Problem Description
Generally speaking, there are a lot of problems about strings processing. Now you encounter another such problem. If you get two strings, such as “asdf” and “sdfg”, the result of the addition between them is “asdfg”, for “sdf” is the tail substring of “asdf” and the head substring of the “sdfg” . However, the result comes as “asdfghjk”, when you have to add “asdf” and “ghjk” and guarantee the shortest string first, then the minimum lexicographic second, the same rules for other additions.
For each case, there are two strings (the chars selected just form ‘a’ to ‘z’) for you, and each length of theirs won’t exceed 10^5 and won’t be empty.
Print the ultimate string by the book.
以上就是积极春天最近收集整理的关于『杭电1867』A + B for you again的全部内容,更多相关『杭电1867』A内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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