我是靠谱客的博主 魔幻吐司,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍谷歌机器学习工程师年薪_学习谷歌云助理工程师认证 介绍 (Introduction) 一,评估 (I. Evaluation) 二。 关于考试: (II. About the exam:) 三, 准备考试 (III. Prepare for the exam) IV。 关键概念 (IV. Key Concepts) 五,应试技巧 (V. Test Taking Tips) VI。 更多资源 (VI. Further Resources) 结论: (Conclusion:),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



介绍 (Introduction)

With the growing usage of cloud, Google’s Cloud Associate Engineer (ACE) certification offers a great way of demonstrating your aptitude with cloud engineering and cloud development.


This article provides resources and suggestions to aide in your studying for the ACE exam.


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一,评估 (I. Evaluation)

Should you take this exam?


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Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash
Wes Hicks 摄于 Unsplash

1.云工程适合您吗? (1. Is cloud engineering for you?)

If cloud computing sounds relevant to the work you’re doing or want to be doing, then cloud engineering is a skill you’re going to want to have.


  • If you’re new to Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google’s online courses on Coursera is a great learning tool and will give you the skills to build in the cloud.

    如果您不熟悉Google Cloud Platform(GCP): Coursera上的Google在线课程是一个很好的学习工具,它将为您提供在云中进行构建的技能。

  • If you already interact with Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

    如果您已经与Google Cloud Platform(GCP)进行交互:

    Studying for and taking the exam is a sure way to round out your skillset and introduce you to elements offered by GCP that you perhaps were unaware of.


    (Ex. Google’s private ip network to reduce latency and costs.)


2.认证是否有益? (2. Is certification beneficial?)

  • Validate your skillsetCertification is a great validator of your skillset, both internally (you will be more confident of your skillset) and externally (you can prove you know what you’re talking about).


  • Increase employabilityThis one is pretty obvious.


  • Access to Google’s Certified Directory


    Passing this exam will earn you placement on


    Google’s Certified Directory. You’ll also gain early release access to many GCP products.

    Google的认证目录 。 您还将获得对许多GCP产品的早期发布访问权。

  • Deadline as a motivatorThe certification exam can serve as a motivator & deadline for your learning goal.


3.您现在可以应付考试的压力吗? (3. Can you handle the stress of studying for an exam right now?)

Studying for an exam is stressful. Ask yourself if you can handle that amount of stress right now.

学习考试压力很大。 问问自己,您现在是否可以应付这么大的压力。

Tip: Build a plan to manage additional stress that comes your way while you prepare for the exam. (ex. How might your schedule/workload change if you get sick.)

提示 :制定计划以管理在准备考试时遇到的其他压力。 (例如,如果生病了,您的日程安排/工作量可能会如何变化。)

4.受到目标的激励。 (4. Be motivated by your goal.)

Staying motivated is important. Remain focused on your goal — whether that is to learn new skills, create new projects, get a new job, or prove your aptitude– and work reminders of that goal into your study plan.

保持动力很重要。 始终专注于您的目标-无论是学习新技能,创建新项目,获得新工作还是证明自己的才智-并将该目标提醒您纳入学习计划。

二。 关于考试: (II. About the exam:)

The exam is difficult. Many of the questions will challenge your knowledge as well as your test-taking skills.

考试很困难。 许多问题将挑战您的知识以及应试技巧。

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Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
Tim Gouw在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

1. Google 考试指南 (1. Google’s Exam Guide)

Layout of what’s on the exam.


2. Google的 示例考试 (2. Google’s Sample Exam)

This sample example strongly resembles the exam structure and question style. I’d recommend taking this practice exam prior to beginning studying — so you know how to intake the information.

此示例示例非常类似于考试结构和问题样式。 我建议您开始学习之前参加此练习考试-这样您就知道如何获取信息。

Note: This is the only available practice exam available online (as of 08/20/2020).

注意 :这是在线(截至2020年8月20日)唯一可用的实践考试。

三, 准备考试 (III. Prepare for the exam)

Studying for an example provides you the knowledge based on the material of the exam. Preparing for an exam provides you the skillset and domain knowledge to succeed on an exam.

学习示例可以为您提供基于考试材料的知识。 准备考试可为您提供成功完成考试所需的技能和领域知识。

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Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash
由 NESS 由Makers在 Unsplash上 拍摄

步骤1: 报名参加考试 (Step 1: Register for the exam)

Give yourself a deadline. You can always reschedule.

给自己一个截止日期。 您可以随时重新安排。

Cost of Registration: $125 USDCost of Rescheduling: Free until 72 hours of exam. Then, $50 USD

注册费用: $ 125 USD 重新安排费用:在考试72小时之前免费。 然后,$ 50 USD

Note: I work well with deadlines — registering was my way of motivating myself.


第2步:查看考试指南 (Step 2: Review the exam guide)

Review the exam guide so that you know what to study for.


步骤3:参加样本考试 (Step 3: Take the sample exam)

So that you can understand the exam style and know what to expect.


