Remove outliers
This function accepts a vector or matrix and detects the outlier values in the vector/matrix using Thopson Tau method, which is based on the absolute deviation of each record from the mean of the entire vector/matrix, and fills the outliers with NaNs in the returned output.
The magnitude of Thompson's Tau value corresponding to the number of records in the input vector (m) or matrix (m*n) to the Standard Deviation of the input vector/matrix is the rule to decide if any record is in the outliers. The mean, standard deviation (std) and the magnitude of Thompson's Tau (tau*std) are calculated again after removal of each outlier. If the input is matrix, it will be converted to a vector before detecting the outliers, however, the output will be a matrix with the same m*n dimensions as input. Indexes of the outleirs also will be returned, where if the input was a vector, the index vector also will be a vector, howev
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