist (a.): E.g. Her eyes were moist (= with tears).
humid (a.): E.g. The island is hot and humid in the summer. -
反对:object, oppose, argue against, protest, disagree, dispute, quarrel, contradict, anti-
vision, sight, image
appreciate, be aware of, realize, recognize
curve, bend, arc, wavy
38. 导致,产生:breed, produce, arouse, bring about, cause, generate, give rise to, lead to, result in, contribute to, be responsible for, create
breed (v./n): 本义:繁殖/品种,引申为产生(原句:Isolation breeds linguistic diversity 地域的隔离导致/产生语言的多样性)
E.g. Poverty is a breeding ground for crime.
E.g. Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.
contribute to: contribute大家最常用的意思是贡献,所以很多考生都有个思维定势是,这个词只能导致好的结果。其实不然,这个短语是个中性词,后面接好的或者是坏的结果都是可以的。
E.g. Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
arouse (v.): E.g. He works hard to arouse his students’ curiosity.
bring about: E.g. A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.
generate (v.): E.g. The program would generate a lot of new jobs.
generation (n.): 有产生还有一代人的意思 E.g. the new generation of mobile phones
generation gap:代沟
Generation X :90后(没有目标的一代人)
Generation Y :80后
39. 灭绝,消失:extinct, vanished, gone, lost(loss), die out, kill off, disappear, absence
extinct (a.): 这个词很多考生不会用,注意这个词是形容词,不是动词(不要少了形容词前的be动词)。
E.g. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
extinct volcano 死火山/active volcano 活火山/dormant volcano休眠火山
vanish (v.): E.g. a rapidly vanishing way of life
E.g. The bird vanished from sight.
absence (n.): 缺少,缺乏
E.g. The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.
E.g. absence makes the heart grow fonder 距离产生美
diversity, difference, variety, diverseness, range, variation
inevitable, unavoidable, certain, sure, inescapable
42. 疾病,痛苦:complaint, illness, disease, sickness, upset, affliction, ailment, malady
complaint (n.): 委婉语:疾病/抱怨,投诉
E.g. a kidney complaint(可不要解释为肾脏的抱怨)
E.g. minor complaints like headaches
upset (n.): stomach upset
affliction (n.): 非常正式的说法
E.g. Smoking is a major cause of cancer and other afflictions.
ailment (n.): 不是很严重的病
E.g. minor ailments
malady (n.): 老式用法,还可引申为一种很严重的社会问题
E.g. Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
- because(of), due to, since, for, by reason of, in that, on account of, owing to, thanks to
44. 独特的:unique, gifted, unparalleled, incomparable, unequalled, unrivalled
unique (a.): E.g. Joan has a unique talent for languages.
unparalleled (a.): 无与伦比的
E.g. He has an unparalleled knowledge of local history.
incomparable (a.): E.g. He was an incomparable teacher.
identify, recognize, spot
营养:nutrition, diet, food, nutriment, nourishment
47. 电影:movie, film, feature, picture, motion picture, moving picture
feature (n.): E.g. There were a couple of short cartoons before the main feature.
E.g. double feature (=when two films are shown together)
motion picture: (AM)=movie
E.g. the motion picture industry
damage, harm, hurt, impair, ruin, destroy, weaken, spoil, kill
leisure, recreation, spare time, ease, relaxation, rest,
inhibit, hinder, impede, obstruct, stop, hamper, forbid, obstacle, bar, barrier, block, hurdle, obstruction, impediment, prevent, ban, difficulty,
51. 唯一的,排外的:sole, only, alone, exclusive. single, solitary, privilege
privilege (n.): 特权,有篇文章说的是artificial reef(人造礁石),其中有个内容说的是日本政府有个政策就是给予渔民们特权:如果这块礁石是由这个地区的渔民造的并且带来了鱼群,那么这些鱼就专属于这些渔民。大家想想在这里privilege(特权)是不是就是表示只有他们才有的权利,是不是排他性的。
E.g. A good education should not just be a privilege of the rich.
sole (n.): 唯一的
E.g. The company has the sole rights to market Elton John’s records.
exclusive (a.): 动词形式是exclude(就是include的反义词)
E.g. Our prices are exclusive of sales tax
E.g. mutually exclusive 相互排斥的
E.g. exclusive report/interview/coverage etc
E.g. an exclusive girls’ school(exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so expensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them)
alone (a./adv.): E.g. The team earned over a million pounds from television alone last year.
