我是靠谱客的博主 痴情高山,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Oracle goldengate 初始化数据的方法(转MOS:ID 1276058.1),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Oracle goldengate 初始化数据的方法


Oracle goldengate instantiation 方法:

一、      coning with oracle rman

二、      oracle EXPDP/IMPDP or EXP/IMP Utilities


一、coning with oracle rman


On the Source (RMAN refers to as target):


Add and Start Rxtract:

Enable Minimal Supplemental Logging in Oracle

SQLPLUS > alter database add supplemental log data

Enable Supplemental Logging at Table Level

GGSCI> dblogin userid xxxxx password xxxxxx

GGSCI> add trandata <schema>.<tablename>

Add Extract, Add Exttrail, Add Pump, Add Rmttrail

Start Extract, Start Pump


Recover database on target database:

Create init.ora file for the destination .

Run the following SQL (if you currently use an spfile; if you already use a pfile then you can use the pfile and skip this step)

SQLPLUS> create pfile=<path>/init<sid>.ora from spfile ;

Copy init<sid>.ora file to target (to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory on destination)

sftp> put init<sid>.ora

Backup source database

OS> RMAN target /

RMAN> backup database plus archivelog ;

Copy backup files to destination located in the same location as they were written on the source (default is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs but it may have been changed using the CONFIGURE command in RMAN).

sftp> <backup files>

Once backup completes, capture SCN to clear datafile fuzziness

Instantiation from an Oracle Source Database: Oracle GoldenGate

RMAN> restore database preview summary;

Note the SCN returned, it will appear at the end of the command like:

Media recovery start SCN is 34822578

Recovery must be done beyond SCN 34822578 to clear datafile fuzziness

Finished restore at 10-OCT-10

On the Destination (RMAN refers to as auxiliary) :

Add a tnsnames.ora entry (in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) for the source database.

Create the password file (in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory):

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs> orapwd file=orapw<SID> password=<password>

Start up auxiliary instance (make sure the $ORACLE_SID is set correctly and the init<SID>.ora is in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs)

SQLPLUS> startup nomount

Create duplicate database. This step will open the database

OS> RMAN target sys/<sys password for source db>@<source database from tnsnames.ora >

RMAN> connect auxiliary /

RMAN> duplicate target database to <databasename> nofilenamecheck until scn <value returned from RMAN restore database preview summary command> ;

Note: you can also run the duplicate database command by running RMAN on the source. In that case you use connect target / on the source, and connect auxiliary sys@<target db>.

In either case you must copy the backup files to the destination server. Also for this scenario you must include a tnsnames entry for the target database which would be added to the tnsnames.ora file on the host with the auxiliary. In addition, on the source server, you must have listener configured to accept requests for the destination database in a nomount state. This is done by explicitly including the service/SID in the listener.ora configuration file.

Once complete review the Oracle alert log to get last SCN that the database was recovered to. Look in the oracle alert log for the following entry:

RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 34822578

After 34822578 in this sample is the SCN where we want Replicat to start processing

Add Temp file (before Oracle 10.2; starting with Oracle 10.2 Oracle will automatically add temp files and you can skip this step)

SQLPLUS> alter tablespace temp add tempfile <oradata dir>/<temp.dbf> size <size>

Create spfile (if you want to use an spfile; if not you can skip this step and the next step below):

SQLPLUS> create spfile from pfile=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<sid>.ora ;

Stop and Restart Database to pick up spfile:

SQLPLUS> shutdown immediate

SQLPLUS> startup


Add and Start Replicat:

GGSCI> add replicat <rename>, exttrail ./dirdat/<xx>

GGSCI> start replicat <rename>, aftercsn <value returned from alert log for SCN database was recovered to>



二、oracle EXPDP/IMPDP or EXP/IMP Utilities


Example 1: full database export using expdp


Add and Start Rxtract:

Enable Minimal Supplemental Logging in Oracle on source

alter database add supplemental log data ;

Enable Supplemental Logging at Table Level on source

GGSCI> dblogin userid xxxxx password xxxxxx

GGSCI> add trandata <schema>.<tablename>

Add Extract, Add Exttrail, Add Pump, Add Rmttrail on source

Start Extract, Start Pump on source


Create a database directory:

SQLPLUS> create directory dumpdir as <some directory> ;

Get the current SCN on the source database:

SQLPLUS> select current_scn from v$database ;




Run the Data Pump Export using the flashback SCN you obtained in the previous step. The following example shows running the expdp utility at a Degree Of Parallelism (DOP) of 4. If you have sufficient system resources (CPU, memory and IO) then running at a higher DOP will decrease the amount of time it takes to take the export (up to 4x for a DOP of 4). Note that expdp uses Oracle Database parallel execution settings (e.g. parallel_max_servers) which have to be set appropriately in order to take advantage of parallelism. Other processes running in parallel may be competing for those resources. See the Oracle Documentation for more details.

>expdp directory=dumpdir full=y parallel=4 dumpfile=ora102_%u.dmp flashback_scn=28318029

>Username: system

NOTE: any DB user with DBA privileges will do


Note: The export log needs to be checked for errors.

Start an import using impdp to the target database when the export step is complete.


Add and Start Replicat after import is complete:

GGSCI> add replicat <repname>, exttrail ./dirdat/<xx>

GGSCI> start replicat <repname>, aftercsn <value returned from step 6>


Example 2: schema export using exp


Enable Minimal Supplemental Logging in Oracle on source

SQLPLUS > alter database add supplemental log data;

Enable Supplemental Logging at Table Level on source

GGSCI> dblogin userid xxxxx password xxxxxx

GGSCI> add trandata <schema>.<tablename>

Add Extract, Add ExtTrail FileTrail File, Add Pump, Add RmtTrail FileTrail File on source

Start Extract, Start Pump on source

Get the current SCN on the source database:

SQLPLUS> select current_scn from v$database ;




Get a flashback snapshot from the SCN that you obtained in the previous step. You can do this with exp or expdp utility. The following example shows the use of export utility (exp):

>exp <username>/<password> wner=<schema_name> grants=n statistics=none triggers=n compress=n FLASHBACK_SCN=3410138433

Note: Undo_retention has to be set high enough, and the export log needs to be checked for errors. You can speed up exp by running multiple session in parallel but you have to manually configure subsets of the data you want to export (e.g. different tables for different export files). Make sure to use the same FLASHBACK_SCN for all export sessions to ensure taking a read consistent backup.


Start an import to the target database when export is complete.


Add and Start Replicat:

GGSCI> add replicat <rename>, exttrail ./dirdat/<xx>

GGSCI> start replicat <rename>, aftercsn <SCN value returned from query on source>




    转MOS:ID 1276058.1 ;以备日后参考


以上就是痴情高山为你收集整理的Oracle goldengate 初始化数据的方法(转MOS:ID 1276058.1)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Oracle goldengate 初始化数据的方法(转MOS:ID 1276058.1)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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