我是靠谱客的博主 糟糕月光,这篇文章主要介绍保护重要人物(甚至是Ashton或Kardashian的)计算机的十件事,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

I have a some friends and friendly acquaintances who are of some bit of note. Not Internet-famous, or even blog-famous like me, I mean actual famous. Like us, celebrities still have phones, Twitter accounts, Facebooks, laptops, hard drives, family photos and lots more that need to be managed. Maybe you're fancy also? Maybe you think you're fancy or just want to be?

我有一些值得注意的朋友和熟人。 不是像我这样的互联网名人,甚至不是像我一样的博客名人,我的意思是真正的名人。 像我们一样,名人仍然拥有电话,Twitter帐户,Facebook,笔记本电脑,硬盘,家庭照片以及许多需要管理的东西。 也许你也喜欢吗? 也许您认为自己很喜欢或者只是想成为?

Sometimes I spend time on Skype with my friends going through a list of things they need to do to cover their butts when it comes to their personal media and gadgetry. I thought I'd make up a list that I could send to them as it's become repetitive, then I realized that this stuff is important to all of us, not just folks on TMZ.

有时,我和朋友们在Skype上度过时光,浏览他们需要做的事情清单,以涵盖他们的个人媒体和小玩意。 我以为我会编成一份清单,当它变得重复时可以发送给他们,然后我意识到这些东西对我们所有人都很重要,而不仅仅是TMZ上的人。

Apparently Famous People have Other People that tell them what to do, but it's unclear if the Other People actually know more than the Famous People. I know, Kim, you have no password on your Macbook and no encryption on your phone. Let's talk.

显然,名人有其他人告诉他们怎么做,但是尚不清楚其他人是否真正比名人知道更多。 我知道,金,您的Macbook没有密码,手机也没有加密。 说吧

1.查找您的手机-使您的手机“适合”(1. Find Your Phone - Make your cell phone "findable")

Find my phone!

It flat sucks to lose your phone.


  • If you have a Windows Phone, you can go to http://windowsphone.com/my to locate, ring, lock or even torch your phone. It just works and it's on when you setup your phone for the first time.

    如果您使用的是Windows Phone,则可以访问http://windowsphone.com/my来查找,响铃,锁定甚至割断手机。 它可以正常使用,并且在您首次设置手机时便会打开。

  • If you have an iPhone (or any iDevice, in fact) you can go to http://icloud.com, sign in and locate, run, lock or wipe your phone as well. For offline phones, you can have it email you when the phone is found (turned on). You'll want to update your iPhone to iOS 5 and run through the initial wizard in order to confirm this is working for you.

    如果您有iPhone(实际上是任何iDevice),则可以访问http://icloud.com ,登录并找到,运行,锁定或擦拭手机。 对于离线电话,您可以让它在找到(打开)电话后通过电子邮件发送给您。 您需要将iPhone更新到iOS 5并通过初始向导运行,以确认它是否对您有效。

  • There's a dozen or more choices for Android phones, but I suggest you check out either Plan B or Where's My Droid. A third good option that you could use on all your devices is Prey. Each of these will do what they need to. Find your phone.

    Android手机有十几种或更多选择,但我建议您查看Plan B或Where's My Droid 。 您可以在所有设备上使用的第三个不错的选择是Prey 。 这些都将做他们需要做的。 找到你的手机。

Test your chosen Find My Phone technique before you go off losing it! Make sure all your stuff is backed up occasionally so you won't feel bad at all about a Remote Wipe (erasing your phone so the bad guys don't get it).

在失去功能之前,先测试一下您选择的“查找我的电话”技术! 确保偶尔备份所有内容,以使您不会对Remote Wipe感到不满(删除您的电话,使坏人无法得到它)。

添加个人密码并锁定手机 (Add a Pin Number and Lock Your Phone)

Next, DO Add at a Pin Number or password to your Phone. Having a phone that's unlocked already is just asking for trouble. You can always pick a simple 4 digit pin but pick SOMETHING.

接下来,请使用您的手机的个人识别号码或密码添加。 拥有一部已经解锁的电话只是在找麻烦。 您总是可以选择一个简单的4位数图钉,但可以选择一些东西。

制作“如果找到”壁纸 (Make an "If Found" Wallpaper)

However, if you do use a password or pin and lock your phone by default, be sure to update your wallpaper to include contact info. I highly recommend the application If Found+ for the iPhone. It'll take your existing WallPaper and stamp a "If found, call..." or "Reward if found, email..." on your phone. Sometimes $50 and a phone number will get you your phone back quickly.