rural, country, agricultural, countryside, farmland
stress, burden, pressure, tension, strain
distinct, different, detached, discrete
agree, in favour of, consent, comply, approval
56. 偶然的,不小心的:by chance, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, incidentally
by accident: E.g. The discovery was made almost by accident.
unintentional: E.g. Defense attorneys claimed the shooting was unintentional.
incidental:E.g. incidental damage
benefit, improvement, advantage, profit, aid
small, tiny, miniature, minute, trivial, insignificant, negligible, minor, marginal
no, without, none, absence, lack, deficiency, nothing, zero, failure, free from, want
complex, complicated, intricate
simple, easy, plain, uncomplicated
62. 居住:settle, inhabit, dwell, live, reside, people, accommodate
people (v.): E.g. The region has traditionally been peopled by Indians.
E.g. an island peopled by hardy seafolk
- measure, gauge, calculate, calibrate, weigh, compute, quantify
64. 超越,超过,在……之外:exceed, beyond, surpass, beat, outdo
beyond (prep.): BEYOND乐队应该很熟悉吧(黄家驹等)
What dangers and rewards lie in wait(to remain hidden in a place and wait for someone so that you can attack them e.g.a giant crocodile lying in wait for its prey) beyond the Dark Portal(黑暗之门)?—魔兽世界TBC介绍中的一句话
E.g. the year 2005 and beyond
E.g. The situation is beyond our control.
exceed (v.): E.g. exceed the speed limit
E.g. Such tasks are far beyond the scope of the average schoolkid.
The beyond 来世
surpass (v.): He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.
outdo (v.): The kids were trying to outdo each other.
65. 意识到,认识到,辨别:be aware of, appreciate, perceive, realize, recognize, notice, see
appreciate (v.): 这个词大家最常用的意思是欣赏的意思,注意在不同的场合使用意思上的差别。
E.g. We didn’t fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.
E.g. Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.
E.g. Most investments are expected to appreciate at a steady rate.
perceive (v.): E.g. Cats are not able to perceive colour.
rapid, quick ,fast, swift, in no time, immediately, at once, right away, without delay, instantly, express
large, big, considerable, enormous, gigantic, great, hugem, substantial, vast, massive
dominant, popular, ruling, fashionable, prevalent, prevailing, common, usual, typical, keep busy
financial, salary, money, commercial, economic, welfare, capital, fortune
elderly, the aged, advancing years, grey hair, senior citizen
coast, shore, beach, seaside, seaboard
skill, expertise, craft, skillfulness, technique, competence, proficiency, knowledge
exchange, others, interchange, swap, switch, barter, trade
visual, visible, 3D, disclosed, openly
reproduce, copy, duplicate, replicate, imitate, emulate, mimic, repeat
临近,接近:nearby, neighboring, adjacent, adjoining, next to, near, immediate, close, not far
immediate (a.): 这个词最常用的意思是立即,马上,指的是时间上的接近,当这个词接地点的时候,就表示地理位置上的靠近。
E.g. It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate area.(=local area)
E.g. in the immediate future.
adjacent (a.): E.g. The site of the new building is adjacent to the park. -
reduce, cut, decrease, sip, dip, slide, descend, go down
account for, have, make up, take up, constitute, comprise, represent, cover
emit, give off, discharge, send out, cast out, emission, leak, release, expand
downpour, rainfall, rainstorm
82. 但是,尽管:however, in fact, luckily, actually, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, though, yet, as a matter of fact, whereas/while
in fact, luckily, actually, n fact, as a matter of fact, 这几个词的本意都不是但是的意思,但是这些连接词连接的前后两个句子的意思是包含着有转折的意思。
yet (conj.): E.g. an inexpensive yet effective solution to our problem
E.g. They charge incredibly high prices, yet customers keep coming back for more.
nevertheless (adv.): Having managed somehow to skip going to college, he has nevertheless made a fortune as a very young man.
zero, nothing, nil, nought
wealth, plenty, abundance, richness, affluence, fortune, money, prosperity
custom, habit, tradition, convention, practice, routine
country, nation, state, commonwealth
encounter, face(in the face of), confront, run across, chance upon, come upon
classroom, tuition, schooling, lessons, tutoring, education
misconception, mistaken view, fallacy, error, misapprehension, misunderstanding, delusion
accessible(easy), approachable, available, attainable, obtainable, reachable, affable
destruction, ruin, annihilation, demolition, devastation, eradication, extermination, wreckage, havoc, destroy, loss, reduction
92. 媒体media(newspaper, magazine, television, radio, press etc)
media circus:
media hype:A great deal of media hype surrounded the release of the group’s latest CD.