Tip: Take the practice exam prior to beginning your studies. It’ll prepare you for the question style. Plus, once you’re done studying, you’ll almost guaranteed to have forgotten the questions & answers…

提示:在开始学习之前,请参加练习考试。 它将为您准备问题样式。 另外,一旦完成学习,您几乎可以肯定会忘记问题和答案…

第4步:参加Coursera上的Google的云工程课程 (由Google提供)。 (Step 4: Take Google’s Cloud Engineering course on Coursera (by Google).)

This in depth course will take you through everything you need for the exam (and more). It provides lectures as well as hands-on experience with labs. After taking this course, I was able to deploy & scale applications with some level of comfort.

这门深入的课程将带您完成考试(以及更多)所需的一切。 它提供讲座以及动手实验的经验。 学习完本课程后,我可以轻松地部署和扩展应用程序。

Note: It’s a massive course and will take you 2–3 weeks at 10 hours/week.


步骤5:重新参加示例考试。 (Step 5: Retake the sample exam.)

See how well you know the content. What you should spend more time studying.

看看您对内容的了解程度。 您应该花更多的时间学习什么。

Note: It’s best to be well rounded since most questions on standardized exams are low level spanning a wide set of knowledge. Make sure your late stage studying focuses on your weak spots.

注意:由于大多数情况下最好四舍五入 标准化考试的问题级别很低,涵盖了广泛的知识。 确保您的后期学习专注于您的薄弱环节。

步骤6:再次查看课程内容。 (Step 6: Review course content again.)

  • Go through the course on Coursera really quickly.

  • Create study notes.

  • Review these study notes often.


Tip: Consider reviewing your study notes while you eat breakfast. (It’s a great brain warm up.)

提示:考虑在吃早餐时阅读学习笔记。 (这是一个很棒的大脑热身。)

步骤7:在考试前一天停止学习。 (Step 7: Stop studying the day before the exam.)

Cramming has been proven to have negative effects on outcome. Do yourself a favor and relax the day prior to your exam.

事实证明,挤塞对结局有负面影响 。 帮自己一个忙,在考试前一天放松一下。

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Shutterstock Shutterstock

IV。 关键概念 (IV. Key Concepts)

I signed a confidentiality agreement when taking the exam not to disclose any of the exam questions. That said, here are some of the areas you’ll need to know well.

参加考试时,我签署了保密协议,不得透露任何考试问题。 也就是说,这是您需要了解的一些领域。

我是 (IAM)

  • Rule hierarchy

  • Different type of roles (primitive / predefined / customized)


  • Difference between specific permissions (e.g. Cloud Storage Creator vs Viewer.)

    特定权限之间的区别(例如,Cloud Storage Creator与Viewer。)

VM(虚拟机) (VM’s (Virtual Machines)

  • Types of VMs (managed vs unmanaged instances)

  • Purpose of preemptible VMs

  • Working with custom machine types + how to reuse them (images and snapshots)


  • Managing VMs. (How to turn them on and off etc.)

    管理虚拟机。 (如何打开和关闭它们等)

VPC(虚拟私有云) 网络 (VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Networking)

  • How to configure firewall rules

  • The roles and functionalities of subnets

  • How to set up load balancers

  • How to connect with a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

  • Each of the different types of peering


云储存 (Cloud Storage)

  • Different storage options and when you would use each one

  • Storage classes and how to change between them

  • When to use BigQuery


云功能 (Cloud Functions)

  • What is the use case of Cloud Functions?

  • What are their limitations?


Kubernetes引擎 (Kubernetes Engine)

  • What is the use case of Kubernetes?

  • Working with Kubernetes

  • How is autoscaling executed?

  • How to enable connection to the internet


堆栈驱动器 (Stackdriver)

  • What are the use cases of stackdriver?

  • What are its limitations?

  • Creating and using alerts


云端SDK (Cloud SDK)

  • How to execute basic commands in the command line interface. (Don’t need to know it cold, just be loosely familiar with it.)

    如何在命令行界面中执行基本命令。 (不需要知道它很冷,只需要对其稍加熟悉即可。)

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Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash
Keegan Houser在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

五,应试技巧 (V. Test Taking Tips)

Here are some test taking tips which will help you take the exam:


1.跳过困难的Q: (1. Skip the hard Q’s:)

If a question is befuddling you, skip it! The exam software gives you the option to “mark” a question for later review. Don’t spend your time on Q’s intended to befuddle you.

如果您有个疑问困扰着您,请跳过它! 考试软件为您提供了“标记”问题以供以后查看的选项。 不要把时间花在Q的迷惑上。

2.永远不要将答案留空 (2. Never leave an answer blank)

Select a choice before you read the question. (There are no penalties for incorrect answers.) If you skip a hard Q, select a random choice before continuing.

阅读问题之前,请选择一个选项。 (对于错误答案,不会有任何惩罚。)如果您跳过硬问,请在继续之前选择一个随机选择。

3.确定问题中的问题: (3. Identifying the question in a question:)

Sometimes questions contain lots of information (with the intention of confusing you). Learn to identify what is being asked, not what is being told.

有时问题包含很多信息(意在使您感到困惑) 。 学习识别要问的内容,而不是要告诉的内容。

An example:An admin accidentally deleted their database. In a frenzy, they restore the wrong database and now the network is crashing. How do you ensure security configurations for the new database?