但是,如果您确实使用密码或默认情况下固定并锁定了手机,请确保更新墙纸以包括联系信息。 我强烈推荐iPhone应用程序If Found + 。 它将使用您现有的WallPaper,并在手机上标记“如果找到,请致电...”或“奖励如果找到,请通过电子邮件...”。 有时,50美元和一个电话号码会使您的手机Swift退回。

2.不可追踪-打开手机,Twitter和Facebook上特定应用程序的位置设置 (2. Don't be Trackable - Turn of Location Settings for specific apps on your Phone, Twitter and Facebook)

You want to be able to find your phone, but you shouldn't give away your location when you talk online. Ever heard of http://pleaserobme.com? They'll look at your Twitter account and see if you're giving away your location via FourSquare checkins and the like. The bad guys would love to break into your house when they can be sure you're not there. Broadcasting your location is a great way to make it easy for them.

您希望能够找到您的电话,但是当您在线交谈时,您不应放弃您的位置。 听说过http://pleaserobme.com吗? 他们将查看您的Twitter帐户,看看您是否通过FourSquare签到等方式放弃了自己的位置。 坏蛋可以确定您不在那儿时会喜欢闯入您的房子。 广播您的位置是使他们轻松的好方法。

There are many ways you can accidentally give away your location. First, in your Twitter profile. Early iPhone Twitter clients would update this field automatically with your exact latitude and longitude.

您可以通过多种方式不小心泄露自己的位置。 首先,在您的Twitter个人资料中。 早期的iPhone Twitter客户会使用您的确切纬度和经度自动更新此字段。

For example, here's a parody account that indicates it's not a real person. However, I can still tell where they are in the world...down to 6 decimal points.

例如,这是一个模仿帐户,表明它不是真实人物。 但是,我仍然可以知道它们在世界上的位置...低至6个小数点。


Another way is to tweet and include your location, either on purpose or accidentally. Most Twitter clients have a "geotag" button now, but you may just want to turn that feature off completely by denying the twitter application access to your Location Services.

另一种方法是故意或不经意地发布和包括您的位置。 大多数Twitter客户现在都具有“地理标记”按钮,但是您可能只想通过拒绝Twitter应用程序对位置服务的访问来完全关闭该功能

Also, don't be the mayor of your house. Foursquare recently started "blurring" the locations of what it believes are residences, but you can still give your location in general terms when you check into a home or residence.

另外,不要成为你家的市长。 Foursquare最近开始“模糊”它认为是住宅的位置,但是当您入住房屋或住宅时,仍可以使用一般术语给出位置。

3.锁定笔记本电脑-保护计算机(台式机或笔记本电脑) (3. Lock your Laptop - Secure your computer (desktop OR laptop))

I amazed at how few people even bother to put a password on their laptops. Yes, there's always a way to break a password or get information off a hard drive, but why make it easy for them? The main concern is that if you allow anyone to boot up your computer and run a web browser, chances are that you've clicked "Save Password" on your Facebook or Twitter or, even worse, your email. At that point you're dead.

令我惊讶的是,几乎没有人甚至不愿意在笔记本电脑上输入密码。 是的,总有一种方法可以破解密码或从硬盘驱动器中获取信息,但是为什么要使它们变得容易呢? 主要问题是,如果允许任何人启动计算机并运行Web浏览器,则很可能是您单击了Facebook或Twitter上的“保存密码”,甚至更糟糕的是,单击了电子邮件。 那时你已经死了。

Consider installing PreyProject on your machine. It can make it possible to track your laptop or desktop if it's stolen. There's been a number of times where folks have been able to track a thief in real-time and secure their belongings - while live-tweeting the whole event!

考虑在您的计算机上安装PreyProject 。 如果笔记本电脑或台式机被盗,则可以跟踪笔记本电脑或台式机。 很多时候人们可以实时追踪小偷并保护他们的财产-在现场发布整个活动的同时发布推文!

4.全部加密-保护您的个人文件和外部硬盘驱动器 (4. Encrypt it ALL - Secure your personal files and external hard drives)

Here's an experiment that will scare the crap out of you. Use your computer's search function (upper-right corner on a Mac and lower-left on a PC) and type in your Social Security number. Go ahead, it's not going to the internet. See if you find some PDFs from your accountant or an old Excel file. Freaked out now? Now either delete it or put it somewhere secure.

