我是靠谱客的博主 能干小笼包,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍机组配对算法matlab,基于MATLAB的风力发电机组控制算法的研究 - 北极星风力发电网...,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


4.2 载荷仿真



图9 发电机输出转速比较


图10 发电机输出转矩比较


图11 叶片根部Y向载荷比较


5 结论


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Study of Control Algorithm for Wind Turbine Base on MATLAB

KONG Chaozhi, FU Xiaolin FENG Yonggang

(CHENGDU Forward Technology Corp. LTD., Sichuan Province Chengdu 611731, China)

Abstract: It is introduced that the implementation process of control algorithm for MW variable speed variable pitch wind turbine. According to the nonlinear acteristics of wind generator system, a method for tuning control algorithm parameters is presented through the model linearization and minimal realization via state-space equations. Using the powerful numerical calculation function of MATLAB/Simulink software, it designed main control factors, testing and adjusting parameters. Then, the simulation study of a complete control algorithm is finished by bladed external controller module. Compared with conventional control algorithms, the method discussed in this paper can meet both of the dynamic acteristics and stability in the control process, improved the system’s operating performance effectively.

Key words: wind turbine; variable speed variable pitch; control algorithm; parameter tuning; simulation


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