mass media:The crime received heavy coverage in the mass media.
new media:
streaming media:流媒体
uncommon, rare, odd, peculiar, scarce, unusual, atypical
underdeveloped, rudimentary, undeveloped, fundamental, elementary, initial, basic
keen(vision), exceptional, remarkable, excellent, extraordinary, marvelous, outstanding, phenomenal, superior
mating, courtship, partner, spouse, husband or wife, couple
follow, track, trail, stalk, shadow, hound, chase, dog, pursue
(be)surprised, (be)taken aback, astonish, stun, shock
99. bi-two
bi-前缀,表示数字2 ,例如:bilingual education 双语教学
unicorn;unilateral; uniform;
January——1月 在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副要眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名,很有意义。英语January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字演变而来的。
February——2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。
March——3月 3月,原是罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。
April——4月 罗马的4月,正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美好季节。
May——5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月May便由这位女神的名字演变而来。
June——6月 罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马对她十分崇敬,便把6月奉献给她,以她的名字——拉丁文Junius来命名6月。英语6月June便由这位女神的名字演变而来。也有学者认为,Junius可能是拉丁家族中一个显赫贵族的姓氏。
July——7月 罗马统治者朱里斯·凯撒大帝被刺死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名之。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此演变而来。
August——8月 朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月。因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2月中抽出一天加在8月上。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。
September——9月 老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文Septem是“7”月的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。
October——10月 英语10月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。
November——11月 罗马皇帝奥古斯都和凯撒都有了自己名字命名的月份,罗马市民和元老院要求当时的罗马皇帝梯比里乌斯用其名命名11月。但梯比里乌斯没有同意,他明智地对大家说,如果罗马每个皇帝都用自己的名字来命名月份,那么出现了第13个皇帝怎么办?于是,11月仍然保留着旧称Novem,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语11月November便由此演变而来。
December——12月 罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中最后一个月用他情妇的Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文"10"的意思。英语12月December,便由此演变而来。
reject, throw away(out), discard, scrap, get rid of, abandon, drop, cast aside
over, during, between, within, throughout, during/in/throughout/over the course of
over (prep.): =during
E.g. Over the next few days they got to know the town well.
E.g. Can we talk about this over dinner?
course (n.): E.g. Over the course of the next few years, the steel industry was reorganized.
E.g. In the course of researching customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance
crash course
foundation course
correspondence course
refresher course -
erode, wear down(away), abrade, consume, corrode, deteriorate, grind down
violence, abuse, maltreatment, cruelty
business, entrepreneurship, enterprise, firm, company, corporate, venture, establishment, corporation
slight, modest, small, insignificant, minor, trivial, fair, limited, small, unexceptional, middling
退款,还钱:refund, repay, pay back, reimburse, return
refund (n./v.): E.g. You will receive a full refund if you cancel the holiday.
E.g. Saturday’s concert is canceled, and tickets will be refunded.
reimburse (v.): E.g. The company will reimburse you for travel expenses. -
air, atmosphere
produce, provide, supply, yield
magma, lava, liquid rock, molten rock
self-conscious, embarrassed, nervous, diffident, bashful, ill at ease, insecure, shy
110. 客观的,公正的:objective, unbiased, impartial, unprejudiced, fair, even-handed, disinterested, equitable, just, neutral, balanced, equal
objective (a.): E.g. an objective analysis / assessment / report
unbiased (a.): 没有偏见的
E.g. We aim to provide a service that is balanced and unbiased.
Impartial (a.): E.g. A good system must be accessible, impartial, speedy, open, and effective.
unprejudiced (a.): 有本英文名著叫《傲慢与偏见》-pride and prejudice(Jane Austen) 这当中最著名的一句话是:It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
even-handed (a.): E.g. The BBC has the reputation of being even-handed in its coverage of election news.
even 除了有甚至的意思之外,还有水平和平稳的意思,例如:The table kept wobbling because the floor wasn’t quite even. 一上有篇文章Airport On Water 里面有这么句话:This settlement is rarely even.大家可以结合那篇文章的背景来翻译一下。
disinterested (a.): E.g. A lawyer should provide disinterested advice.
neutral (a.): 中立的
E.g. Russia promised to remain neutral unless Germany attacked France.
equitable (a.): 平等的
E.g. Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.
