Like the IRC chat of old, Discord comes with a set of slash commands that you can use to express yourself or do useful things like search for GIFs or read text aloud. Better yet, you can add bots to your Discord server to get even more functionality out of your server. Here are the most useful chat commands and bots for Discord.
就像以前的IRC聊天一样,Discord带有一组斜杠命令,您可以使用它们来表达自己的意思或做一些有用的事情,例如搜索GIF或大声阅读文本。 更好的是,您可以将僵尸程序添加到Discord服务器中,以从服务器中获得更多功能。 这是Discord最有用的聊天命令和机器人。
Much like IRC or Slack, Discords servers use slash commands to run tasks or interact with bots. To use a slash command, start by typing / then type the command and press enter. Some commands can take extra arguments like search terms to do some cool stuff. Out of the box, here are some of the useful commands Discord can already use:
与IRC或Slack一样,Discords服务器使用斜杠命令来运行任务或与机器人进行交互。 要使用斜杠命令,请先键入/,然后键入命令,然后按Enter。 一些命令可以使用诸如搜索项之类的额外参数来做一些很酷的事情。 开箱即用,以下是Discord已经可以使用的一些有用命令:
/giphy [search term]: Use this command to find some animated GIFs. The first few results will appear just above your chat box. Click the image you want and press enter to send it to the chat room. If you don’t find the right GIF, you can use /tenor to search a different service and maybe get a different set of results.
/ giphy [搜索词]:使用此命令可以找到一些动画GIF。 前几个结果将显示在您的聊天框正上方。 单击所需的图像,然后按Enter将其发送到聊天室。 如果找不到正确的GIF,则可以使用/ tenor搜索其他服务,并可能获得不同的结果集。
/nick [new nickname]: This command changes your display name at it appears on the server. Enter the nickname you want to replace your old one with and press Enter.
/ nick [新昵称]:此命令更改服务器上显示的显示名称。 输入您要替换旧昵称的昵称,然后按Enter键。
/tts [message]: Discord is designed to let users hop into voice chat whenever they want, but not everyone has a microphone. This command lets users send a message that will be read aloud to everyone in the channel using text to speech. And yes, this has a huge potential for abuse, so server admins can turn it off.
/ tts [message]: Discord旨在让用户随时随地进行语音聊天,但并不是每个人都有麦克风。 通过此命令,用户可以使用文字转语音功能向频道中的每个人大声朗读消息。 是的,这很有可能被滥用,因此服务器管理员可以将其关闭 。
/tableflip, /unflip, and /shrug: Some of Discord’s default commands aren’t so much practical as they are fun. The /tableflip command will paste the (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ emoji in the channel. The /unflip command will share ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ), and /shrug will put ¯_(ツ)_/¯ in the channel.
/ tableflip,/ unflip和/ shrug: Discord的一些默认命令不是很实用,而是很有趣。 / tableflip命令将粘贴 (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻表情符号。/ unflip命令将共享┬─┬ノ(゜-sh),/ shrug将¯__(ツ)_ / 。
These are a few basic helpful commands, but if you’re running your own server or want to have more fun, you can add bots to your server. Bots can join your channel and sit in the user list until you call on them with slash commands. To demonstrate how to use bots, we’ll look at one really powerful bot called Dyno. Dyno is designed to help with server moderation, announcements, reminders, and it can even perform Google searches or find music on YouTube.
这些是一些基本的有用命令,但是,如果您正在运行自己的服务器或希望获得更多乐趣,则可以向服务器中添加机器人。 Bot可以加入您的频道并坐在用户列表中,直到您使用斜杠命令对其进行调用为止。 为了演示如何使用机器人,我们将看一个名为Dyno的功能强大的机器人。 Dyno旨在帮助进行服务器审核,公告,提醒,甚至可以执行Google搜索或在YouTube上查找音乐。
First, you’ll need to invite the Dyno bot to your server. To do that, head to this link and click Invite Dyno at the top left corner of the screen.
首先,您需要邀请Dyno机器人加入您的服务器。 为此,请转到此链接 ,然后单击屏幕左上角的邀请Dyno。
You’ll need to sign in, if you’re not already signed in through your browser.
Next, you’ll see a screen like the one below. First, pick which server you want to invite your bot to. Then, you can approve or deny permissions you want to give to the bot on this server. You can ban bots later if they break or you discover they’re malicious, but it’s also a good idea to only give important permissions to bots you trust in the first place. When you’re done, scroll down and click Authorize.
接下来,您将看到类似下面的屏幕。 首先,选择您要邀请漫游器加入的服务器。 然后,您可以批准或拒绝要授予该服务器上的bot的权限。 如果僵尸程序崩溃或发现它们是恶意的,您可以稍后禁止它,但是最好只对您信任的僵尸程序授予重要权限,这也是一个好主意。 完成后,向下滚动并单击“授权”。
Finally, Discord will ask you to confirm that you are not a robot yourself. Because bots using bots would be pretty uncouth.
最后,Discord将要求您确认您自己不是机器人。 因为使用机器人的机器人实在是太无耻了。
Shortly after you invite your bot, you’ll get a message like this one telling you how to use it. By default, Dyno uses ? to start commands instead of a / (presumably to avoid conflicts with other bots or commands) but you can tweak by heading to Dyno’s site, clicking your server in the drop down menu at the top right corner, and changing “Command prefix.”
