MaxScript 渲染的例子
macroScript NewTextureRender category:"WJL"
fn BakeDiffuseAndLighting obj size =
be1 = diffusemap()
be1.outputSzX = be1.outputSzY = size --set the size of the baked map
be1.fileType = (getDir #image+"\"+obj.name+"_diffuse.tga")
be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
be1.filterOn = true --enable filtering
be1.shadowsOn = false --disable shadows
be1.lightingOn = false --disable lighting
be1.enabled = true --enable baking
be2 = LightingMap() -- 实例灯光烘焙元素
be2.outputSzX = be2.outputSzY = size --set the size of the baked map
be2.fileType = (getDir #image+"\"+obj.name+"_lighting.tga")
be2.fileName = filenameFromPath be2.fileType
be2.filterOn = true --enable filtering
be2.shadowsOn =true --enable shadows
be2.enabled = true --enable baking
obj.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1 --add first element
obj.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be2 --add second element
obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = true --enabling baking
obj.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1 --channel to bake
obj.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 1 --expand the texture a bit
select obj
render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:off progressBar:true outputSize:[size,size]
theComp = CompositeTextureMap()
theComp.add() --添加第二个层
theComp.blendMode = #(0,5) --设置层位模式 5:Multiply
--创建两个纹理,一个拥有diffuse,另一个用于lighting 纹理
theMap1 = bitmaptexture filename:be1.fileType
theMap2 = bitmaptexture filename:be2.fileType
theComp.mapList = #(theMap1, theMap2)
theComp.opacity = #(100,70)
--创建一个标准的纹理,并设置diffuseMap为 theComp,纹理光照强度为100
bakedMat = standard diffusemap:theComp selfIllumAmount:100
obj.material = Shell_Material originalMaterial:obj.material
bakedMaterial:bakedMat viewportMtlIndex:1 renderMtlIndex:1
showTextureMap obj.material obj.material.bakedMaterial true
)--end fn
resetMaxFile #noprompt
theLight = omniLight pos:[0,-60,100] rgb:white
theLight.baseobject.castshadows = true
theObject = Sphere segs:32 mapcoords:true pos:[0,0,25]
theMap = cellular cellColor:blue divColor1:red divColor2:yellow size:15
theObject.material = standard diffusemap:theMap
BakeDiffuseAndLighting theObject 256
theObject = Plane width:200 length:200 mapcoords:true
--创建一个 checker map ,设置 tiling 为 4x4
theMap = checker Color1:green Color2:orange
theMap.coordinates.uTiling = theMap.coordinates.vTiling = 4
theObject.material = standard diffusemap:theMap
BakeDiffuseAndLighting theObject 256
delete theLight
max select none
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