111. 费力的,困难的,花费精力的,难对付的:demanding, difficult, challenging, taxing, tough, trying, wearing, daunting, exacting
demanding (a.): E.g. a demanding job/ a demanding boss
E.g. Climbing is physically demanding.
taxing (a.): E.g. You need a sound night’s sleep to prepare you for the taxing journey tomorrow.
trying (a.): E.g. They do the best they can in trying circumstances.
distort reality, dishonest, deform, bend, twist, cheating, lying
document, record, report, log, write down, file, account, chronicle
abroad, in foreign lands, overseas, out of the country, international
115. 托儿所,幼儿园:nursery, kindergarten, children’s center, crèche
nursery (n.): E.g. Nursery schools should fulfill the function of preparing children for school.
(a place where small children are cared for while their parents are at work)
E.g. She nursed her daughter back to health.
E.g. nurse an ambition / a grievance / a grudge
profitable, achieve commercial success, money-making, lucrative
cattle, beef, diary
infant, early childhood, baby, toddler
recreation, pastime, amusement, entertainment, fun, fitness, leisure activity, relaxation, sport
120. 有名的,著名的:famous, well-known, celebrated, prominent, renowned, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, long-established, eminent, reliable
celebrated (a.): E.g. a celebrated professor
E.g. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his celebrated speech before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.
celebrity (n.) 社会名流
prominent (a.): E.g. She was prominent in the fashion industry.
well-established (a.): 受人尊敬和信任的(和著名的意思还是有细微差别,不过并不矛盾,所以是相关词)
E.g. a well-established hotel
reliable (a.): 可靠的
grant, give, allocate, allot, award, assign, confer, bestow
comply with, abide by, adhere to, conform to, obey, follow, observe,
123. 在…之前,早于…:prior to, before, earlier than, in advance of, ahead of, previously, formerly, beforehand, on the eve of
prior to: E.g. The plane seemed to catch fire a few seconds prior to taking off.
on the eve of: E.g. on the eve of the election
Christmas Eve:
New Year’s Eve:
starving, hungry, famished, ravenous, starved, famine,
optimistic, hopeful, confident, encouraged, expectant, positive, rosy,
trash, rubbish, garbage, junk, refuse, waste, litter, dross,
disdain, contempt, arrogance, scorn, derision,
intense(heat), extreme, excessive, fierce, great, severe,
ancestor, forefather, forebear, forerunner, predecessor, precursor,
poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken, on the breadline, needy, indigent, penurious, destitute,
131. 昂贵的:costly, expensive, highly-priced, exorbitant, dear, stiff, Rolls-Royce,exclusive, luxurious, rip-off, posh
Rolls-Royce莱斯莱斯:这种相关性属于比喻型,如果有篇文章说那某事物和劳斯莱斯这种车比,那么说明它的质量和价格怎么样呢? 这里再补充些一些高档车的品牌:
E.g. the Rolls-Royce of laptop
rip-off: 传说中的黑店就是这么说得,可不要说成black shop(rip 是撕碎的意思)
express(delivery), next –day(delivery), overnight, fast, speedy, swift, transport
bird, nest,
沙漠desert, driest parts特征法
这种相关转换往往很隐蔽,在考试中往往被考生所忽略。沙漠对应的特征是干燥,那么海洋呢?(潮湿) -
百科全书encyclopedia, A-Z
encyclopedia (n.): the Encyclopedia of Movie
E.g. a walking encyclopedia/dictionary:
A-Z: 如果一本书能够把所有A到Z的相关信息都包含进去的话,那么一定是百科全书,这种说法很形象化。 -
heat, high temperature, warmth
目标,目的:target, goal ,aim, object, objective
target (n./v.): E.g. A collection like this makes your house an obvious target for burglars.