邀请您的漫游器后不久,您会收到类似这样的消息,告诉您如何使用它。 默认情况下,Dyno使用? 来代替/来启动命令(大概是为了避免与其他机器人或命令冲突),但是您可以通过以下方法进行调整:前往Dyno的站点 ,在右上角的下拉菜单中单击服务器,然后更改“命令前缀”。
Now that your Dyno bot is set up, here are some handy commands to use with it:
?ban [user] [limit] [reason]: This command lets moderators ban users from the server. Optionally, you can set the ban to expire after a certain time limit. They will receive a message with whatever you put in the final [reason] argument.
?ban [用户] [限制] [原因]:此命令允许主持人禁止用户访问服务器。 (可选)您可以将禁令设置为在特定时间限制后过期。 他们将收到一条消息,其中包含您在最终[reason]参数中输入的内容。
?softban [user] [reason]: This command will ban and immediately unban a user. This has the effect of clearing out all their messages from a server, as well as giving them a swift kick in the pants if they need it. Though if you don’t want to get rid of every message they’ve ever sent, you should consider a timed regular ban or a kick instead.
?softban [用户] [原因]:此命令将禁止并立即取消禁止用户。 这具有清除服务器中所有消息的作用,并在需要时给他们Swift的帮助。 尽管如果您不想摆脱发送给他们的每条消息,则应该考虑使用定时的常规禁令或踢脚。
?kick [user] [reason]: This kicks a user out of the server. Unlike a ban, a user can come right back to the channel immediately if they get another invite.
?[用户] [原因]:这将用户踢出服务器。 与禁令不同,如果用户再次收到邀请,则可以立即返回频道。
?mute [user] [minutes] [reason]: This mutes a user so they cannot speak. Add a time limit to make the mute expire. You can also remove the mute with the ?unmute command.
静音[用户] [分钟] [原因]:这会使用户静音,因此他们无法讲话。 添加时间限制以使静音失效。 您还可以使用?unmute命令删除静音。
?addrole [name] [hex color] [hoist]: Discord uses a feature called roles to distinguish groups of users from one another. Some roles can be moderators or have special permissions, while other roles are simply used to tell two groups of regular users apart (like Overwatch vs. Paladins players, or Caught Up vs. Catching Up in a Game of Thrones discussion server). This command lets you create new roles on your server.
?addrole [名称] [十六进制颜色] [提升器]: Discord使用一种称为角色的功能来区分用户组。 一些角色可以是主持人或具有特殊权限,而其他角色仅用于区分两组常规用户(例如《守望先锋》与《圣骑士》玩家,或《权力的游戏》讨论服务器中的《追赶》与《追赶》)。 此命令使您可以在服务器上创建新角色。
?delrole [role name]: This command lets you remove a role from your server, and takes this role away from everyone who had it.
?delrole [角色名称]:此命令可让您从服务器中删除角色,并将该角色从拥有此角色的每个人手中夺走。
?role [user] [role name]: This lets you assign a role to a particular user.
角色[用户] [角色名称]:这使您可以将角色分配给特定用户。
?play [url]: This command lets you add songs to a playlist that you’ll hear while in a voice channel. Each new ?play command will add that song to your playlist. You can add direct links to YouTube videos or you can search for a term and Dyno will automatically pick a song to add to your queue.
?play [url]:此命令可让您将歌曲添加到在语音通道中会听到的播放列表。 每个新的?play命令都会将该歌曲添加到您的播放列表中。 您可以将直接链接添加到YouTube视频,也可以搜索一个词,然后Dyno会自动选择一首歌曲添加到您的队列中。
?queue list: This will show you which songs are currently in your music queue.
?google [search string]: Enter this command plus a search string and Dyno will share a link to the first result on Google. Hope you’re feeling lucky.
?google [搜索字符串]:输入此命令以及搜索字符串,Dyno将在Google上共享指向第一个结果的链接。 希望你感到幸运。
These are just a few of the most useful commands, but you can check out the rest of Dyno’s commands here. There are a lot of really powerful tools for managing your server, or having fun even if you’re a regular user.
这些只是一些最有用的命令,但是您可以在此处查看Dyno的其余命令 。 有很多非常强大的工具可用于管理服务器,即使您是普通用户也可从中获得乐趣。
You can add as many bots as you want to your server to keep adding new commands, as well. To find new bots, you can check out sites like DiscordBots.org or Carbonitex.net. Both sites have directories of tons of specialized bots. For example, there’s a bot to manage your Trello boards, get access to your Overwatch stats, or search songs on Spotify. Some of the bots may be garbage or joke bots, but there are plenty of useful ones out there. If you can’t find the tools you need between Discord’s built in commands and general purpose bots like Dyno, look for more bots to add to your server to do what you need.
您可以向服务器添加任意数量的机器人,以继续添加新命令。 要查找新的机器人,您可以查看DiscordBots.org或Carbonitex.net之类的网站。 这两个站点都有大量专业机器人的目录。 例如,有一个机器人可以管理Trello主板 ,访问守望先锋统计数据或在Spotify上搜索歌曲 。 一些机器人可能是垃圾机器人或玩笑机器人,但那里有很多有用的机器人。 如果在Discord的内置命令和通用机器人(例如Dyno)之间找不到所需的工具,请寻找更多可以添加到服务器中的机器人来完成所需的工作。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319081/the-most-useful-chat-and-bot-commands-in-discord/
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