例如: 管理员意外删除了他们的数据库。 他们疯狂地恢复了错误的数据库,现在网络崩溃了。 您如何确保新数据库的安全性配置?

  • The question is really asking “how do you set up security configurations for a restored database.”


  • The information about an accidentally restored version + the network crashing is extraneous.


4.识别错误答案 (4. Identifying false answers)

Some answers are wrong (and can be eliminated) irrespective of the question. These false answers come in several forms:

与问题无关,某些答案是错误的(可以消除)。 这些错误答案有几种形式:

  • Always false — these are erroneous statements intended on confusing you. (Ex. Change the location of the impossible-to-relocate server.)

    始终为假 -这些是旨在混淆您的错误陈述。 (例如,更改无法重定位服务器的位置。)

  • Sometimes false — these are exceptions to rules. Only select this answer if “the exception” is part of the question. (Ex. Break the rule of never-deleting-this-server so that you can reset the location of this server to a higher-speed connection.)

    有时是错误的 -这些是规则的例外。 仅当“例外”是问题的一部分时,才选择此答案。 (例如,打破永不删除此服务器的规则,以便您可以将此服务器的位置重置为更高速度的连接。)

  • Always true — these answers are correct statements but don’t always solve the problem in your question. If you identify several “always true” answers, reevaluate the question to see what it’s truly asking for. (Ex. Change the network settings to allow traffic this the ip address of your user.)

    永远是正确的-这些答案是正确的陈述,但并不总是能解决您问题中的问题。 如果您确定了几个“始终正确”的答案,请重新评估该问题以查看其真正的要求。 (例如,更改网络设置,以允许该用户的IP地址访问此流量。)

5.时刻注意 (5. Keep an eye on the clock)

Don’t spend too much time on a question. If something is taking more than you’d like, mark it and get back to it later.

不要在问题上花太多时间。 如果某件东西的花费超出了您的期望,请标记它并稍后再使用。

6.休息一下 (6. Rest your eyes)

Look away from the screen every few minutes to relax your eye muscles. It’ll help you stay focused.

每隔几分钟就将视线移开屏幕,以放松眼部肌肉。 它可以帮助您保持专注。

7.冥想 (7. Meditate)

Take 15–30 seconds every now and then to close your eyes and breathe slowly. The time-cost of such an effort will be well worth the calm and relaxation you’ll achieve.

时不时花费15–30秒,然后闭上眼睛并缓慢呼吸。 这种努力的时间成本将非常值得您获得镇定和放松。

8.(反复)检查标记的问题 (8. Review marked questions (iteratively))

Iterate on your exam by reviewing marked questions. If you’re able to solve it, unmark the Q. If not, leave as marked and move on. Do this once — then review your answers (#9) — then do a second time.

通过查看已标记的问题来迭代您的考试。 如果能够解决,请取消标记Q。否则,请保留标记并继续。 一次执行一次-然后查看您的答案(#9)-然后第二次执行。

9.复习您的答案 (9. Review your answers)

For each Q, first read the answer you selected, then the question, then the answer. (This allows you to validate your answer, and confirm it based on the question.) If you find yourself second guessing yourself, mark the question and move on. Repeat with all marked Q’s until completed or time runs out.

对于每个Q,首先阅读您选择的答案,然后阅读问题,然后阅读答案。 (这使您可以验证答案,并根据问题进行确认。)如果发现自己第二次猜自己,请标记问题并继续。 重复所有标记的Q,直到完成或时间用完。

VI。 更多资源 (VI. Further Resources)

Here are some additional resources you’ll want to use:


  • Writing and Passing the Google Cloud Associate Engineer Certification

    撰写并通过Google Cloud Associate Engineer认证

  • How to ace the Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

    如何应对Google Cloud Platform联合云工程师考试

  • How did I Pass Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam?

    我如何通过Google Cloud认证的助理云工程师考试?

  • Google Cloud — Associate Cloud Engineer Certification learning path

    Google Cloud-助理云工程师认证学习路径

结论: (Conclusion:)

Good luck on your exam!


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/studying-for-the-google-cloud-associate-engineer-certification-1bb53939ee2a



以上就是魔幻吐司为你收集整理的谷歌机器学习工程师年薪_学习谷歌云助理工程师认证 介绍 (Introduction) 一,评估 (I. Evaluation) 二。 关于考试: (II. About the exam:) 三, 准备考试 (III. Prepare for the exam) IV。 关键概念 (IV. Key Concepts) 五,应试技巧 (V. Test Taking Tips) VI。 更多资源 (VI. Further Resources) 结论: (Conclusion:)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决谷歌机器学习工程师年薪_学习谷歌云助理工程师认证 介绍 (Introduction) 一,评估 (I. Evaluation) 二。 关于考试: (II. About the exam:) 三, 准备考试 (III. Prepare for the exam) IV。 关键概念 (IV. Key Concepts) 五,应试技巧 (V. Test Taking Tips) VI。 更多资源 (VI. Further Resources) 结论: (Conclusion:)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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