E.g. prime target
E.g. a new benefit targeted on/at low-income families
object (n.): E.g. The object of the exercise was to build a sense of teamwork.
objective (n.): E.g. career objectives/ accomplish an objective/ achieve/meet an objective -
double, twice, two times, coupled, dual, twofold, duplicate, twin,
justified, reasonable, acceptable, logical, sensible, plausible, practical, sound, rational, well-organized,
like, enjoy, be fond of, be keen on, delight in, go for, love, favour, prefer (to), preference,
immigrant, settler, incomer,
consist of, be composed of, be made up of, comprise, contain, include, involve, amount to, feature,
standard, universal, usual, established, accepted, customary, orthodox, regular,
坐落于:locate, situate, stand, seat, settle
located (a.): E.g. The business is located right in the center of city.
situated (a.): E.g. The hotel is ideally situated near the sea-front.
stand (v.): E.g. The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.
seat (v.): E.g. Mrs. Summer was seated at the table directly opposite her husband. -
varied, different, various, diverse, heterogeneous, assorted, miscellaneous, mixed,
habitat, house, home, abode, domicile, dwelling, residence,
147. 密集的,稠密的,厚的,压缩的:dense, heavy(heavily populated area), thick, condensed, compact, impenetrable, opaque, solid
dense (a.): E.g. densely-populated area=heavily-populated area
E.g. a dense rurally-based population
thick (a.): E.g. The furniture was thick with dust (=there was thick dust on the furniture).
E.g. thick-skinned
condense (v): E.g. This whole chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs
E.g. condensed milk
compact (a.): E.g. a compact car
E.g. CD=compact disk
change, alternative, alternate, another, other, substitute, different,
spread, advance, broaden, expand, extend, sprawl, stretch, widen, develop, proliferation, sweep,
impact, effect, consequences, significance, impression, influence, repercussions,
account, description, explanation, narrative, report, statement, story,
probably, likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, presumably,
153. 上瘾的,沉溺于,依赖于,致力于:addicted(to), dependent, hooked, habituated, devoted, obsessed
be addicted to: E.g. kids are often addicted to surfing the Net.
addict (n.): E.g. TV/video game etc addict
dependent (a.): E.g. Norway’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resources.
obsessed (a.): 本意:过度关心/在乎
E.g. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.
E.g. He was obsessed by a desire for revenge.
E.g. The thought of seeing him again completely obsessed her.
devoted (a.): E.g. The journal had a devoted following of around 1000 subscribers.
E.g. a museum devoted to photography
devote (v.): E.g. She devoted herself full-time to her business.
E.g. She’s devoting all her energies to the wedding plans.
income, return, payback, revenue, taxation, money, earnings, pay, proceeds, profits, salary, takings, wages, receipts,
approach, way, means, method,
concept, idea, conception, view, theory, notion,
157. 过时的:out of date, outdated (反义backbone), old-fashioned, antiquated, dated, expired, invalid, obsolete, passé, outmoded, outworn(=worn out)
out of date: E.g. out-of-date technology
antiquated (a.): E.g. Hospitals suffer from inadequate facilities, antiquated equipment and shortages of medical supplies.
expired (a.): 过期的(ex-这个前缀有表示out of 的意思,例如export, exit)
E.g. The lease on the flat expired on June 14th.
obsolete (a.): E.g. computer hardware quickly became obsolete.
E.g. Will computers render (=make) books obsolete?
passé: 来自于法语
outworn (a.): E.g. outworn traditions
158. 好处,优势,价值:merit, worth, value, advantage, excellence, goodness, strong point, quality, advantage, benefit, plus
quality (n./a.): 这个词本身就有质量好的意思,并不一定需要在前面加high或good(加上也没问题)
大家也不要以为只有形容词才可以修饰名词,名词修饰名次也是很常见的,例如:paper cup等
E.g. wines of quality
E.g. quality newspapers/press etc
worth (n.): E.g. The new computer system has already proved its worth.
E.g. This art collection is worth a fortune (=worth a very large amount of money).
这个单词的几种词性变化需要大家注意:worthwhile,worthy(someone who is important and should be respected), worthless
value (n.): E.g. A group of athletes spoke to the students about the value of a college education.
E.g. I hope this book will be of value to both teachers and students.
excellence (n.): E.g. the university’s reputation for excellence.
plus (n.): E.g. The hotel’s closeness to the beach is definitely a plus.
E.g. The plus point of this area is its school system, which is considered one of the best in the city.
fraud, deception, swindling, cheat, deceit, treachery, trickery,
depression, low spirits, dejection, despair, gloominess, sadness, the blues, downheartedness, despondency, melancholy,
wear off, fade, wane, subside, decrease, diminish, disappear, dwindle, peter out,
162. 成熟,成年:mature, adult, grown-up, full-grown, ripe, of age, seasoned, fully fledged, mellow
mature (a./v.): E.g. Laura is very mature for her age.
