- SDL_SetVideoMode
SDL_Surface *SDL_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags)
Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
Return Value
The framebuffer surface, or NULL if it fails. The surface returned is freed by SDL_Quit() and should nt be freed by the caller. - SDL_WM_SetCaption
void SDL_WM_SetCaption(const char *title, const char *icon)
Sets the title-bar and icon name of the display window. - IMG_Load函数
SDL_Surface *IMG_load( char *filename)
它是扩展库中的一个导入图象的函数,支持的图象格式有BMP, PNM, XPM, LBM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, TGA 和PNG。
- SDL_DisplayFormat函数
SDL_Surface *SDL_DisplayFormat(SDL_Surface *image)
- SDL_BlitSurface
SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *source, NULL, SDL_Surface* destination, SDL_Rect *offset )
- SDL_Flip
- SDL_FreeSurface
sdl (3)
- Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl sdl_activeevent (3)
- sdl_addtimer (3)
- sdl_audiocvt (3)
- sdl_audiospec (3)
- sdl_blitsurface (3)
- sdl_buildaudiocvt (3)
- sdl_cd (3)
- sdl_cdclose (3)
- sdl_cdeject (3)
- sdl_cdname (3)
- sdl_cdnumdrives (3)
- sdl_cdopen (3)
- sdl_cdpause (3)
- sdl_cdplay (3)
- sdl_cdplaytracks (3)
- sdl_cdresume (3)
- sdl_cdstatus (3)
- sdl_cdstop (3)
- sdl_cdtrack (3)
- sdl_closeaudio (3)
- sdl_color (3)
- sdl_condbroadcast (3)
- sdl_condsignal (3)
- sdl_condwait (3)
- sdl_condwaittimeout (3)
- sdl_convertaudio (3)
- sdl_convertsurface (3)
- sdl_createcond (3)
- sdl_createcursor (3)
- sdl_createmutex (3)
- sdl_creatergbsurface (3)
- sdl_creatergbsurfacefrom (3)
- sdl_createsemaphore (3)
- sdl_createthread (3)
- sdl_createyuvoverlay (3)
- sdl_delay (3)
- sdl_destroycond (3)
- sdl_destroymutex (3)
- sdl_destroysemaphore (3)
- sdl_displayformat (3)
- sdl_displayformatalpha (3)
- sdl_displayyuvoverlay (3)
- sdl_enablekeyrepeat (3)
- sdl_enableunicode (3)
- sdl_event (3)
- sdl_eventstate (3)
- sdl_exposeevent (3)
- sdl_fillrect (3)
- sdl_flip (3)
- sdl_freecursor (3)
- sdl_freesurface (3)
- sdl_freewav (3)
- sdl_freeyuvoverlay (3)
- sdl_getappstate (3)
- sdl_getaudiostatus (3)
- sdl_getcliprect (3)
- sdl_getcursor (3)
- sdl_geterror (3)
- sdl_geteventfilter (3)
- sdl_getgamma (3)
- sdl_getgammaramp (3)
- sdl_getkeyname (3)
- sdl_getkeystate (3)
- sdl_getmodstate (3)
- sdl_getmousestate (3)
- sdl_getrelativemousestate (3)
- sdl_getrgb (3)
- sdl_getrgba (3)
- sdl_getthreadid (3)
- sdl_getticks (3)
- sdl_getvideoinfo (3)
- sdl_getvideosurface (3)
- sdl_gl_getattribute (3)
- sdl_gl_getprocaddress (3)
- sdl_gl_loadlibrary (3)
- sdl_gl_setattribute (3)
- sdl_gl_swapbuffers (3)
- sdl_glattr (3)
- sdl_init (3)
- sdl_initsubsystem (3)
- sdl_joyaxisevent (3)
- sdl_joyballevent (3)
- sdl_joybuttonevent (3)
- sdl_joyhatevent (3)
- sdl_joystickclose (3)
- sdl_joystickeventstate (3)
- sdl_joystickgetaxis (3)
- sdl_joystickgetball (3)
- sdl_joystickgetbutton (3)
- sdl_joystickgethat (3)
- sdl_joystickindex (3)
- sdl_joystickname (3)
- sdl_joysticknumaxes (3)
- sdl_joysticknumballs (3)
- sdl_joysticknumbuttons (3)
- sdl_joysticknumhats (3)
- sdl_joystickopen (3)
- sdl_joystickopened (3)
- sdl_joystickupdate (3)
- sdl_keyboardevent (3)
- sdl_keysym (3)
- sdl_killthread (3)
- sdl_listmodes (3)
- sdl_loadbmp (3)
- sdl_loadwav (3)
- sdl_lockaudio (3)
- sdl_locksurface (3)
- sdl_lockyuvoverlay (3)
- sdl_maprgb (3)
- sdl_maprgba (3)
- sdl_mixaudio (3)
- sdl_mousebuttonevent (3)
- sdl_mousemotionevent (3)
- sdl_mutexp (3)
- sdl_mutexv (3)
- sdl_numjoysticks (3)
- sdl_openaudio (3)
- sdl_overlay (3)
- sdl_palette (3)
- sdl_pauseaudio (3)
- sdl_peepevents (3)
- sdl_pixelformat (3)
- sdl_pollevent (3) Polls for currently pending events.
- sdl_pumpevents (3)
- sdl_pushevent (3)
- sdl_quit (3)
- sdl_quitevent (3)
- sdl_quitsubsystem (3)
- sdl_rect (3)
- sdl_removetimer (3)
- sdl_resizeevent (3)
- sdl_rwfromfile (3)
- sdl_savebmp (3)
- sdl_sempost (3)
- sdl_semtrywait (3)
- sdl_semvalue (3)
- sdl_semwait (3)
- sdl_semwaittimeout (3)
- sdl_setalpha (3)
- sdl_setcliprect (3)
- sdl_setcolorkey (3)
- sdl_setcolors (3)
- sdl_setcursor (3)
- sdl_seteventfilter (3)
- sdl_setgamma (3)
- sdl_setgammaramp (3)
- sdl_setmodstate (3)
- sdl_setpalette (3)
- sdl_settimer (3)
- sdl_setvideomode (3)
- sdl_showcursor (3)
- sdl_surface (3)
- sdl_syswmevent (3)
- sdl_threadid (3)
- sdl_unlockaudio (3)
- sdl_unlocksurface (3)
- sdl_unlockyuvoverlay (3)
- sdl_updaterect (3)
- sdl_updaterects (3)
- sdl_userevent (3)
- sdl_videodrivername (3)
- sdl_videoinfo (3)
- sdl_videomodeok (3)
- sdl_waitevent (3)
- sdl_waitthread (3)
- sdl_warpmouse (3)
- sdl_wasinit (3)
- sdl_wm_getcaption (3)
- sdl_wm_grabinput (3)
- sdl_wm_iconifywindow (3)
- sdl_wm_setcaption (3)
- sdl_wm_seticon (3)
- sdl_wm_togglefullscreen (3)
- sdlkey (3)
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