我是靠谱客的博主 忧伤花生,这篇文章主要介绍主流modbus python库比较主流modbus python库比较minimalmodbus 使用,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

主流modbus python库比较

  • 主流modbus python库
  • 比较
  • minimalmodbus 使用

主流modbus python库

当前,用的比较多的Modbus python 库主要有以下几种:



库名称安装源码3rd party依赖主要功能
modbus_tkpip install modbus_tkhttps://github.com/ljean/modbus-tkpyserialSupport modbus TCP and RTU, both master and slave。Don’t support modbus ASCII。 重量级
pymodbuspip install pymodbushttps://github.com/riptideio/pymodbus/pyserialSupport modbus TCP/RTU/ASCII, master and slave。 重量级
minimalmodbuspip install minimalmodbushttps://github.com/pyhys/minimalmodbuspyserialOnly support Modbus RTU and ASCII, and only work in master(clinet). 非常轻量级
uModbuspip install uModbushttps://github.com/AdvancedClimateSystems/uModbus/noSupport both Modbus client amd server (both TCP and RTU). Don’t support Modbus ASCII。轻量级

minimalmodbus 使用

API https://minimalmodbus.readthedocs.io/en/stable/apiminimalmodbus.html

read_register(registeraddress, number_of_decimals=0, functioncode=3, signed=False)[source]
Read an integer from one 16-bit register in the slave, possibly scaling it.
The slave register can hold integer values in the range 0 to 65535 (“Unsigned INT16”).
• registeraddress (int): The slave register address (use decimal numbers, not hex).
• number_of_decimals (int): The number of decimals for content conversion.
• functioncode (int): Modbus function code. Can be 3 or 4.
• signed (bool): Whether the data should be interpreted as unsigned or signed.
The parameter number_of_decimals was named numberOfDecimals before MinimalModbus 1.0
If a value of 77.0 is stored internally in the slave register as 770, then use number_of_decimals=1 which will divide the received data by 10 before returning the value.
Similarly number_of_decimals=2 will divide the received data by 100 before returning the value.
Some manufacturers allow negative values for some registers. Instead of an allowed integer range 0 to 65535, a range -32768 to 32767 is allowed. This is implemented as any received value in the upper range (32768 to 65535) is interpreted as negative value (in the range -32768 to -1).
Use the parameter signed=True if reading from a register that can hold negative values. Then upper range data will be automatically converted into negative return values (two’s complement).
signed Data type in slave Alternative name Range
False Unsigned INT16 Unsigned short 0 to 65535
True INT16 Short -32768 to 32767
The register data in numerical value (int or float).
TypeError, ValueError, ModbusException, serial.SerialException (inherited from IOError)

write_register(registeraddress, value, number_of_decimals=0, functioncode=16, signed=False)[source]
Write an integer to one 16-bit register in the slave, possibly scaling it.
The slave register can hold integer values in the range 0 to 65535 (“Unsigned INT16”).
• registeraddress (int): The slave register address (use decimal numbers, not hex).
• value (int or float): The value to store in the slave register (might be scaled before sending).
• number_of_decimals (int): The number of decimals for content conversion.
• functioncode (int): Modbus function code. Can be 6 or 16.
• signed (bool): Whether the data should be interpreted as unsigned or signed.
The parameter number_of_decimals was named numberOfDecimals before MinimalModbus 1.0
To store for example value=77.0, use number_of_decimals=1 if the slave register will hold it as 770 internally. This will multiply value by 10 before sending it to the slave register.
Similarly number_of_decimals=2 will multiply value by 100 before sending it to the slave register.
As the largest number that can be written to a register is 0xFFFF = 65535, the value and number_of_decimals should max be 65535 when combined. So when using number_of_decimals=3 the maximum value is 65.535.
For discussion on negative values, the range and on alternative names, see read_register().
Use the parameter signed=True if writing to a register that can hold negative values. Then negative input will be automatically converted into upper range data (two’s complement).
TypeError, ValueError, ModbusException, serial.SerialException (inherited from IOError)


以上就是忧伤花生最近收集整理的关于主流modbus python库比较主流modbus python库比较minimalmodbus 使用的全部内容,更多相关主流modbus内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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