E.g. The human brain isn’t fully mature until about age 25.
E.g. mature student: a student at a university or college who is over 25 years old.
ripe (a.): Don’t pick the apples until they’re really ripe.
seasoned (a.): 经验丰富的
E.g. We need a seasoned manager to run this project.
full-fledged (a.): E.g. India has the potential to become a full-fledged major power.
mellow (a.):
163. 合作,同伴,同事:cooperate, work with(together), collaborate, collaborator, coordinate, co-worker, colleague, fellow worker, workmate, partner, team-mate, associate, company
这组词当中有很多都有co-这个前缀,这个前缀表示together with
company (n.): 最常见的是表示“公司”的意思,同时它也有“同伴”的意思
E.g. People judge you by the company you keep
记得在CON AIR(空中监狱)这部电影中,有个匪徒就说过这么一句话:We got companies.就是表示我们有伴了,当然了这个伴就是指那些没用的警察了。
associate (n.): 同事
E.g. business associates
collaborate (v.): E.g. Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.
164. 撤离,放弃,离开:evacuate, abandon, desert, move out, leave, forsake, quit, vacate, withdraw, send away, depart, run away
evacuate (v.): 很多e开头的单词都和ex-这个前缀的意思接近(out of的意思)
考试中如果考到灾难性文章的主题例如火山,飓风,海啸等(注意这些自然灾害的词的拼写),evacuate 这个词就会经常出现
E.g. During the war he was evacuated to Scotland.
Police evacuated the area.
desert (v.): E.g. He deserted her for another woman.
forsake (v.): E.g. He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.
E.g. children forsaken by their parents
vacate (v.): E.g. Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.
E.g. Clay will vacate the position on June 19.
depart (v.): E.g. The bus was due to depart at any moment.
departure (n.)
例如:deforest, depopulation, debone
abolish, annul, cancel, end(put an end to), eradicate, stamp out, do away with, rescind, quash, revoke,
abort, stop, call off, halt, terminate, check,
abound, be plentiful, flourish, proliferate, swarm, thrive, rich, abundant, abounding, ample, copious, fertile, fruitful, productive, prolific,
definite, clear, clear-cut, black-and-white, exact, precise, certain, resolved, clarity, clearness, simplicity, definition, limpidity, lucidity, precision, transparency,
169. 持久的,耐用的:durable(Marathon), long-lasting, enduring, persistent, hard-wearing(=long-wearing), dependable
durable (a.): 马拉松当然是项考验耐力和持久力的运动了
马拉松的来历:Marathon, place in Greece; from the story that in 490BC a Greek soldier ran about 25 miles from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens, to bring news of the Athenian victory over the Persians
E.g. Finding a durable solution will not be easy.
E.g. durable goods
hard-wearing (a.): 以前很多学生说这个词的意思是“衣服很难穿”的意思,吐血中…
E.g. It is hard-wearing, crease-resistant, easy to wash and quick drying.
dependable (a.):可依靠的,靠得住的
persistent (a.): E.g. Persistent offenders (=people who often break the law) face a prison sentence.
intensive (100m sprint), demanding, exhaustive, concentrated
intensive (a.): 这个词和上面一组的durable是反义词,表示“力量或者努力集中爆发”的意思,100米跑就属于能力集中爆发的一项运动。
E.g. labour-intensive
E.g. energy-intensive/knowledge-intensive
demanding (a.): 费力的,吃力的(这个词的词义千万不要从字面上去理解)
E.g. a demanding job
E.g. Climbing is physically demanding. -
acute(short term), severe, intense, crucial, critical, urgent
tension, tightness, pressure, rigidity, stiffness, stress, pressure, strain, unease, suspense, nervousness
preserve, save, care for, protect, defend, conserve, keep, safeguard, shelter, shield, maintain, sustain, reserve
vicious, malicious, venomous, ferocious
harbor(keep bad thoughts), maintain, hold, cling to, contain(germs), protect(criminals), nurse
176. 同意,支持:advocate, argue for, vote for, in favour of, prefer (to), side with, agree, support, uphold, commend, consent, assent, concur
advocate (v.): E.g. Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.
argue for (反:argue against): E.g. They argued for the right to strike.
E.g. Baker argued against cutting the military budget.