这是一个会让您不满意的实验。 使用计算机的搜索功能(在Mac上为右上角,在PC上为左下角),然后输入您的社会保险号。 继续吧,它不会连接到互联网。 查看您是否从会计师或旧的Excel文件中找到了一些PDF。 现在吓坏了吗? 现在,要么将其删除,要么将其放置在安全的地方。

If you have files with information you don't want falling into the wrong hands, consider using a tool like TrueCrypt to make an "encrypted volume." This is a single file that you can access as if it were a disk itself. You can make a "personal.dat" file of any size and keep your personal information inside that "disk inside a file." You can then keep that file in DropBox or another cloud storage system. With a strong password, these TrueCrypt files are VERY VERY secure.

如果您有包含信息的文件,不想误入歧途,请考虑使用TrueCrypt之类的工具来制作“加密卷”。 这是一个文件,您可以像访问磁盘一样访问。 您可以制作任何大小的“ personal.dat”文件,并将您的个人信息保留在“文件内的磁盘”中。 然后,您可以将该文件保留在DropBox或其他云存储系统中。 使用强密码,这些TrueCrypt文件非常安全。

If you have a technical friend with you, you can even encrypt your entire disk with TrueCrypt. Or, if you have Windows 7 Ultimate, you can "bitlocker" it, as I do all my drives. This way, even if a bad guy gets your laptop, they can't do anything with your drives. They are bricks without passwords and pins.

如果您有技术朋友,甚至可以使用TrueCrypt加密整个磁盘。 或者,如果您使用Windows 7 Ultimate,则可以像我所有驱动器一样对其进行“位锁定”。 这样,即使一个坏人拿到了您的笔记本电脑,他们也无法对您的驱动器做任何事情。 它们是没有密码和密码的积木。

5.不要随身携带口袋-加密USB密钥和“跳转驱动器” (5. Don't Carry Your Life in Your Pocket - Encrypt USB Keys and "Jump Drives")

Some folks will take precautions with laptops and computers but then copy their whole life to a portable USB stick and put in their pocket.


Encrypt your portable drives

If you can, encrypt your files on your portable drive - again, with TrueCrypt or BitLocker.


6.使用更好的密码-使其更难使用,或使用通行短语 (6. Use Better Passwords - Make it harder, or use Pass Phrases)

Using the name of your last movie or the street that you grew up on may seem like a clever password but it's not. A lot has been said online about password strength, so I won't belabor the point.

使用上一部电影的名称或您所长大的街道的名称似乎是一个聪明的密码,但事实并非如此。 在线上已经有很多关于密码强度的说法,所以我不会太在意这一点。

If you can, use a passphrase that's longer than a password, but easier for you to remember.


7.超级保护您的电子邮件-在Gmail中启用两因素身份验证 (7. Super Secure your Email - Turn on 2-factor auth in Gmail)

After you have a great password, if you've got a Gmail account for example that you REALLY can't have compromised, consider turning on "two factor authentication."


Hang in there, Kim. Sounds scary, but isn't. Two factor means, two things that you have or remember. A password is just one thing you have to remember. It's one factor. But two factors means a password plus something else. The second thing will be something you have.

挂在那儿,金。 听起来很吓人,但事实并非如此。 两个因素意味着,您拥有或记住的两件事。 密码只是您必须记住的一件事。 这是一个因素。 但是有两个因素意味着密码加上其他东西。 第二件事将是您拥有的东西

You always have your phone, right? So why not make it so your Gmail account requires a password (that you know) and your phone (that you have).

您总是有手机,对不对? 那么,为什么不这样做,则您的Gmail帐户需要一个密码(您知道)和一个电话(您拥有)。

  • To set this up in Gmail you go to using 2-step verification.


    • You can turn it on and give it your cell phone number. You can then install a small application that will give you a code that you'll use as your second factor when you log in.  "But, wait, that sucks! I don't want to do that every time I log in!" Don't worry, darling. You don't have to. You can tell Gmail to only require this code every 30 days.

      您可以打开它并提供您的手机号码。 然后,您可以安装一个小型应用程序,该应用程序将为您提供一个代码,您将在登录时将其用作第二个因素。“但是,等等,太糟糕了!我不想每次登录时都这样做!” 亲爱的,别担心。 不用了您可以告诉Gmail仅每30天要求此代码。

    • If you have other services, apps, or maybe your phone's email that use your Gmail password these will suddenly think the password has changed because they don't understand two-factor auth. For these applications, you'll just give them their own custom password.

      如果您还有其他服务,应用或使用Gmail密码的手机电子邮件,这些人会突然认为密码已更改,因为他们不了解两步验证。 对于这些应用程序,您只需为其提供自定义密码

      • You go to manage application-specific passwords and get a password or two for your phone's mail or other apps that need Gmail access. The nice thing is that each app gets its own password so you can revoke them at anytime!

