我是靠谱客的博主 传统嚓茶,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍基本的Visual Studio键盘快捷键,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


For many programmers out there, Visual Studio is

对于许多程序员来说,Visual Studio是

您武器库中 the tool in your arsenal.  The following are a few quick tweaks and short cuts I use to streamline my visual studio experience.

First, I don't like how Visual Studio 2008 changed my beloved bookmarking, so I tweak it back to the way it was in Visual Studio 2002/3/5...  

首先,我不喜欢Visual Studio 2008如何更改我钟爱的书签,因此我将其调整回Visual Studio 2002/3/5中的方式。


   Tools->Options, and on the Treeview, Environment->Keyboard

工具->选项 ,在树视图上, 环境->键盘

I modify:


   Edit.NextBookmark        to be  Shift+Ctrl+K, Shift+Ctrl+N

Edit.NextBookmark为Shift + Ctrl + K,Shift + Ctrl + N

   Edit.PreviousBookmark to be  Shift+Ctrl+K, Shift+Ctrl+P

Edit.PreviousBookmark为Shift + Ctrl + K,Shift + Ctrl + P

Then I modify


   Edit.NextBookmarkInDocument         to be Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N

Edit.NextBookmarkInDocumen t为Ctrl + K,Ctrl + N

   Edit.PreviousBookmarkInDocument  to be Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P

编辑.PreviousBookmarkInDoc ument是按下Ctrl + K键,Ctrl + P

I find this is a much more intuitive use of the short-cuts for myself; especially if you've got multiple tab panes open, and are going through more than one code listing and setting bookmarks at a time; what a pain to jump between documents when it's not your intention!

我发现这对自己来说是一种更加直观的快捷方式。 特别是如果您打开了多个选项卡窗格,并且一次要浏览多个代码清单并设置书签; 如果不是您的意图,那么在文档之间跳转是多么痛苦!

Now on to the best short-cuts I love!


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K: Set a bookmark

Ctrl + K,Ctrl + K:设置书签

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P; Default - Previous bookmark; Modification - Previous bookmark in the active document.

Ctrl + K,Ctrl + P; 默认-上一个书签; 修改-活动文档中的上一个书签。

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N; Default - Next bookmark; Modification - Next bookmark in the active document.

Ctrl + K,Ctrl + N; 默认-下一个书签; 修改-活动文档中的下一个书签。

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C: Comment selected lines of code.

Ctrl + K,Ctrl + C:注释选定的代码行。

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U: Uncomment selected lines of code.

Ctrl + K,Ctrl + U:取消注释选定的代码行。

Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M: Expand / Contract region under cursor.

Ctrl + M,Ctrl + M:在光标下方展开/收缩区域。

Finally, once you've tweaked your Visual Studio layout to however you prefer, don't forget to save and backup your settings, via Tools->Import and Export Settings...

最后,将Visual Studio布局调整为自己喜欢的设置后,不要忘记通过“ 工具”->“导入和导出设置”来保存和设置...

Choose Export Selected Environment Settings, I choose All settings (uncheck, and recheck the 'All Settings' Checkbox in the tree), and save the settings.  Please don't forget to backup the settings; if something goes wrong (HDD, etc.), it can take hours to reset all your settings!

选择“ 导出选定的环境设置” ,然后选择“ 所有设置”(取消选中并重新选中树中的“所有设置”复选框),然后保存设置。 请不要忘记备份设置; 如果出现问题(硬盘等),可能要花费数小时才能重置所有设置!

I hope you enjoyed this article,


Jacob Janzen

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/1878/Essential-Visual-Studio-Keyboard-Short-Cuts.html


以上就是传统嚓茶为你收集整理的基本的Visual Studio键盘快捷键的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决基本的Visual Studio键盘快捷键所遇到的程序开发问题。



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