我是靠谱客的博主 精明皮卡丘,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Hanselman的精彩事事通讯:2013年4月24日,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.

我有一个“只要有机会就去做”的奇妙时事通讯。 为什么是新闻通讯? 我不知道。 似乎更加个人化。 和我战斗。

You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can sign up here Newsletter of Wonderful Things or just wait and get them later on the blog, which hopefully you have subscribed to. Email folks get it first!

您可以在此处查看所有以前的新闻通讯。 您可以在此处注册“奇妙的事通讯”,或者等一会儿再将其发布在博客上,希望您已订阅。 电子邮件人员首先获得它!

Here's the most recent newsletter that I sent out April 24th.  


Thanks again for signing up for this experiment. Here's some interesting things I've come upon recently. If you forwarded this (or if it was forwarded to you) a reminder: You can sign up at http://hanselman.com/newsletter and the archive of all previous Newsletters is here.

再次感谢您注册此实验。 这是我最近遇到的一些有趣的事情。 如果您转发了此邮件(或转发给您),则提醒您:您可以在http://hanselman.com/newsletter上进行注册,并且所有以前的时事通讯的存档都在此处。

Remember, you get the newsletter here first. This one will be posted to the blog as an archive in a few weeks. 

请记住,您首先在这里获得时事通讯。 此文件将在几周后作为存档发布到博客。

  • Did you know NerdCore is a musical style? Of course you did, and you appreciate it. I know you'll dig Dale O. Chase's new album "TypeDef." Be sure to explore the lyrics, they are brilliant. You can listen online for free and name your price.

    您知道NerdCore是一种音乐风格吗? 您当然做到了,并且对此表示赞赏。 我知道您会挖掘Dale O. Chase的新专辑“ TypeDef”。 一定要探索歌词,它们很棒。 您可以免费在线收听并说出价格。

  • Great presentation deck from Garann Means about what happens when developers become a collection of tropes.


  • What happens when you wring out a wet towel whilst in space?


  • Wonderful 60's era documentary on YouTube about how the Pirates of the Caribbean came to be. 


  • How to make YOUR open source project really awesome.


  • I enjoy reading Young Adult Fiction. It's my pulp. Easy to read and relaxing. Here's a good list of the (kind of) latest.

    我喜欢阅读青少年小说。 这是我的牙髓。 易于阅读和放松。 这是(最新的)的一个很好的清单。

  • "A web designer walks into a bar, but immediately leaves in disgust upon noticing the tables layout."


  • So you're a web designers who loves CSS but you also love the British. Why not http://spiffingcss.com/?

    因此,您是一个热爱CSS的网页设计师,但您也热爱英国人。 为什么不http://spiffingcss.com/ ?

  • Comedian Patton Oswalt filibusters on Parks and Recreation.

    喜剧演员Patton Oswalt对公园和休闲的批评。

  • Here's a cute animation that shows all of Star Wars in just one minute! Fun for the kids.

    这是一个可爱的动画,仅需一分钟即可显示所有《星球大战》 ! 孩子们的乐趣。

  • Thinking of getting a new fancy smart watch? There's nearly 40 years of history behind them.

    想购买一款新颖的智能手表? 他们背后已有近40年的历史。

  • Do you love Sriracha hot sauce? Here's the guy behind it.

    您喜欢Sriracha辣酱吗? 这是背后的家伙。

  • This guy has .NET running on a $35 Raspberry Pi.

    这个人的.NET运行在35美元的Raspberry Pi上。

  • I love charts, graphs and visualizations. I like stacked bar charts, so how about Flame Graphs?

    我喜欢图表,图形和可视化。 我喜欢堆积的条形图,那么火焰图怎么样?

  • Tearable cloth simulation in raw JavaScript, thereby cementing that I have NO idea what I'm doing.


  • Sometimes the best packaging is the most clever, but not the most expensive.


  • Of the 100 richest people in the world, 8 had no family money nor a degree. How did they do it?

    在世界上最富有的100个人中,有8个人没有家庭财产,也没有学位。 他们是如何做到的?

  • Finally, don't forget that the free community-organized DotNetConf is streaming live the 25th and 26th. Videos will be recorded and available.

    最后,不要忘记免费的社区组织的DotNetConf在25日和26日进行直播。 视频将被录制并可用。

(BTW, since you *love* email you can subscribe to my blog via email here: http://feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman DO IT!)

(顺便说一句,由于您*喜欢*电子邮件,因此可以在此处通过电子邮件订阅我的博客: http : //feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman做到这一点!)

P.P.S. You know you can forward this to your friends, right?  


Big thanks to our Sponsor this week. It's Redgate! Check out Deployment Manager – app deployment without the stress. Deploy .NET code & SQL Server databases in one simple process from a web-based UI. Works with local, remote and cloud servers. Try it free.

非常感谢本周的赞助商。 是Redgate! 签出Deployment Manager –轻松进行应用程序部署。 通过基于Web的UI在一个简单的过程中部署.NET代码和SQL Server数据库。 与本地,远程和云服务器一起使用。 免费尝试。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselmans-newsletter-of-wonderful-things-april-24th-2013





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