In favour for: I’m all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work.
side with: She always sided with my brother.
frustration, annoyance, disappointment, dissatisfaction, irritation, resentment
attend, be present, appear, go to, participate in, take part in, show oneself, turn up, visit, enroll, register, competitor
demolish, destroy, knock down, bulldoze, dismantle, tear down, raze, level, flatten
disclose, make known, broadcast, communicate, reveal, relate, bring to light, expose, uncover, unveil, lay bare, publicize, openly
ease, relieve, alleviate, calm, comfort, lessen, lighten, relax, soothe
costume, outfit, clothing, dress, attire, uniform, clothes
delinquency, crime, illegal/immoral behaviour
genius, talent, gift, unique, bent, brilliance, aptitude, flair, prodigy
flexible, plastic, variable, pliable, elastic, adjustable, adaptable, pliant
infringe, break, contravene, disobey, violate, transgress, encroach upon, invade
integrity, honesty, uprightness, virtue, purity
interfere, intervene, intrude, meddle, tamper, impede, inhibit
please, must
office hours, weekday, Monday to Friday
supplement, complement, consummation, counterpart, rounding-off, addition, appendix,
civil engineering, (the planning, building, and repair of roads, bridges, large buildings etc)土木工程
lavish, extravagant, exaggerated, excessive, immoderate, wasteful, wild, prodigal, grand, generous, abundant,
potential, dormant, hidden, latent, likely, promising, future, possible, inherent, would-be,
zeal(zealot), enthusiasm, fervour, zest, eagerness, ardour, fanaticism, gusto, passion, spirit, keenness,
denote, indicate, express, imply, show, signify,
approximately, almost, some, around, circa, nearly, roughly, close to,
unknown, little known, rarely known, undiscovered, unexplored, anonymous, nameless, unidentified,
ideal, dream, ambition, aim, goal, aspiration, desire, hope, wish, fantasy,
innovation, novelty, newness, variation, freshness, oddity,
innocent, not guilty, guiltless, honest, naïve, blameless, uninvolved,
link, correlation, connection, association, tie-up, relation, attachment, affinity,
predict, expect, foretell, forecast, prophesy, portend, divine, forewarn,
exercise, physical activity, labour, training, work,
regular, daily, monthly, habitual, routine, customary, everyday,
isolated, lonely, remote, hidden, secluded, off the beaten track, outlying,
feedback, comment, remark, explanation,
achievement, accomplishment, performance, effort, fulfillment,
shrink, lose, decrease, contract, diminish, dwindle, narrow, shorten,
kind, gentle, benign, pleasant, considerate, charitable, friendly, compassionate, courteous, generous, obliging, philanthropic, tender-hearted,
waste, consume, misuse, lavish, squander, dissipate,
maximum, up to, top, ceiling, peak, upper limit, peak,
drawback, minus(There are both pluses and minuses to living in a big city.), disadvantage, downside, flow, deficiency, problem,
minimum, start at, least, lowest, minimal, slightest, smallest, minimize, constrain,
overhead, bill, charge, money,
buy, invest (in), purchase, acquire, obtain, pay for, procure, shop for,
hold-up, delay, postpone, detain, set back, deter, put off, hold over, shelve,
intend, plan (to), mean, aim, propose,
cold, chilled, chilly, arctic, cool, freezing, frigid, frozen, icy,
difficulty, pitfall, problem, hazard, peril, trap, danger, drawback, snag,
part, proportion, portion, share, section, scrap, fragment, fraction, piece,
book, reserve, arrange for, charter, schedule, arrange, make reservations,
gym, fitness center, recreation,
ambitious, enterprising, aspiring, eager, avid, striving, zealous, intent,
compile, edit, write, put together, accumulate, amass, collect, gather, organize, garner, cull,
annual, per year, yearly, once a year, yearlong,
reptile, snake, wildlife, butterfly,
romance, love story, love affair, relationship, amour, liaison, attachment,
detrimental, damaging, adverse, deleterious, disadvantageous, harmful, unfavourable,
helpful, beneficial, conducive,
interesting, engrossing, intriguing, appealing, engaging, gripping, attractive, thought-provoking, compelling,
access, entrance,
recommend, go for,
behind, back,
panorama ,view, scene, sight, spectacle, visual, vista,
individual, personal,
valid, realistic,
advancement, promotion,
aging, growing old,
few, not many, scarce, short supply,
less likely, reduced chance, decreased likelihood,
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