我是靠谱客的博主 尊敬大碗,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍软件测试工程师面试秘籍 面试 QA,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


第四章  面面俱到,脱颖而出
  4.1  软素质面试
  招聘过程中,除了会考查技术、了解 工作经验外,还会对应试者软素质进行衡量。本节列出面试中经常碰到的一些问题以及回答注意事项。
  例题10.当开发人员说不是 Bug时,你如何应付?

4.2  英文面试
  1.Could you please introduce yourself?
  Answer:I am creative and motivated. Graduated from XX, I entered XX company at 2003. Having worked on several project, I can manage a team of 5~10 testers. I'm a good tester,and special at auto-test. I am looking for a challenging and promising position.
  2.why do you think we should employ you?
  Answer:I am suit for the position not only because I have 3 years experiences but also I can enhance work efficiency by introducing automatics to your project.
  3.why didn't you like the job you have held?
  Answer:I think it don't give me a promising future.Hardly can I get a promotion in 2~3 years.i have to go out and seek for a better way.I think××company is a good choice.(I want to gain more experience at a trading company.)
  4.what did you do in your last job?
  Answer:I have experienced on 3 product,pay, advertise, can. For my first year ,as a green one, I have learned how to do functional test at pay project. From the second year, I worked as a mentor of two freshers, I teach them how to test as I learned, and I do auto-test coding too.At the third year, I began to do system test,automatics,and mentor job.
  5.what do you know about test plan?
  Answer:Before test, test plan is needed. It includes test scope, test schedule, test approche, test tools,etc。
  6.how do you design cases?
  Answer:First,I write case according to MRD, make sure every scene is covered. Then, make up some cases according to RD's design by path-cover way.
  7.Can you tell me about yourself?
  Answer:In my QA career,I have been working on various system platforms and operating systems like Windows 95,Windows 2000,Windows XP and UNIX.I have tested applications developed in Java,C++,Visual Basic and so on.I have tested Web-based applications as well as client server applications.
  As a QA person,I have written Test Plans,Test Cases,attended walk-through meetings with the Business Analysts,Project Managers,Business Managers and QA Leads.I have attended requirement review meetings and provided feedback to the Business Anal-ysts. I have worked in different databases like Oracle and DB2, wrote SQL queries to retrieve data from the database. As far as different types of testing are concerned, I have performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Backend Testing, Black Box Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing).I have participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing.
  I have written defects as they are found using ClearQuest and TestDirector. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if were passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed, then reopened them. I have also attended the defect assessment meetings as necessary. In the meantime, a continuous interaction with developers was necessary. This is pretty much what I have been doing as a QA person.
  8.What you worked with Use Cases before?
  Answer:I have written Test Cases using Use Cases.
  9.Can you tell me what a Use Case is?
  Answer: A Use Case is a document that describes the user action and system response for a particular functionality. See how a Use Case looks like.
  10.What is Business Design Document?
  Answer:It is the document that describes the application functionalities of the user in detail. This document has the further details of the Business Requirement Document. This is a very crucial step in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Sometimes the Business Requirement Document and Business Design Document can be lumped together to make only one Business Requirement Document.
  11.What is walk-through meeting?
  Answer:Once the Business Analysts complete the requirement document, they call a meeting to explain how the functionalities work, what the process is in the designed application and other details. The Business Analysts explain the high level functionalities of the application (software) that is going to the built. The participant members in the meeting may provide feed back and various point of views are expressed. This is walk-through meeting.
  12.What does the Build Deployment mean?
  Answer: When the Build is prepared by the CMT (Configuration Management Team), it is deployed (put) to different Test Environments; it is called the Build Deployment.
  13.What is a Test Strategy?
  Answer: A Test Strategy is a document that describes the test efforts, test configuration, testing tools to be employed, test environments, exit criteria and entry criteria for testing, what different types of testing will be carried out (for example, Smoke Test, Regression, Load Testing, Functional Test and so on) types of testing to be carried out and system requirement. The Test Manager or Lead writes it. (Remember, the Tester does NOT write Test Strategy. A Tester writes Test Plans and Test Cases) See how a Test Strategy looks like.
  14.What is the difference between Load Testing and Performance Testing?
  Answer: Basically Load, Stress and Performance Testing are the same. However, Load testing is the test to check the users' response time of number of users of any one scenario of the application. Whereas Performance Testing is the test to check the user response time for multiple scenario of the same application.
  15.From you resume, I see that you have been working in one place for a very short period of time. This raises my questions.Can you explain why?
  Answer: As a consultant, I am hired for a certain period of time (for project duration only), normally for 6 months to 1 year. Once the project is over, I needed to move to another project. That's why you see me in the resume jumping frequently here and there.
  16.What do you do on the job every day? What is the first thing you go when you go to work on a day? (What is your routine job?)
  Answer:Go to work, have a cup of coffee (coffee is free in any work place), then check E-mails. I will check in my calendar whether there is any meeting for the day. If there is anything urgent work that needs to take care of, then I will start with that job. Otherwise, I will start what is left from yesterday on a priority basis.
  (This question was asked to one of my friends while he was attending interview in one of the companies. When they asked him this question, his answer was, he said, I start testing. This was his wrong answer. The answer varies in which phase of testing the application is. If the application is in very beginning state-meaning that the coding has just begun, then the tester's job will be to analyze and read the requirement documents, write test plans and write test cases.
  Probably attend walk-through meeting and so on. However, the daily routine job would be, as mentioned above, check E-mails, read documents, attend meeting and so on. It's not that as soon as you enter the office, you start testing。)


以上就是尊敬大碗为你收集整理的软件测试工程师面试秘籍 面试 QA的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决软件测试工程师面试秘籍 面试 QA所遇到的程序开发问题。



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