        您可以管理应用程序专用密码,并为手机的邮件或需要Gmail访问权限的其他应用程序获取一个或两个密码。 令人高兴的是,每个应用程序都有自己的密码,因此您可以随时将其撤消!

      If you have other services, apps, or maybe your phone's email that use your Gmail password these will suddenly think the password has changed because they don't understand two-factor auth. For these applications, you'll just give them their own custom password.

      如果您还有其他服务,应用或使用Gmail密码的手机电子邮件,这些人会突然认为密码已更改,因为他们不了解两步验证。 对于这些应用程序,您只需为其提供自定义密码

    To set this up in Gmail you go to using 2-step verification.


You can also tighten up your Facebook security by turning on Login Approvals. This is effectively two factor authentication as well. Facebook can SMS (text) you when you log in and then you type in the number they send you to confirm that not only do you know your password, you also have your phone.

您还可以通过打开登录批准来加强Facebook安全。 这实际上也是两因素验证。 当您登录时,Facebook可以短信给您(文本),然后键入他们发送给您的号码,以确认您不仅知道密码,还拥有手机。

8.隐藏您的住所-确保所有域都没有可见的家庭住址 (8. Hide Where You Live - Make sure None of your Domains have your Home Address visible)

Make sure if you own a domain that you've turned on Privacy or use DomainsByProxy or some other "WhoIs Privacy Protection." You don't want a fan showing up for dinner.

确保您拥有的域已启用隐私保护,或使用DomainsByProxy或其他“ WhoIs隐私保护”。 您不希望风扇出现在晚餐上。

The WhoIs Record for TomCruise.com

9.保护您的登录-为Twitter,Gmail和Facebook启用SSL / HTTPS (9. Secure Your Login - Turn on SSL/HTTPS for Twitter, Gmail and Facebook)

If you find yourself in a Starbucks or on location a lot using strange Wi-Fi, you should probably make sure that your Twitter and Facebook accounts are using https (the S is for more Secure) by default. That's the same kind of encryption your bank uses. Just check your Twitter and Facebook accounts. You only need to do it once.

如果您发现自己在星巴克或大量使用奇怪的Wi-Fi的位置上,则可能应确保默认情况下确保Twitter和Facebook帐户使用https(S表示更安全)。 这与银行使用的加密方式相同。 只需检查您的Twitter和Facebook帐户即可。 您只需要做一次。

Here's Twitter:


And Facebook:


You can also Google more securely at https://encrypted.google.com or https://duckduckgo.com.


10.如果以HTTP开头,则可能是公共的-顺便说一句,TwitPics是公共的 (10. If it starts with HTTP, it's probably public - BTW, TwitPics are Public)

If you use a tool like TwitPic or any online photo sharing, or  - let's just be straight here - anything online...it's likely public. If it has a URL, someone can get to it. Assume everything you do online is public.

如果您使用TwitPic之类的工具或任何在线照片共享工具,或者-我们直接就在这里-任何在线...可能都是公开的。 如果它具有URL,则有人可以访问它。 假设您在网上所做的一切都是公开的。

I've personally watched a number of celebrities have conversations between each other on Twitter as if Twitter were a private chat. Just last month Charlie Sheen tweeted his phone number to Justin Bieber. So, he got a new phone. http://3109547277.com

我亲眼看到许多名人在Twitter上互相交谈,就好像Twitter是私人聊天一样。 就在上个月,查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)在推特上发了他的电话号码给贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)。 因此,他得到了一部新手机。 http://3109547277.com

Also, just an FYI. Don't take a picture of your pee-pee. There's just no reason for that.

此外,仅供参考。 不要拍尿尿照片。 完全没有理由。

结论 (Conclusion)

This may sound like a lot, but it's simpler than you may think and it can be setup so that it's not invasive in your life.


The main points are these:


  • Make it so you can find your stuff, but others can't find you.


  • Use pins or passwords on your devices when you can.

  • Encrypt sensitive data in TrueCrypt files or Bitlockered drives.

  • Use "two factor" authorization for crucial services like email.


Feel free to suggest other tops I may have missed in the comments! And, perhaps pass this on to your Famous Friend.

随意建议我可能在评论中错过的其他上衣! 并且,也许将此传递给您的“著名朋友”。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ten-things-to-do-to-secure-an-important-persons-computer-or-even-ashtons-or-a-kardashians




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