No. | Problem | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | Go | Solution | Difficulty | Tag |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯、暴力 | |
0034 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二分 | |
0039 | Combination Sum | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0040 | Combination Sum II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0046 | Permutations | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0047 | Permutations II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 递归、回溯 | |
0051 | N-Queens | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Hard | 回溯 | |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 动态规划 | |
0069 | Sqrt(x) | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二分、牛顿迭代 | |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 动态规划 | |
0075 | Sort Colors | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 荷兰旗 | |
0077 | Combinations | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0079 | Word Search | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0088 | Merge Sorted Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0093 | Restore IP Addresses | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯、暴力 | |
0095 | Unique Binary Search Trees II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 分治、DFS | |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树 | |
0100 | Same Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树 | |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、BFS | |
0105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、递归 | |
0106 | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、递归 | |
0111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树 | |
0113 | Path Sum II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 贪心 | |
0122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 贪心 | |
0123 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Hard | 动态规划 | |
0127 | Word Ladder | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | BFS | |
0130 | Surrounded Regions | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二分 | |
0167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0169 | ||||||||
0188 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Hard | 动态规划 | |
0200 | Number of Islands | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 链表 | |
0215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 快排、堆 | |
0225 | Implement Stack using Queues | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 栈、队列 | |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树、递归 | |
0240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 数组 | |
0241 | Different Ways to Add Parentheses | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 分治 | |
0257 | Binary Tree Paths | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | DFS | |
0278 | First Bad Version | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二分 | |
0279 | Perfect Squares | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | BFS、动态规划 | |
0300 | ||||||||
0309 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 动态规划 | |
0322 | ||||||||
0345 | Reverse Vowels of a String | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 桶排序 | |
0365 | Water and Jug Problem | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | BFS、数学 | |
0392 | Is Subsequence | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0406 | Queue Reconstruction by Height | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 贪心 | |
0409 | Longest Palindrome | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | |
0417 | Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0435 | Non-overlapping Intervals | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 区间贪心 | |
0450 | Delete Node in a BST | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树 | |
0451 | Sort Characters By Frequency | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 桶排序 | |
0452 | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 区间贪心 | |
0455 | Assign Cookies | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 贪心 | |
0491 | Increasing Subsequences | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0509 | Fibonacci Number | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 动态规划 | |
0524 | Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 双指针 | |
0540 | Single Element in a Sorted Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二分 | |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 递归 | |
0547 | Friend Circles | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0605 | Can Place Flowers | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 贪心 | |
0633 | Sum of Square Numbers | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0647 | Palindromic Substrings | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 动态规划 | |
0665 | Non-decreasing Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 贪心 | |
0680 | Valid Palindrome II | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0695 | Max Area of Island | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
0700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树 | |
0701 | Insert into a Binary Search Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树 | |
0714 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 动态规划 | |
0744 | Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二分 | |
0836 | Rectangle Overlap | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数学 | |
0876 | Middle of the Linked List | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
0892 | Surface Area of 3D Shapes | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数学 | |
0914 | X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数学 | |
0994 | Rotting Oranges | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | BFS | |
1013 | Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | |
1071 | Greatest Common Divisor of Strings | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | |
1091 | Shortest Path in Binary Matrix | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | BFS | |
1103 | Distribute Candies to People | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | |
1160 | Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | |
1358 | Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 双指针、滑窗 | |
1360 | Number of Days Between Two Dates | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数学 | |
1362 | Closest Divisors | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 数学 | |
1365 | How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | |
1366 | Rank Teams by Votes | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 排序 | |
1367 | Linked List in Binary Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
1370 | Increasing Decreasing String | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 排序 | |
1372 | Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | |
1374 | Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | |
1375 | Bulb Switcher III | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 最大编号 | |
1376 | Time Needed to Inform All Employees | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 自底向上 | |
1380 | Lucky Numbers in a Matrix | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | |
1381 | Design a Stack With Increment Operation | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 栈 | |
1382 | Balance a Binary Search Tree | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树 | |
1385 | Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | |
1386 | Cinema Seat Allocation | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 哈希表 | |
1387 | Sort Integers by The Power Value | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 排序 | |
1389 | Create Target Array in the Given Order | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数组 | |
1390 | Four Divisors | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 数学 | |
1394 | Find Lucky Integer in an Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | |
1395 | Count Number of Teams | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 暴力 | |
1396 | Design Underground System | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 设计 | |
1408 | String Matching in an Array | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | |
1409 | Queries on a Permutation With Key | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 模拟 | |
1410 | HTML Entity Parser HTML | LeetCode | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 字符串 | |
面试题03 | 数组中重复的数字 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 哈希 | ||
面试题04 | 二维数组中的查找 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数组 | ||
面试题05 | 替换空格 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 字符串 | ||
面试题06 | 从尾到头打印链表 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 链表 | ||
面试题07 | 重建二叉树 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、递归 | ||
面试题09 | 用两个栈实现队列 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 栈、队列 | ||
面试题10- I | 斐波那契数列 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 动态规划 | ||
面试题10- II | 青蛙跳台阶问题 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 动态规划 | ||
面试题17 | 打印从1到最大的n位数 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 暴力 | ||
面试题26 | 树的子结构 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | ||
面试题27 | 二叉树的镜像 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树、递归 | ||
面试题32 - I | 从上到下打印二叉树 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、BFS | ||
面试题32 - II | 从上到下打印二叉树 II | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 二叉树、BFS | ||
面试题32 - III | 从上到下打印二叉树 III | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 二叉树、BFS | ||
面试题33 | 二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 递归 | ||
面试题34 | 二叉树中和为某一值的路径 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 回溯 | ||
面试题38 | ||||||||
面试题 57 - II | 和为s的连续正数序列 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 滑窗、数学 | ||
面试题59 - II | 队列的最大值 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 队列 | ||
面试题62 | 圆圈中最后剩下的数字 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 数学 | ||
面试题0106 | 字符串压缩 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 | ||
面试题0107 | 旋转矩阵 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | 数学 | ||
面试0410 | 检查子树 | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Medium | DFS | ||
面试1001 | Sorted Merge LCCI | 力扣 | Python | CSDN | Easy | 双指针 |
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